Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 944


The sound of swallowing sounded in the car, which was very shocking. Yang Ping looked at Yang Yuxin with a crimson face and opened her mouth to speak. Unexpectedly, Yang Yuxin really didn\'t see anything and swallowed things directly.

Her mouth is a little swollen.

However, it seemed that Yang Yuxin was in a very good mental state. She pretended to be calm, wiped her mouth, looked at a grove in front of her and said, "my brother\'s address is in the cabin."

A cabin in the woods.

Gloomy and terrible.

But it is very suitable for Yin and Yang masters in island countries. Yin and Yang masters like dark and dirty places to practice dark Yin and Yang skills. Such an environment will speed up the cultivation speed and make the Yin and Yang skills more powerful.

Yang Yuxin wanted to get off, but was stopped. Yang Ping looked at her and said, "wait for me outside."

"No, I want to go in." Yang Yuxin insisted.

Yang Ping shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I feel a strong magnetic field. Someone should set an ambush. You should meet outside..."

Yang Yuxin insisted, "that\'s still my brother."

Yang Ping finally had to compromise, but he explained that he couldn\'t be impulsive, otherwise there would be big problems. The other party must know who came, because Yang Yuxin couldn\'t hide her breath.

However, Yang Ping\'s breath can\'t be perceived. Even in the realm of saints, Sakura swordsman can\'t perceive it. This is an advantage. Yang Ping let Yang Yuxin in and hid himself in the dark.

The array is not strong. It is obviously not aimed at Yang [email protected] ^^$

After their discussion, Yang Yuxin\'s eyes were firm and murmured, "brother, you should hold on, and sister should come to save you."

Yang Ping disappeared.

Yang Yuxin tidied up her mood, quietly sneaked into the grove and slowly approached the cabin in the forest. The light in the hut is very gloomy and green. If you look at it from a distance, you think it\'s a ghost fire.

It looks very cold around.

Yang Yuxin came to the hut and was just about to peek. When the door of the hut opened, a non-standard Chinese language came out: "Miss Yang, since you\'re here, why don\'t you come in and have a seat."! $*!

Yang Yuxin turned pale and said in secret that Yang Ping expected things like God. His every move was in each other\'s design. But she didn\'t panic because Yang Ping was nearby.

She pretended to be angry, which was explained by Yang Ping. She wanted to paralyze the islanders inside and shouted, "you let my brother go. My brother has no grievances with you..." she cried as she walked, but she was very alert to the traps around, but she felt something wrong when she saw the scene in the hut.


There are two people in the cabin. One is a middle-aged man in kimono. There is a long whip behind his head. At his waist is a narrow samurai sword. It is full of domineering. The kimono is carved with bright cherry blossoms, which is the most beautiful color in the room.

This man is very powerful, and his faint strong breath oppresses Yang Yuxin. When he saw Yang Yuxin, he showed greedy eyes, flashed away, and then piled up a smile.

Opposite the kimono man sat a 19-year-old boy with sword eyebrows and stars. He looked very good-looking, but his face was childish. Looking at Yang Yuxin, he couldn\'t help getting excited.

"Light rain."

When Yang Yuxin saw that his brother was all right, he was relieved and shouted, "Xiaoyu, are you all right? They didn\'t do anything to you."

Yang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "master is very kind to me."

Yang Yuxin was stunned, then his face changed wildly and lost his voice: "Xiaoyu, what did you say just now? Who is your master?"

Yang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "sister, who else is my master here? At that time, master Shuiyue taught me martial arts and killed those who bullied me. He was kind to me again."

Yang Yuxin only feels that his head is not enough. His brother actually worships the island people as teachers, which is unacceptable. Moreover, the island people are insidious and cunning, so they must have a plot.

"Xiaoyu, come here first!"

Yang Yuxin held back her panic. This time she really panicked. When she heard what her brother said, she just wanted to take him away and shouted, "come on, let\'s get out of here."

Yang Xiaoyu didn\'t move and said impatiently, "sister, I said that master Shuiyue is my master. Don\'t worry, the master is very kind to me and won\'t harm me."

Yang Yuxin sighed and said with a bitter smile, "it\'s over. His brother has been brainwashed or hypnotized by the other party. He must be taken away immediately, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."


"No! I will never agree." Yang Yuxin directly denied it and shouted, "I will never allow my brother to worship an island country as a teacher."

Shuiyue sighed and said, "Miss Yang, martial arts have no national boundaries, and martial arts have no national boundaries. Our practitioners pay attention to following heaven\'s will and look at fate. It\'s fate when I meet Xiaoyu. Please complete it."

Yang Yuxin refused again.

Yang Xiaoyu\'s smile disappeared. When he heard that his sister disagreed, he said unhappily, "sister, I\'m 19 years old and an adult. Can\'t I make a decision for myself?"

Yang Yuxin hurriedly said, "Xiaoyu, you are still young. You don\'t know a lot of things outside. This one called Shuiyue has a different intention."

Shuiyue shook her head and said, "Miss Yang misunderstood."

Yang Yuxin sneered and hummed, "I misunderstood you. You used my ex boyfriend Zhang Liguo. What do you say about this? Don\'t you just want to control me?"

Shuiyue smiled.

Yang Xiaoyu suddenly said, "sister, brother Liguo was my idea. I know you are stubborn and only love brother Liguo, so I made an idea to revive Liguo and stay with you."


Yang Yuxin\'s head exploded. He looked at his brother strangely and shouted, "did you make an idea?"

Yang Xiaoyu said with a smile, "yes, sister, are you very happy to see the resurrected brother Liguo? Brother Liguo told me that he regretted it."


Yang Yuxin looked at her smiling face and even looked at her brother with worship. Her heart sank to the bottom of the valley and understood that her brother must have been brainwashed.

Otherwise, I won\'t be crazy to help the islanders.

Yang Yuxin felt cold at the thought of his brother\'s practice. Unexpectedly, the things that hurt him most were thought up by the relatives he cared about most.

Is this a great irony?

"Xiaoyu, if you don\'t go with me this year, we\'ll break the relationship between sister and brother." Yang Yuxin shouted with an ugly face.

Yang Xiaoyu looked at his sister pitifully and said helplessly, "sister, you have too many opinions about the people of the island country. In fact, with the development of the times and China\'s entry into WTO, there is no eternal enemy in the world. Not everyone in the island country is very bad. At least the master cares about me and takes care of me, so that I can find my father\'s feeling."

Yang Yuxin was so angry that she wanted to hit people, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

Yang Xiaoyu continued to advise: "sister, I asked you to come this time. As long as I want you to help the master do something, it\'s actually very simple."

Shuiyue nodded and smiled, looking very kind.

Yang Yuxin stared at Shuiyue and said coldly, "can you get me for a small thing?"

Yang Xiaoyu smiled innocently and said, "the master is very kind. In fact, he wants you to help put medicine in your boss\'s bowl."

Yang Yuxin\'s head immediately exploded and stared at Yang Xiaoyu.

Is this still your brother?

OS: Recently, due to the G20, the update will be very unstable and may be delayed to the next day. Also, this book is the first book cluster, and the fastest update is also the book cluster.