Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 933

A brick flew from the crowd and hit Zhu Xi\'s head. If it hit, it was certain that Zhu Xi\'s weak body was broken and bleeding.

Yang Yuxin was stopped by the crowd. It was too late to save people. She changed her face and shouted, "be careful."

Wang was right next to Zhu Xi, but it happened that he accidentally fell down, hugged Zhu Xi\'s slender jade leg with both ends, and then pushed forward, making Zhu Xi closer to the brick.

Yang Yuxin was almost scared to death and was extremely anxious.

Just when everyone thought Zhu Xi would be hit, the reporters picked up the camera and took pictures to remember this moment. The headline of tomorrow\'s newspaper is that the boss of China Airlines made bean curd residue project, which killed five people. He wanted to escape and was stopped by brick heroes. The people applauded.

The title and article have been finished, just wait for the photos to come out.

The script should develop according to the plan. Zhu Xi was at a loss and waited to die with her eyes closed. At this time, there was a cry in the crowd. The brick was about to hit the head, but a palm appeared in the middle and held the brick tightly.

Zhu Xi opened her eyes and saw Yang Ping\'s smiling face.

"Aren\'t you late?"

Yang Ping threw away his head, looked at Wang who fell to the ground and asked, "officer Wang, did someone attack Zhu Xi just now, do you want to catch it?"

Wang quickly got up and shouted at his subordinates, "go and catch the brick man." the two subordinates looked at each other and walked towards the crowd.

At this time, the crowd was surging. They were not afraid of the police at all. They shouted, "we want to do justice. Instead of catching the bad guys, your police came to catch us. They must have taken bribes."

An old man stood up, straightened out his thin chest and shouted, "come and catch me. Anyway, an old bone. My son is dead, and I don\'t want to live."

The two policemen hesitated and looked at Wang.

Wang gritted his teeth and didn\'t know what to do.

Yang Ping ignored the little fuss here and asked, "how many people are buried inside?"

Zhu Xi said, "five, buried for 21 hours. Don\'t you know if there are any life characteristics?" she wanted to go down and save people herself, but there was nothing she could do, so she had to look at Yang Ping anxiously.

Yang Ping is the only person she can rely on.

He smiled and showed a confident smile. Yang Ping said, "don\'t worry, none of the five people I feel are dead. With me, this little thing can be done casually."

make love!

The camera took pictures of Zhu Xi and Yang Ping. A reporter had already prepared the manuscript and shouted, "Dong Zhu, is that your soft rice boyfriend next to you? I heard that you spent too much money for your boyfriend, which led to the collapse of China Airlines Group. Would you please explain?"

Zhu Xi glared at the reporter who spoke. The reporter showed a provocative smile and said secretly, you hit me, I\'m a reporter. So many peers see that if you dare to do it, it must be exposed.

Obviously, these reporters were instructed to focus on the foundation collapse in the north of the city of China Airlines Group, trying to discredit the group and force the reputation of the group to be damaged.

Unless all the people below are rescued.

But is it possible?

First, the person in charge hid the accident, and it took 21 hours to know the situation. China Airlines Group was not prepared at all, and Zhu Xi was even more confused. If someone died, not only the news media but also the government would have to come forward.

At that time, in the face of verbal and written criticism from the Internet, the Longcheng government must give everyone an explanation, and then there will be many scandals of China Airlines Group, making them lose their right to develop the old city.

This is an extremely sinister plan.

It\'s simple, but it\'s the most effective.

Yang Ping did not speak. He jumped into the foundation pit and landed on the huge mound. He motioned the excavator to step back, plunged into the soil and disappeared. The excavator\'s teacher Fu was scared to death and lay in the trough. Are you a tuhang sun?

Reporters gathered next to the scene of the accident, took photos of the mound and photographed Yang Ping\'s back submerged in the soil. After a long time, Yang Ping did not appear.

Zhu Xi looked worried.

