Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 932

Huahang real estate had a big event in the north of the city, otherwise Yang Yuxin wouldn\'t rush in to report. After knowing the situation, Zhu Xi immediately got up and said seriously, "go to the construction site."

Yang Yuxin\'s face changed and she said with worry, "Dong Zhu, your body has not recovered. Why don\'t I let president Liu deal with it? You are waiting for news in the office?" she was not only worried about Zhu Xi\'s body, but also worried about the chaos on the scene and the possibility of accidents.

"No, I have to be there myself."

China Airlines real estate bought two pieces of land in Longcheng, one in the north of the city and the other in the city. Because they are not busy sections, the price is not high. Of course, it is unrealistic to compete with giants such as Vanke Wanda with the strength of China Airlines Group. With tens of billions of working capital for motor cars, China Airlines Group\'s total assets are only one billion, so it can only choose remote sections for development, I didn\'t expect that the land in the north of the city had just been bought. Not long after the Longcheng subway project, which was not approved by the State Council, suddenly passed the engineering feasibility study and environmental impact assessment, and the construction will begin within three years, making the land in the north of the city willing to be worth 200 million, soaring more than ten times. If China Airlines Group changes hands and sells, it can get more than one billion yuan, but Zhu Xi does not build this land as an important business puzzle of China Airlines in the future, and wants to build a business center like Wanda Plaza. It can be seen that Zhu Xi\'s ambition is great.

There are many right and wrong people.

Many people were jealous of Zhu Xi\'s land. Hongtai group wanted to compete, but it was a pity that it failed, so it attacked frantically with the support of Wang Group.

Just one day ago, the foundation pit at the construction site in the north of the city sank, causing five people to be buried alive. The more terrible news media moved at the news, resulting in extremely bad impact. If China Airlines Group did not handle it well, it would cause serious consequences. The death of three people is a major liability accident, and five people are buried alive, which is basically impossible to survive. Zhu Xi knew better than anyone, so she hurried to the scene.

The scene was surrounded by reporters.

As soon as Zhu Xi got off the bus, she was immediately surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Zhu, what do you think of the fact that five people were buried alive due to the settlement of the foundation pit? Is it due to safety supervision?"

"Mr. Zhu, some people say it\'s just a murder. Someone specially planted a bomb against China Airlines Group to cause people\'s panic?"

"Dong Zhu, are you still single?"


In the face of repeated bombing, Zhu Xi calmly faced the camera and said, "things will not be determined arbitrarily until the investigation results are obtained, but China Airlines Group will never give up any life based on one principle." then he walked to the scene of the [email protected] ^^$

The reporter had to ask, but was stopped by Yang Yuxin. She said, "I\'m sorry, it\'s important to save people."

The foundation pit sank and collapsed, burying five migrant workers. More than a dozen excavators continued to work for 21 hours, but they still didn\'t dig out a body. At any time, the time is getting longer and longer, and the hope of the five people living is getting smaller and smaller.

Zhu Xi came to the scene with a worried face. When developing this land in the north of the city, I considered many risks, but the most feared situation happened. And a large number of media know that the government has to participate.

"What about the person in charge?" asked Zhu Xi.

A honest middle-aged man came to him trembling and said, "Dong Zhu, we are trying our best to rescue...! $*!

"Why didn\'t you inform the headquarters when it happened?" Zhu Xi said sternly. The purpose of the person in charge to hide the accident was obvious, but it was absolutely not allowed.

The person in charge was frightened and said in a panic: "Dong Zhu, I didn\'t know that the multimedia would come..."

Zhu Xi took a deep breath and thought of many things that had happened recently. As soon as the accident happened, the media knew it, as if it had been designed. What a coincidence. It was probably a premeditated accident.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhu Xi to say conspiracy to the media, because in their view, it is shirking responsibility.

"No matter what method or how much money you spend, you must save the people inside. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you can\'t give up." Zhu Xi said in a deep voice.

Yang Yuxin was awe inspiring. It was rare for Zhu Xi to have such an attitude, because things related to human life, knowing it was a conspiracy, should be faced calmly.

But if all five are dead, what\'s next?

It is not easy for China Airlines Group to come back from the dead and get angel investment. Now it has made such a move, which may cause investors to lose confidence and irreparable losses to the company\'s reputation.

"Here comes the police."

Yang Yuxin\'s face changed slightly. He looked at the policeman walking quickly not far away. The head was Wang with a veil and several capable policemen behind him.

"Zhu Xi, what\'s the situation?" Wang came to the scene with a cold light in his eyes. "I received a notice to come and see the situation. Five people, is anyone still alive?"

Zhu Xi shook her head and said, "I don\'t know."

Wang waved and other policemen went to the scene of the police accident. Yang Yuxin stepped back, leaving room for them to talk. However, the arrival of the police immediately aroused the crazy capture of media reporters.

"The situation is very complicated. If things are not handled well, China Airlines Group will be in bad luck." Wang said in his heart and said seriously, "we must arrange the afterlife. After five people die, their families will not make trouble, and then spend money to settle the media. There should be no big problem. I\'m afraid their families will make trouble..."

Zhu Xi nodded, which was what she was most worried about.

"Return my son!"

While they were talking, a group of people suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and rushed to Zhu Xi. Fortunately, the police stopped it, otherwise it would cause personal safety to Zhu Xi.

Yang Yuxin stood in front and stared at the crowd. She is a master and is not afraid of several ordinary people, but she can\'t fight. Once she hits someone, it will immediately have a worse impact.

"Return my husband!"

A group of family members scolded Zhu Xi and said anything vicious. Zhu Xi turned pale.

"You profiteer, executioner, killed my son, I want you to pay for your life!" an old man was supported by others and stared at Zhu Xi angrily. His eyes were full of resentment. It is hard to imagine that an old man in his 70s and 80s would hate someone so much. That kind of look made Zhu Xi very uncomfortable.

"Old man, we will try our best to save..."


Just as Zhu Xi was about to speak, a basin of dirty water flew over and fell at her feet, wetting her trouser legs. Zhu Xi stared at the dirty water. There were a lot of disgusting things in it, but what was more uncomfortable was her heart.

"Kill the profiteer!"

I don\'t know who issued the slogan, which made your people extremely angry.

Surrounded by angry eyes, Zhu Xi encountered this scene for the first time and didn\'t know how to face it for a moment.

"Come on, everyone. Anyway, she\'s a profiteer. It\'s not illegal to kill!"

Someone shouted in the crowd.

So everyone was ready to move.

Wang turned pale, pulled Zhu Xi and shouted, "go, it\'s not safe here."

Zhu Xi didn\'t think too much and wanted to leave, but this move made all the people present angry. If something happened, she would run away. How could she let you go?

A group of people clashed with the police and jumped at Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi turns pale.

Yang Yuxin wanted to stop, but Zhu Xi shouted, "don\'t move."

A brick hit Zhu Xi.