Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 941

Dr. J has a high status in the United States, and the military and business circles are very open. He is at the top of the Chinese military wanted list, but Yang Ping still feels that he underestimates him.

Entering the Chinese Dragon City alone can still live well at present. It is difficult for Chinese saints to do so, unless they are super powerful saints who can defend themselves against the defense of the dragon city. But be honest and don\'t easily expose yourself. However, Dr. J\'s practice of wind and rain in Longcheng can go further, which is enough to explain the danger degree of this person.

Dr. J can intercept the breath of the body and hide it in a place to confuse the public. It is tantamount to cultivating a separate body. It is unpredictable. Even Yang Ping can cheat.

The talking couple\'s eyes glowed red and looked at Yang Ping with a strange smile. On them, Yang Ping felt the same breath as Zhang Liguo.

too bad!

Yang Ping used the method of suppressing Zhang Liguo to make the little couple faint. She looked out of the window with a dignified face and wasted so much energy. Dr. J must not just scare her. The bomb of the little couple is powerful, but it is not enough to kill Yang Ping.

What is Dr. J\'s purpose?

But soon Yang Ping felt that the magnetic field of the whole building had changed greatly, even with the smell of destruction. The building has a connection with something underground, and Yang Ping\'s breaking in destroys the balance and will put the whole building in danger. If he leaves at once, the whole building will blow to pieces.

Cold on the back.

Yang Ping\'s eyes were full of murderous spirit and said in a cold voice, "Dr. J, I won\'t let you leave Longcheng alive." this man is cruel and ruthless. He can sacrifice dozens of lives in order to achieve his goal.

This man is more terrible than the villains in China.

With dozens of lives, Dr. J doesn\'t take the lives of Chinese people seriously.

Yang Ping could not leave for the time being. His mental strength quickly dispersed and shrouded the villa in the bay area. He saw a familiar figure enter the villa and his face changed dramatically.

Wang came to the villa again, but this time the atmosphere was completely different and full of murderous spirit.

too bad!

Yang Ping was angry and thought of the spirit tablet in the dark room. It said that Yi was full of mysterious power, which was more terrible than anyone he had ever seen.

The king at the moment must be very powerful.

"Yang Ping, we finally met." the man of the little couple on the bed flashed his eyes and printed the influence of Dr. J. with blond hair, blue eyes and a warm smile, he couldn\'t see that he was a murderer.

"This is a dish I prepared for you. I choose between dozens of innocent lives and Zhu Xi. I don\'t know what you will choose?"

Dr. J looked at Yang Ping with interest and sighed: "the duty of soldiers is to protect the country. You Chinese soldiers pay attention to self sacrifice. I don\'t know if you will sacrifice your women?"

Yang Ping said angrily, "I\'ll find you soon."

Feeling Yang Ping\'s endless killing, Dr. J shrugged and said helplessly, "Yang Ping, this one has nothing to do with me. At least Wang is not under my control. If you want to blame, blame you for offending too many people. Everyone wants to kill you. I just take advantage of the opportunity."

"I got one of the 18 death free stone tablets in Longcheng, and finally studied them secretly before everyone else. Tut Tut, it really deserves to be the most mysterious stone tablet in Longcheng. The materials used are meteorites outside the sky. Moreover, it can be made into stone tablets, which can\'t be made in the United States."

"I\'ll give you a piece of fortune. If you can save the lives of these dozens of people, you may know the secret of the stone tablet. It\'s a good thing. I was silent for a month before I reluctantly studied it."

"Do you choose dozens of innocent lives or your own women? Yang Ping, I\'m very curious about how you choose. Ha ha."

Dr. J has calculated, so he has no scruples. It seems that everything is under control.

Yang Ping knew that Dr. J was powerful. If he didn\'t move, he would have moved. Moving must be conspiracy after conspiracy, which is why he is very difficult to deal with.

Yang Ping breathed a sigh of relief. His spiritual power shrouded the whole building and saw the boundary between life and death. The stone tablet of no death was at the base of the building, which could be dissolved and killed the people on the floor at any time.

At that moment, Yang Ping could not save everyone.

It was Yang Ping\'s existence that forced the town to hold down the stone tablet. If the death free stone tablet was cracked, the radiation hidden in it would be enough for everyone to die miserably.

Wang has entered the bay area villa and found Zhu Xi to talk. Their chat looks very harmonious. Yang Ping is secretly anxious. If this goes on, something big will happen.

There are old people and children in the whole building. If they shout, they won\'t believe it. They will be regarded as neuropathy. What can we do to quickly remove the danger?

Yang Ping was in distress.

Dr. J is good at using people\'s hearts. If Yang Ping fails to save his life, he will certainly have a magic barrier because of today\'s events in the future. If he fails to save Zhu Xi, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It is almost impossible to completely suppress the death free stone tablet, because Dr. J does not know how to release the power of the death free stone tablet, which is equivalent to a time bomb, which will explode as soon as it is touched.

This is why Dr. J has confidence in the stone tablet.

Because no one has the ability to press back the released breath of destruction, unless the strength is better than the expert who makes the immortal stone tablet.

Yang Ping took a deep breath, sat around, ignored Dr. J\'s ridicule and began to think about solutions.

Bay area villa.

Zhu Xi recovered well. Yang Yuxin just went out and had something to do. She was the only one left at home. Wang came at this time and was pleased with her.

Seeing Wang\'s indifferent expression, Zhu Xi thought she was still sorry for the previous things and comforted: "Wang, you know you can\'t help yourself. Things have passed before, and we are still good friends."

Wang burst into tears and said with a bitter smile, "Zhu Xi, I feel very sorry for you. If I don\'t get your forgiveness, I will be upset all my life."

Zhu Xi saw Wang\'s heartbroken appearance and felt pity. This heartbroken girl used to be a nervous strip and would face any difficulties positively. But much has changed recently.

Wang feels very different from before.

"Zhu Xi, I\'m sorry for you."

Wang Meng looked up and cried in pain. He kept shaking his head and looked very tangled. He wanted to leave, but he didn\'t dare to leave.

Zhu Xi was puzzled and asked, "Wang, what\'s the difficulty? Shall we solve it together? Don\'t hide it in my heart. I\'ll feel as bad as you."

Wang was moved, but the more moved, the more painful.


Wang suddenly took out a pistol from his waist and aimed it at the center of Zhu Xi\'s eyebrows.

Zhu Xi was stunned, and then said displeased, "Wang, are you crazy? I have said that I don\'t care about previous things. Why do you always like to joke and put the gun down."

Wang shook his head and muttered, "I won\'t put it down, Zhu Xi, I can\'t help it. If you don\'t die, I will die, and all my family will die."

Zhu Xi was shocked and looked at Wang inconceivably.

She really changed too much.

Wang closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

Zhu Xi smiled bitterly and secretly. Yang Ping had already reminded me to be careful of Wang, but she was single-minded. She didn\'t expect to be sprayed as a result.

This made Zhu Xi extremely painful.

Why really pay back, in the end it\'s just empty.

Gunfire rang out.

Zhu Xi closed her eyes and waited to die.