Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 938

Yang Ping took a long time in the Yanhuang team and dealt with too many bombs, but the bombs in Zhang Liguo\'s body are too special. They are completely different from ordinary bombs. They are something similar to biochemical bombs that use physical functions to produce explosions. It will be found at the moment of actuation.

There are innocent people next door. There is Yang Yuxin in the room. If it explodes, the whole top floor of the hotel may disappear. It is powerful enough to seriously injure a saint. The other party has a good design. Measure Yang Ping\'s strength and how many bombs are buried.

It\'s a pity that they miscalculated Yang Ping\'s strength. In these two days, Yang Ping has made great progress, which is hard to measure. After being almost evolved by God, his spiritual power has been replaced by quality. His Taoist heart is stable, and his use of the power of Longcheng has been improved by more than one level.

But when the explosion was about to crack, Yang Ping shot.

He used the sea of spirit to suppress Zhang Liguo\'s consciousness, and then used the power of dragon city to force Zhang Liguo\'s physical function to stop, just like an absolute zero environment.

Zhang Liguo\'s expression was dull, his physical function stopped, and he was limited to the absolute field.

Yang Ping said, "I\'ll find you sooner or later. Don\'t find it for me, or you\'ll die as much as you come."

Zhang Liguo said coldly, "you\'re lucky this time, and you\'ll die miserably next time. Baga!" after that, your mental power was controlled, and the spirit control lost its function and became a corpse.

Yang Ping looked towards the village in the city of Longcheng. It was the force in this direction that controlled Zhang Liguo. Fortunately, it was cut off in time and the bomb lost its function.

Yang Yuxin regained consciousness and happened to see Zhang Liguo become a corpse, staring at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping said, "he died long ago, but he was controlled by the people of the island country."

Yang Yuxin\'s pretty face was pale, and her tears couldn\'t stop flowing out. Looking at Zhang Liguo\'s body, her delicate body trembled slightly. Yang Ping let go of her mental strength and didn\'t find Yang Yuxin\'s brother. That is to say, there are no relatives of Yang Yuxin in tomorrow\'s hotel. It\'s probably still in the hands of island experts.

"Where\'s my brother?" Yang Yuxin hurried around after she was sad. She didn\'t find her brother and flustered.

Yang Ping said his guess. Yang Yuxin was more sad, showed a bitter smile, and murmured, "brother, it\'s all because of your sister. If it\'s not your sister, you\'re still studying well at school... Sister, I\'m sorry for you..."

Yang Yuxin squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

Yang Ping sighed and felt Yang Yuxin\'s true love for his brother. He suddenly remembered the brothers in the Yanhuang team. They used to be good brothers, but they died in their own conspiracy and the Power Association.

This revenge is not a gentleman!

The two people sympathized with each other. Yang Ping touched the scenery, patted Yang Yuxin\'s fragrant shoulder and comforted: "get up. Let\'s go back. People can\'t come back to life after death. Your brother, I\'ll help you find it."

Yang Yuxin cried even more. She hugged Yang Ping and hugged him in her arms. Her delicate body trembled violently, which was obviously very sad.

Yang Ping didn\'t push it away and accepted it silently.

Yang Yuxin is a very good girl, independent and self-improvement, relying on her ability to get to her current position step by step. She is not much older than Zhu Xi, but she can be an assistant to the president without family background. There is no doubt about her ability and knows that she has suffered a lot.

A pitiful good girl.

It\'s a pity to be with the wrong person.

Zhang Liguo was not a good thing. He deceived Yang Yuxin\'s feelings and lived on the care of a rich woman. But the past is the past, and Yang Yuxin still has to move forward.

Yang Ping believes that Yang Yuxin has nothing to do with the headmaster, because her eyes are very clear and stubborn. She is not the kind of person who trades her body for money. Otherwise, according to her conditions, a large number of rich people are still not interested in pursuing.

