Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 940

After Dr. J discussed the plan with the soldiers of the psionic Association, the others left the room one after another. He didn\'t go, but continued to wait.

Sitting on a futon, he practiced ancient Chinese martial arts and made great progress.

Dr. J integrates many things, including Western prayer, American powers, Chinese ancient martial arts, and even yin-yang skills in island countries. Each ability can reach a very high level. After merging with each other, he wants to find a balance point and gather all the power systems to create amazing abilities.


Dr. J opened his eyes, his pupils dilated, and a scene appeared in front of him. Sometimes he turned into a priest practicing ancient martial arts, sometimes into a yin-yang teacher of the island country, and finally into himself.

Relax, Dr. J spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, the power in the body is more and more pure, the skin is golden, and the breath is flickering and melting into the void.

I don\'t know whether it\'s inside or outside. It\'s like a stone thrown into the dead lake, rippling.

A power seed took shape in the body, and Dr. J showed a strange smile.

It\'s finally going to succeed.

Combining several powerful abilities, Dr. J can become the strongest person.

The light was dim, the shadow swayed, and a gust of wind blew from the window. The wind brought a cherry blossom and floated into the room. Dr. J stared out of the window and said with a smile: "the cherry blossom sword master of the island country is coming, shining brightly."

The cherry blossoms floated into the room and turned into a figure.

A man with a simple face but like a sharp sword appeared in the room. His eyes were sharp, red cherry blossoms were tattooed on his kimono, and his long narrow eyes looked at Dr. J.

"Yang Ping is hard to deal with."@^^$

Dr. J came straight to the point. His blue pupils looked more flirtatious and said with a smile: "the cherry blossom swordsman is one of the three great masters of the island country. He came to Longcheng in person and has a great style."

Sakura swordsman is very powerful in the middle stage of the sage. He can give full play to his strength by borrowing the treasure of the island country. He is a terrible figure.

Dr. J\'s courage to face the cherry blossom swordsman who can release all his strength shows his great courage and unfathomable strength.

The cherry blossom swordsman said faintly, "are you the commander of the psionic association?"

Dr. J nodded and said humbly, "the commander doesn\'t deserve it, but in Longcheng, the strength I can use is equivalent to the commander."! $*!

Sakura swordsman wanted to see through Dr. J, but he was isolated by a force, nodded secretly, recognized each other\'s strength, and said, "I met your commander."

Dr. J smiled and said, "the commander mentioned you in front of me. You are a great master. I didn\'t expect to come to Longcheng."

Sakura swordsman said impatiently, "boy, since you are not a commander, let someone with weight speak. Although you can hide your strength, it doesn\'t mean you are qualified to talk to me."

Dr. J smiled without speaking.

The cherry blossom swordsman snorted coldly and stretched out his hand. The sword fell from the top of the head, as if it had been shot from the arm, turned into a samurai sword, and cleaved at Dr. J.

Dr. J didn\'t retreat. The pupil showed gouyu. Three gouyu twisted the void and swallowed the sword Qi directly. There was no trace of battle in the room. The fight between the two became invisible.

The cherry blossom swordsman said softly, "your pupil power is still stronger than the commander!"

In fact, pupil surgery is also a kind of surgery, but Dr. J\'s pupil surgery belongs to natural God\'s eye, so his learning ability is super strong, and his strength has made rapid progress.

One sword is useless. Sakura swordsman is not testing.

"What can I do for you?"

Sakura swordsman asked solemnly. Dr. J\'s pupil strength is obviously qualified to talk to him, which is the purpose of asking each other. If Dr. J was weak, he would be dead now.

Dr. J said, "it\'s good for you and me to discuss major events."

Sakura swordsman sneered.

Dr. J went to the cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine, smiled and asked, "if I told you, I can help you create a mysterious energy liquid that can make you further, can you sit down and have a good talk?"

The Sakura swordsman sneered and said, "Dr. J, I know you\'re eloquent, but I won\'t believe you. I\'m a great master and haven\'t saved it for 20 years, which shows that the way of saints can\'t be solved by foreign things."

Dr. J suddenly said, "if I tell you, I can get a great saint\'s body and refine it into a furnace of sublimation liquid, can I solve your problem?"

Sakura swordsman\'s face changed dramatically.

Dr. J pointed to the bench and said with a smile, "Sakura swordsman, can you sit down and have a good talk?"


In a five story house in the village of the city, Yang Ping jumped onto the top floor and smashed the door with a fist. He wanted to kill people, but he was foolish to see a couple in the room doing what they loved to do with their clothes.

The little couple screamed, and the man roared, "paralyzed, do you want to die, get out of here!" as soon as they were about to enter, they were destroyed, and the man was very angry.

Yang Ping ignored a pair of small emotions in bed, but searched the room.

Little lovers are silly. They haven\'t seen such a calm man.

The woman wrapped in a quilt and said, "husband, call the police and catch it immediately."

The man smiled grimly and hummed: "don\'t worry, don\'t call the police. I can handle it alone. Wife, look after it for me. I\'ve practiced Taekwondo."


In front of the little couple, Yang Ping smashed a ceramic tile, and then took out a glass bottle with rolling red liquid and gurgling smoke.

The smell comes from inside, and it smells like Dr. J.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified.

Dr. J is very cunning now. After knowing that Yang Ping is the guardian of the Dragon City, he kept a low profile. During this time, he almost disappeared from the world.

But on the way back with Yang Yuxin, Yang Ping clearly noticed the smell of Dr. J.

When I came to the source of breath, I didn\'t expect that it was just a hiding place in Dr. J\'s cunning rabbit cave. And this pair of men and women, do not know, in fact, have long been occupied by people.

Yang Ping secretly said that it was terrible and was deceived.

There is no Dr. J here.

Where is the real Dr. J?

A punch through the floor scared the little couple to scream. The woman looked at Yang Ping in horror, pulled the man around her and said in a trembling voice, "I\'m afraid, husband."

The man was more flustered and said in fear, "brother, take whatever you want."

The destructive power of Yang Ping\'s casual punch almost scared them to death. Is this still a man? If he fights, the man thinks that one punch can blow his head, and he shudders all over.


Yang Ping\'s face changed dramatically.

Dr. J deliberately lured himself here. He must want to do something. This man is insidious and cunning. He won\'t aim at nothing.

Yang Ping had a bad feeling in her heart.