Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 936

Yang Yuxin was afraid of receiving a call from her ex boyfriend. As soon as she saw the number, she was scared to death. It can be seen that she was deeply afraid of her ex boyfriend.

"Liguo... You called me so late... I... I\'m with the boss. Really, I didn\'t deceive you. You can\'t come..."

"I really didn\'t lie to you. It\'s inconvenient for my boss. Please don\'t come here. It\'s not good."

"Build a country, i... can we wait until tomorrow?"

"What\'s the matter with my brother, Zhang Liguo? You\'re crazy! It\'s impossible between us. I warn you that if something happens to my brother, I won\'t let you go."

Yang Yuxin\'s mood suddenly became excited. When he mentioned his brother, he seemed to touch the inverse scale and said, "don\'t threaten me..."

But soon, Yang Yuxin was dejected and unwilling, and the complex emotions turned into a wisp of sadness.

"You say an address."

Yang Yuxin seemed to accept her fate and could only promise.

Yang Ping listened and frowned. Zhang Liguo is not a thing. Since he broke up, he still wants Yang Yuxin\'s brother to threaten him.

"Yang Ping..." Yang Yuxin\'s eyes flushed and trembled. "My brother is in his hand. If I don\'t meet him, he will hurt my brother."

Yang Ping smiled but said nothing.

Yang Yuxin hesitated and said, "Yang Ping, can you come with me? I\'m... Really scared. He went crazy and was very terrible."

"Your strength is not weak." Yang Ping remembers that Yang Yuxin\'s realm is not low, and there is no problem dealing with ordinary [email protected] ^^$

Yang Yuxin thought of something. Her eyes were frightened and said, "my strength is good, but it\'s useless in front of him. It seems that he can be immune to all Qi attacks."


Yang Ping is interested. It\'s the first time I\'ve heard of someone who can be immune to Qi attack.

"Please, just go with me once. You help me this time, and I will repay you later." Yang Yuxin begged hurriedly. Obviously, in order to save his brother, he was not reserved.

Yang Ping dragged his chin, pretending to hesitate and said, "but he can be immune to Qi attack. It sounds very powerful."! $*!

Yang Yuxin hurriedly said, "I know it\'s dangerous, but... But you must help me. I have no other relatives in Longcheng, and I can\'t believe others."

Yang Ping sighed and said helplessly, "but I can\'t do it for no reason..." accidentally looked at Yang Yuxin\'s eyes and found that she was very beautiful and cold at this time. She couldn\'t help swallowing her saliva. Then she secretly scolded herself as a sex wolf and NIMA. At this time, she still had a psychological look at her body.

It seemed to notice Yang Ping\'s eyes. Yang Yuxin\'s delicate body trembled, and her legs couldn\'t help clamping. It seemed that there was a warm current flowing down her body. The casual eyes seemed to penetrate her heart and tap her deepest emotions.

Flustered, she felt her heart was about to jump out. Yang Yuxin\'s face changed. She gritted her teeth and said, "Yang Ping, if you help me this time, I can promise whatever you want."

Yang Ping thought of the Dragon God sect. This organization has always been a scourge in Longcheng, and the sixth Dragon King has long appeared, and many other experts have also come. Yang Yuxin is a subordinate of the eighth Dragon King. He must know a lot of secrets. It\'s better to take advantage of the dragon god religion to help Zhang Rong avenge them.

Remembering Zhang Rong\'s appearance before he died, Yang Ping couldn\'t help feeling uncomfortable.

This revenge must be avenged!

Yang Ping\'s thinking expression, in Yang Yuxin\'s view, was another moment. She thought Yang Ping was more honest. It turned out that Yang Ping was a man and wanted a woman\'s body, but what if she gave her body out for her brother?

After making a decision, Yang Yuxin blushed and bowed her head and said, "I can promise anything."

Yang Ping said secretly that he could finally know the secret stronghold of the Dragon God sect and said excitedly, "OK, let\'s make a deal. I must go all out for that."

Yang Yuxin\'s heart trembled slightly. She almost sat on the sofa and got flustered. She said, "do you really... Think so...?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "that\'s necessary."

Yang Yuxin didn\'t know whether to cry or laugh. When she looked at Zhu Xi\'s room upstairs, she had mixed feelings and secretly said that if that happened, it should be no problem not to tell Zhu Dong.

Yang Ping saw that Yang Yuxin\'s face was wrong and flushed. He wondered, "are you feeling unwell?"

Yang Yuxin quickly shook her head and walked towards the door, saying, "No."

Yang Ping was puzzled and secretly said, what\'s the matter with Yang Yuxin today? I don\'t think it\'s very neat. In the past, it was swift and resolute, with Zhu Xi\'s style.

But before leaving, Yang Ping felt that she still wanted to talk to Zhu Xi, so she went upstairs and knocked on the door and said, "Zhu Xi, I have something to do. Please go out with assistant Yang."

"Oh." Zhu Xi\'s response came from the room for a long time. Yang Ping couldn\'t help wondering and said with concern, "is it uncomfortable? Let me go in and have a look?"

"No, I\'m fine." Zhu Xi shouted hurriedly in fear that Yang Ping would come in and do something special later. She didn\'t know how to face it.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "then I\'ll rest assured. As long as you\'re still in Longcheng and in danger, I\'ll arrive in an instant. So rest assured."

After that, Yang Ping went downstairs.

In the room.

Zhu Xi sat on the bed, her pretty eyes covered with spring, and said with shame: "this man... How can he be so direct? He wasn\'t prepared at all. Don\'t you know that it\'s impolite to touch the girl\'s place casually?"

Immediately, Zhu Xi was unhappy, because he thought that Yang Ping might have done this to other girls before. He couldn\'t help sighing and said faintly: "people are actually very different. Maybe what seems very important to me is not very important to him."

Worried about gain and loss, Zhu Xi was in a difficult mood.

Then, Zhu Xi thought of the Pearl again. Her eyes were dim. She found many relationships, but she didn\'t find the trace of the Pearl, as if she had evaporated from the world overnight.

I don\'t know where the pearl is?

As for Yang Ping and Yang Yuxin going out, Zhu Xi didn\'t think much, because there was no need to think much. In front of her, perhaps only Mingzhu was threatening.

Although Yang Yuxin is also very beautiful, there is no pressure at all.

At the moment, Yang Yuxin and Yang Ping come to the place agreed by Zhang Liguo. Yang Ping doesn\'t appear directly, but hides in the dark to observe. Yang Yuxin is going to see Zhang Liguo. For Zhang Liguo, Yang Ping was very curious. How could a person who had died for several years suddenly come back to life?

The research of the American Association of superpowers is the most advanced in the world, and it has not studied the resurrection of the dead. The mysterious ancient Chinese medicine and the highest inheritance of the immortal medicine gate are more certain that it is impossible to revive the dead. Unless you get a lot of drugs against the sky. Plus the needle technique against the sky, there is one in ten thousand possibility.

But it\'s not easy.

The agreed location is a four-star hotel in Longcheng, the presidential suite of Mingyue hotel. Yang Yuxin came to the door. Just about to knock, the door opened automatically.

Yang Ping went into the next suite and observed secretly.

He jumped in from the outside window, but as soon as he jumped in, he was stupid. I wipe. What rhythm is this? A man is lying in bed with three women, and the man still knows him.

Wang Lun!