Yang Yuxin couldn\'t bear it and comforted: "Dong Zhu, Yang Ping won\'t do anything uncertain. It must be all right. He said that if people are still alive, they must be alive."


A man threw it out of the soil and scared the reporters back. They thought it was a ghost, but when they saw the man\'s body wriggling, he was actually alive.

"He was one of the people buried," someone shouted. It caused an exclamation. The man didn\'t seem to be hurt, but he was in a very bad mental state because of lack of oxygen and water below.


The second man came out of the soil. Like the first man, he was not in good condition.

All the reporters opened their mouths and watched an individual throw out of the soil. They didn\'t know whether to take pictures, because it wasn\'t part of the plan.

When all five people were rescued, Yang Ping picked up the soil and came out with a smile. There was no soil on his body.

There was a dead silence.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes flashed a light, finally relieved, looked at Yang Ping and was grateful. If it were not for Yang Ping, China Airlines Group would face the most serious reputation problem. The next five people were sent to the people\'s Hospital, and all the expenses were paid by China Airlines Group. When the bewitched family members saw their relatives rescued, they turned 180 degrees and thanked Yang Ping for his kindness.

Those who abused Zhu Xi were silent.

People didn\'t die, and Yang Ping sacrificed his life to save people, which deeply shocked them.

Yang Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief, clenched her fist tightly, and whispered, Yang Ping, only with you can Zhu Dong be safe, and only with you can Zhu Dong have a backbone.

It\'s easy to do without death. Zhu Xi first dismissed the person in charge of the construction site Project and handed it over to the police, which involves many complex accident responsibilities. Then send someone to arrange the treatment of the wounded.

A series of orders are orderly, showing the style of a great general.

A crisis soon resolved.

Reporters found that there was nothing they wanted to write. They felt it a pity, so they were ready to leave. As for what heroes save people, it was a matter of being saved, and they would not help.

"Just let them go?" Yang Yuxin said reluctantly. "These are journalists from companies affiliated to Zhu\'s group. They want to discredit Director Zhu."

Zhu Xi said faintly, "go back and talk."

These people will not let go when they go back.

Wang looked guilty, took Zhu Xi\'s hand and said in a trembling voice: "Zhu Xi, I almost thought I couldn\'t see you just now. It scared me to death."

Zhu Xi smiled and said, "Hey, you are also very embarrassed. I will make it clear to the lawyer that Party B\'s liability accident must be borne by someone."

Wang said seriously, "don\'t worry, I won\'t let go of anyone responsible, five people and five lives. It\'s a pity that I don\'t supervise production safety, so..."

Just as Zhu Xi was about to speak, a group of people came over with a big belly. The first one was a fat man, full of fat and staggering in front of him.

"What\'s going on?" the fat man scolded. "Five people died at one time. It\'s a big thing. Now the whole construction site must stop work and accept inspection. We can\'t continue the construction until we confirm that it is qualified."

Yang Yuxin whispered, "Dong Zhu, this is the deputy director of the Safety Supervision Bureau. It\'s from the Wenfeng faction."

Zhu Xi said, "let Mr. Liu deal with it."

The two women wanted to leave, but they were stopped by the fat man. When the fat man saw the two women, he showed obscene eyes and was careful of dirty banging. He had never met such a beautiful beauty. It seems that he is lucky today.

As the deputy director of the Safety Supervision Bureau, the right is not big, but it is not small. For safety responsibility production accidents, the Safety Supervision Bureau has the regulatory power and can directly order China Airlines Group to stop work. In addition, in case of major cases, the license can be revoked.

Many enterprises die here.

So the fat director felt that as long as he held seven inches, he was not afraid that the two beauties were not obedient, because the construction site would suffer heavy losses if it didn\'t delay a day.

"Overall shutdown, accept, you two go to the office with me for questioning!" the deputy director of the Safety Supervision Bureau turned around with his hands on his back, and others were also bullied.

"It\'s not small."

Zhu Xi sneered.