Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 934

The deputy director of the Safety Supervision Bureau stopped and looked at Zhu Xi with a sneer. "I know who you are and you know who I am, but you don\'t know who I am. Soon you will understand who I am!"


"What the director said is great!"

"That\'s great!"

The subordinates of the director applauded loudly and began to flatter. The deputy director of the Safety Supervision Bureau showed a modest smile and looked at Zhu Xi provocatively. He said in his heart, see, what is prestige.

As a deputy director of the safety supervision bureau who has been walking sideways for a long time and has a lot of weight in Longcheng City, he came here today and took a lot of money to clean up China Airlines Group.

The relationship between the deputy director of the safety supervision bureau is not small. He is a senior member of the provincial Party committee. Therefore, even if he is a straw bag, no one will replace him.

That\'s why someone found him. Only with money, you can do anything, and you don\'t have to be responsible for doing wrong. Moreover, the rectification of China Airlines is in line with the opposite safety responsibility regulations.

"Take it away!"

The deputy director of the Safety Supervision Bureau waved and didn\'t take away a cloud.

Zhu Xi sneered. There was anger in her heart. The collapse of the foundation pit was basically solved. At least within the controllable range, she could relax and do other things. The fat man in front of me came to the door. It\'s very simple to deal with the relationship with the Zhu family.

However, Zhu Xi didn\'t call immediately, but looked at Yang Ping.

Yang Yuxin also looked at Yang Ping.

The reporters have left, because there is nothing to shoot or write. Originally, a great safety responsibility production accident in Longcheng city was lost by Yang Pingping. I have to run back.

Only Wang was left at the scene with a group of police and people from the Safety Supervision Bureau.

Yang Ping suddenly said, "it may be a little bloody later. You\'d better close your eyes."

Zhu Xi was stunned and said curiously, "how bloody?"

Yang Ping smiled but said nothing.

These people were called to deal with China Airlines Group. No matter whether it was for money or not, once they did it, they would be wrong. Yang Ping didn\'t want to reason with them. Because it\'s a waste of time. These people targeted Zhu Xi again and again, and he lost patience.

Someone from the safety supervision bureau came to arrest people. Strangely, Wang happened to go to the toilet and didn\'t find this scene. Other policemen didn\'t dare to act rashly without the instructions of their leaders.

People from the safety supervision bureau came to Zhu Xi and said coldly, "come with us."

The director of the Safety Supervision Bureau looked at this side with a sneer and felt that everything was under control. In the past, those enterprises had problems and cried like their dead mother. China Airlines Group should dare to talk back to me. If you don\'t give me some color, you think I\'m a sick cat.

Yang Yuxin found that Yang Ping was not angry, but smiled, moved in her heart, looked outside, and three men came this way. They are tall and burly, emitting strong Qi and blood all over. They are obviously experts.

Is it

Yang Yuxin stopped talking. Zhu Xi also saw three men, revealing the color of inquiry.

The people of the safety supervision bureau are usually arrogant and used to it. No matter who you are, as long as something happens, take it back to investigate immediately, and work with the director. You don\'t have to be responsible. The director has a strong background, and even the top leaders dare not offend him.

The deputy director of the safety supervision bureau is waiting to see a good play.


A strong force came. Someone hit his shoulder. The fat man just felt his body take off. Ouch, he lay on the ground, hurried to get up and roared, "who did he hit me?"


He slapped the fat director and beat him away. Three strange men walked out of one person and said coldly, "obviously you hit me, and the wicked sued first."

"Do you know who I am and beat me?" the fat director turned pale with pain, but his face was angry and roared, "you should kneel down and admit your mistake quickly, otherwise you will look good."

The strange man kicked the fat director and beat him hard. When others in the Safety Supervision Bureau saw that the leader was beaten, they summoned up the courage to rush up and want to show, but the other two strange men, one punch, three times five divided by two, beat them away.

There was a constant click. Three strange men laid heavy hands and showed no mercy. People in the Safety Supervision Bureau screamed repeatedly, either breaking hands or feet. The fat man was even worse. His face was swollen like a pig\'s head.

"Do you still want me to know you?" the strange man grabbed the fat man\'s collar and said coldly, "you hit me and still want to hit me. I\'m very dissatisfied."

The fat man was beaten. Unexpectedly, there were so arrogant people in Longcheng. He was frightened and begged: "brother, I\'m wrong. I\'m really wrong."

"Were you instructed to frame China Airlines Group?" the strange man shouted.

The fat man was stunned and hesitated, but then there was a violent beating, which made him howl. He quickly admitted: "yes, someone gave me a million yuan to catch people. No matter what I do, I\'m innocent."

Throw the fat man to the ground like a dead pig. Three strange men nod to Yang Ping and want to leave.


A scolding voice came. Wang appeared at the critical time and said coldly, "do you still want to go after beating people?"

The three strange men looked cold and didn\'t bother to pay attention. The other policemen pulled out their guns and shouted, "don\'t move, squat on the ground, do you hear me?"

Shua Shua!

Three strange men took the police\'s pistol, and then quickly unloaded the pistol in front of the police and turned it into parts. Its speed and level are unique. The policemen were stunned.

What the hell are these people doing?

The force value explodes the table, and the level of playing with a gun is excellent. It\'s not human. The police looked at the leader and dared not move. Wang narrowed his eyes, flashed a cold light and said, "you are not ordinary people."

The three strange men didn\'t get Yang Ping\'s instructions, so they didn\'t really do it, but they knew that Yang Ping didn\'t come up to persuade from beginning to end.

It\'s not the police, or some people from the Waste Safety Supervision Bureau. If they fight, what are they afraid of.

Wang shot. Her strength was actually very strong, second only to Duan Fei in the police station, but the strength of the three strange men was very strong. Together, she quickly suppressed Wang.

Finally, Wang was hit and fell into the foundation pit.

Three strange men left quickly and wanted to be arrested, which was basically hopeless.

Wang jumped up and looked very ugly. He shouted at Yang Ping who had been watching the play: "what were you doing just now, why didn\'t you stop them?"

Yang Ping shrugged and said, "I\'m physically injured and it\'s not convenient to take action."

Wang was so angry that he clenched his teeth and said, "did you mean it? These people are ferocious people. If you let them go, it will do harm to society. As a capable person, you shouldn\'t watch them escape."

Wang\'s tone was very blunt and hysterical, which startled Zhu Xi and Yang Yuxin.

This is still the king who used to be heroic and threatening. He is a bitch.

But Yang Ping was not angry from beginning to end. Instead, he said with a smile, "director Wang, you seem to have made a mistake. I\'m not a policeman or your subordinate."

Wang YILENG was shocked. He secretly said that he was bad. He was busy suppressing his anger and said with a smile: "sorry, I\'m too impulsive."

Zhu Xi was even more surprised.

Wang even knew how to apologize. If he had fought with Yang Ping before, he would have fought to the end.

She seems to have changed a lot.

Wang took his subordinates away and wanted to find the three strangers before.

There are only three people left at the scene.

Zhu Xi couldn\'t help asking, "Yang Ping, why didn\'t you do it just now?"

Yang Yuxin showed the same curious eyes.

According to Yang Ping\'s character in the past, let alone a group of gangsters, the three men are obviously experts, and Yang Ping won\'t let go. There must be something fishy.

Yang Ping smiled frankly and said, "that\'s my man."