Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 935

After arranging the injured, the three left the people\'s Hospital and returned to the bay area villa. Zhu Xi was worried and looked at Yang Ping who was smoking.

Yang Yuxin answered the phone and left in a hurry.

During this period, Zhu Xi called the general manager of China Airlines real estate and told him to go away if he couldn\'t do well. The public relations department of China Airlines Group and the news media of Zhu group began to eliminate the negative impact to the greatest extent.

It\'s been a few hours since everything was done.

Zhu Xi rubbed his temples, sighed and said, "Yang Ping, you seem to have a problem with Wang, right?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "why?"

Zhu Xi put down her mobile phone, came to Yang Ping and said seriously, "if it\'s because of the previous things, it\'s really unnecessary, and Wang is innocent..."

Yang Ping interrupted: "Zhu Xi, you don\'t understand many things. You know people, face and heart. No matter how good your relationship was before, once it threatened you, I won\'t be soft hearted. I have no problem with Wang, but if she chooses to hurt you, I won\'t sit idly by. Do you understand?"

Zhu Xi opened her mouth and whispered, "Wang won\'t hurt me."

"I\'ll hurt you?" Yang Ping asked.

Zhu Xi shook her head and said, "you don\'t know."

Yang Ping covered Zhu Xi\'s small hand and looked more serious than ever. They were very close. They could almost smell each other\'s breath. They saw that each other\'s pupils were completely occupied by themselves and said, "everything I do is for your safety. I don\'t want you to be hurt again."

Zhu Xi was stunned. Hearing Yang Ping\'s sincere words, her eyes turned red and hurried to turn her head.

Yang Ping smiled and said, "I hope. If Wang returns, I can let bygones be bygones, but people\'s hearts are the most complicated."

Zhu Xi did not respond, but was silent. Obviously, she still won\'t believe that Wang will hurt herself.

Yang Ping was helpless and knew that no matter how to explain it, Zhu Xi would not believe it. After all, the time to know Wang was much longer than him. For a time, Zhu Xi couldn\'t accept it.

Seeing that Zhu Xi\'s ears are red, Yang Ping feels interesting. She has known each other for a long time. She is still so shy, which is very cute.

Yang Ping couldn\'t help approaching. She gently hugged Zhu Xi\'s small waist with her hands. The faint fragrance was Zhu Xi\'s elegant body fragrance. Zhu Xi\'s body trembled. Obviously, she felt Yang Ping\'s action, hesitated, bit her lips, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

It was interesting. Yang Ping found that her relationship with Zhu Xi was further. She didn\'t resist around her waist, so she leaned closer. Her chest was almost close to Zhu Xi\'s fragrant back, stroking her cold skin and thin clothes, but she felt very good.

Zhu Xi trembled more violently, closed her eyes and dared not look at people. She was struggling all the time. She could leave, but her body didn\'t listen.

"You are so beautiful." Yang Ping leaned over her head, touched Zhu Xi\'s crystal clear earlobe with her lips, and saw her blushing face, like water\'s eyes. I wanted to tease Zhu Xi, but I couldn\'t help... Holding my earlobe.

Zhu Xi\'s head was blank.

Yang Ping didn\'t know what was going on. Anyway, when she saw Zhu Xi staring at her eyes and looking dull, she also emptied herself. Two people, one mouth and one earlobe, were naturally put together.

At this time, time seems to pass very slowly. Yang Ping can see the passage of time and take into account every reaction of Zhu Xi.

Will she slap and scold the hooligans, and the relationship between the two finally eased to the freezing point?

Will she kick him off in anger?


His thoughts were complete. Anyway, Yang Ping never analyzed an action for so long, and fortunately he didn\'t get it, because Zhu Xi\'s next action made him wonder.

Zhu Xi was neither angry nor angry, but got up silently, went up to the second floor and entered the room.

From the moment the door closed, Yang Ping clenched her fist and scolded herself for being too impulsive. At this critical time, Zhu Xi needed support and comfort most, but she molested her. It\'s not human.

But Zhu Xi\'s reaction was a little strange.

Yang Ping noticed that his back was cold and a lot of sweat came out. At this time, Yang Yuxin returned to the villa. Her face was not good-looking and her eyes were flustered. It seemed that there was something very urgent.

Yang Yuxin wanted to stop talking. Finally, she sighed and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Yang Ping asked, "what\'s up?"

Yang Yuxin shook her head and said nothing.

Yang Ping was more sure that something was wrong, and it was definitely not the company\'s business, but a private event. He smiled and said, "if you have something, you can tell me. Maybe I have a way."

Yang Yuxin looked at Yang Ping and said with a bitter smile: "in fact, it\'s not a big deal, it\'s just me... My ex boyfriend came to Longcheng to find me."

Seeing Yang Yuxin\'s tangled appearance, Yang Ping knew that Yang Yuxin\'s feelings for her ex boyfriend were very complex. Although she broke up, who could forget her first love?

I remember Yang Yuxin said that she was just lovelorn a few months ago. According to time, she should be very sad and wanted to seek comfort, so she did some exciting things.

Then it slowly recovered and became normal.

It is estimated that Yang Yuxin\'s ex boyfriend was hurt deeply, but it has nothing to do with himself. He worries blindly. He thought it was something dangerous. Yang Ping closed his eyes and lay down for a while.

Yang Yuxin hesitated and said, "Yang Ping, would you do me a favor?"

Yang Ping didn\'t open his eyes and said, "I won\'t participate in the affairs of you two. The emotional affairs are more complicated. If I add them up, it\'s easy to get embarrassed."

Yang Yuxin begged, "my ex boyfriend is very complicated, and I\'m afraid he will go crazy because of losing me."

Yang Ping didn\'t have a good way: "since he loves you so much, why break up? Is it your empathy?"

Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly, shook her head and sighed.

This time it\'s Yang Ping\'s turn to wonder. It\'s just lovelorn. People who pursue Yang Yuxin queue up at the Nancheng gate. Why worry about a man. As for the life and death of her ex boyfriend, it\'s none of her business.

"My ex boyfriend is not human."

Yang Yuxin tangled for a long time, finally made a decision and said, "he actually died a few years ago, but suddenly came back to life."

Yang Ping was startled and hurriedly got up and said, "can the dead be raised?"

Yang Yuxin nodded solemnly and said, "I didn\'t believe it before, but I didn\'t believe it until I saw him. Because he had a car accident, I saw him die with my own eyes, but I came back to me last year. I thought it was God\'s arrangement, but one night, I saw him..."

The color of panic appeared in her eyes. Yang Yuxin\'s delicate body trembled slightly. Obviously, she couldn\'t help being afraid at that time.

Yang Ping squints and knows that things may be strange. A dead man can\'t be resurrected. It must have gone through some special treatment.

"What do you see?" Yang Ping couldn\'t help asking.

Yang Yuxin was just about to speak. Suddenly, the phone rang. The moment he saw the number, he was so scared that he turned pale.