"Yang Ping." I don\'t know how long I cried. Yang Yuxin called his name. His voice was very small and trembling.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "is it better?"

Yang Yuxin nodded in Yang Ping\'s arms and didn\'t leave her arms. Unexpectedly, instead of leaving, she gently pushed Yang Ping into bed.

Yang Ping was surprised and secretly said what was Yang Yuxin doing?

Next, Yang Ping was stunned.

Yang Yuxin raised her head, showed her crimson face, bit her lips and said, "Yang Ping, I promised you that I would do it."

Yang Ping was stunned. What did you promise me?

Without waiting for a question, Yang Yuxin untied the snow-white shirt button and revealed something deep hidden. Her figure has been seen before. It is very perfect and not weaker than anyone, especially the snow-white skin, which can be broken by blowing. It is hard to imagine that a girl so busy all day has such amazing appearance and skin. The most important thing is that her gullies are too attractive. No wonder in China Airlines Group, a large number of young heroes want to pursue her, which is really a rare beauty.

Yang Yuxin unbuttoned quickly, revealing his small clothes directly and wrapping three-quarters of them. According to the visual inspection, it was of class E size, and it was very tall and straight, without any sign of sagging. Down is the small waist without any fat. It is probably the relationship of regular continuous yoga. There is no obvious muscle in the lower abdomen. Two very soft waistcoat lines are like two mysterious roads to the thighs, symbolizing the ultimate place.

After rolling mountains and flat terrain, we came to the Mysterious Grand Canyon. The slender jade legs sat on Yang Ping\'s lap, and then Yang Yuxin clumsily kissed Yang Ping.

"What are you doing?" Yang Ping pushed Yang Yuxin away and was startled. NIMA, if she had anything to do with Yang Yuxin, she would be frightened to see Zhu Xi in the future. This is Zhu Xi\'s assistant.

Yang Yuxin\'s eyes misted and said, "Yang Ping, do you dislike your body? I haven\'t experienced it for the first time."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly.

Yang Yuxin continued to take the initiative, pressed Yang Ping on the bed and said in a trembling voice, "if you don\'t dislike that I was once a bad woman of the Dragon God sect, you want me. Yang Ping, I like you very much."

She unbuttoned her clothes with her hands behind her back. Seeing that the most beautiful scenery was about to appear in front of her, Yang Ping finally realized that there seemed to be a misunderstanding between the two people\'s communication.


Yang Ping hurried around the front, grabbed his hands behind him and said, "I think we need to talk again."

Yang Yuxin blushed even more.

Yang Ping was puzzled and suddenly found that his posture was not right. He bypassed Yang Yuxin\'s back with his hands from the front. His head was completely embedded in the gully in front and could hardly breathe. It can be seen that Yang Yuxin is great.

Before anxiously did not pay attention, but after returning to consciousness, their posture was very ambiguous. Yang Ping hurried away and said with a smile: "we may have misunderstood."

Yang Yuxin bit her lips and looked at Yang Ping. Tears couldn\'t stop flowing down. As an innocent girl, she took the initiative to devote herself and was still in the hotel. She thought that no man could resist by virtue of her figure and appearance. She also thought so, but she was rejected by Yang Ping.

Is my body so dirty?

Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly, revealing a deep sadness.

"That\'s right. I\'m not clean and have defiled you." Yang Yuxin sighed and said helplessly.

Yang Ping shook her head, couldn\'t bear to see Yang Yuxin\'s sad appearance, reluctantly smiled and said, "I didn\'t say dislike, I mean we don\'t have to..."

"Don\'t you dislike me?" Yang Yuxin\'s eyes lit up and said secretly. Anyway, she has reached this situation, and Yang Ping is better than any man she has seen. Why not just make mistakes?

At this moment, Yang Yuxin had a strong impulse to occupy Yang Ping.

Why not fake it?

Yang Yuxin took a deep breath and suddenly unfastened the buttons of his clothes.