Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 937

Unexpectedly, when I came to the suite of Mingyue Hotel, I met Wang Lun, the son of the Wang family. Seeing the other three girls\' scared expression, Yang Ping wanted to cry. Yang Ping took a look. The three girls were cold and hurried to shut up. They didn\'t feel murderous, but Yang Ping\'s eyes were very scary.

"Shh..." Yang Ping gestured to Wang Lun to keep quiet. His smile was charming, but it was terrible in Wang Lun\'s eyes.

Yang Ping\'s reputation is similar to that of the devil in the eyes of the Wang family. Recently, all the Wang family are very honest, especially Wang Qiming\'s sons, who almost dare not go out.

Wang Lun and Yang Ping had a feud before. When they learned that Yang Ping\'s strength made the Wang family afraid to appear, they really couldn\'t hold back. They haven\'t touched a woman for a long time. As the four major children of Longcheng, how can they not come out to find a woman.

He has been very low-key. He only plays with women in four-star hotels, but unexpectedly, he met the devil. There are people who want to die. None of the four were dressed. There was tin foil on the bedside table. There was white powder. It was estimated that it was drugs and so on.

Yang Ping was not in the mood to argue with Wang Lun, but Wang Lun didn\'t think so. He begged, "Yang Shao, just say what you want. I\'ll give you all. Just don\'t kill me."

After looking at the four people on the bed, ouch, they are in good shape, fat and thin, but the three girls have a strong dress on their faces, and many places have been corrected. When you look through it, there are silica gel and salt water

Shaking his head, Yang Ping immediately had no interest in these girls. Wang Lun misunderstood what he meant, winked at the girl and said, "one million, serve Yang Shao well."

The three girls were still afraid. They didn\'t want to spread a million good things. They looked at Yang Ping and their eyes lit up. In addition, Yang Ping has no unnecessary murderous spirit, so the girls think he is Wang Lun\'s friend.

"Yang Shao..." a slightly fat girl winked, got up, looked at all the light, and wanted to do something to Yang Ping.

Yang Ping sighed helplessly and looked at the girls. The three fainted. Wang Lun was frightened and thought he was going to die. Just about to shout, Yang Ping said coldly, "if you don\'t want to die, be quiet."


Wang Lun quickly shut up, but Yang Ping felt inappropriate and fainted. Before fainting, Wang Lun showed a resentful expression and seemed to say, why do you hit me when I shut up.

Properly handled, Yang Ping listens to the next suite, his eyes pierce the wall, and just sees Yang Yuxin enter the room with a man inside.

When he saw the man, Yang Ping took a breath of air-conditioning.

What a strong breath of death!

This person is completely filled with death, and all parts of his body have long lost their vitality. There is no place like a living person in his heart and head, as if a corpse was controlled by someone.

But this man still has a soul.

Of course, it\'s terrible. Refresh Yang Ping\'s three views. He observed carefully, and finally found something wrong. Nine meticulous steel needles were inserted into Zhang Liguo\'s head, nine inches deep from his scalp.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and set off a storm in his heart. This method is the yin-yang skill of the island country, and it is also a very evil spirit control skill. He met a very powerful spirit control master before, but the level is not high and the harm is not great. However, the yin-yang master of the island country who controls Zhang Liguo is obviously a real master.

Being able to control the resurrection of corpses and preserve complete thinking has reached the realm of saints. Even in the island country, it belongs to a real great master.

The saints and masters of the island came to Longcheng and lurked deeply.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified. Unexpectedly, when she came to see her ex boyfriend with Yang Yuxin, she could also find clues about the yin-yang division of the island country. The island Master controls Zhang Liguo. He should value Yang Yuxin around Zhu Xi and want to try to find out Zhu Xi\'s secret.

It\'s not easy!

Yang Ping sneered in his heart. Since he found it, he would erase the danger.

It\'s best to follow the vine and touch the melon to remove the nest of experts in the island country. Yang Jingjing watches the change. In the next room, Yang Yuxin has quarreled with Zhang Liguo. It has to be said that Zhang Liguo was very handsome. There is no need to be much worse. But it\'s also normal. Yang Yuxin is a beautiful girl at the school flower level. Why is her boyfriend so bad?

But from Zhang Liguo\'s face, it is short-lived, and then lazy, relying on his appearance to cheat women\'s money, which is also the main reason why Yang Yuxin broke up.

"What have you done to my brother? Where is he?" Yang Yuxin angrily scolded.

Zhang Liguo looked at Yang Yuxin coldly. His expression was indifferent and his eyes didn\'t turn. He said, "you promised to get back together with me, and I\'ll let your brother go."

Yang Yuxin trembled with anger and said, "Zhang Liguo, you\'re breaking the law. You should know why I separated. Have you ever thought it\'s a shame to live on a woman\'s money!"

Zhang Liguo said coldly, "what\'s wrong with my ability to make money? Why do you despise me? You were kept by the headmaster at the beginning."

Yang Ping was secretly shocked. The two chatted and broke the news. But when they heard that Yang Yuxin had been kept, they felt a little uncomfortable. After all, they felt that there was a problem with the character of the girl who was kept. But nothing can be generalized. And Yang Yuxin doesn\'t look like being kept.

"Nonsense, I have explained it to you countless times. I have nothing to do with the headmaster. Once he wanted to insult me, but he was beaten by me for fear of being exposed by me. He beat 100000 yuan to my card. I have nothing to do with him!" Yang Yuxin mentioned the past, with an angry and sad expression.

Zhang Liguo was still indifferent, and the expression on his face had not changed. He said, "I only believe what my eyes see. Compound, you follow me again, and I won\'t let you suffer."

Yang Yuxin sneered and hummed, "Zhang Liguo, I misunderstood you. When you threatened my brother, we had no possibility of compound before."

Her tone was firm, and if there was a little hope before, it was all dashed now. Zhang Liguo\'s character is really a big problem. In front of him, Yang Yuxin felt the gas of death. Yang Yuxin was very uncomfortable and even panicked.

"You have no choice."

Zhang Liguo suddenly showed a strange smile. His pupils emitted a strange red light and stabbed Yang Yuxin\'s spiritual world. Yang Yuxin\'s head was blank, and she lost her self-consciousness under the strange red light.

"Because I can\'t get your heart, but if I can get you, I will make you into a corpse and stay with me forever." Zhang Liguo took out a silver needle and stabbed it into Yang Yuxin\'s chest.

This technique belongs to a kind of soul control. Yang Yuxin\'s strength was not bad, and her spiritual power was very strong. Only when her spiritual power was absolutely suppressed, it could be completely suppressed.

Seeing that Yang Yuxin was about to have an accident, Yang Ping showed his sea of spirit.


Zhang Liguo felt his head tingling, his face twisted and his whole body convulsed. He knelt on the ground and wanted to get up, but he was suppressed by a strong will.

Yang Ping came to the next room and looked at Zhang Liguo crawling on the ground.

Zhang Liguo suddenly raised his head and showed his evil smile. He said strangely, "I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time, Yang Ping. Go to hell."


Zhang Liguo\'s body glowed red, and a terrible force was derived, which made Yang Ping feel the danger.