Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 931

that was close!

Yang Ping\'s back is cold. If he didn\'t wake up suddenly just now, his heart might collapse. This is a terrible thing. Every warrior has his own understanding of the world and forms a fixed world outlook. But this book has the ability to change the world view. Hidden murders.

More dangerous than a live gun.

Yang Ping would rather fight with a saint than meet this book. He threw the book on the ground and looked at the yellow cover. He felt incredible and deeply afraid.

The book is still that book, lying quietly on the floor.

But like a beast, Yang Pingjing is far away. He never thought that a book would do so much harm to people, especially those with high realm.

At that moment, Yang Ping felt that he wanted to change his way and die here.

With fine beads of sweat on his forehead, Yang Ping relaxed his breath and showed his fearful eyes. He had never been so afraid. He would not be afraid even if he jumped into the cave, but he had a strong fear in the face of this book.

The good thing is to come back, defeat the demons and further improve your cultivation. Because he is more sure of his world outlook and values, Yang Ping secretly said that this book does not have a powerful killing opportunity for ordinary people, but it will be lost for Asian saints and even saints. Such books are regarded as the first horror.

Is the king controlled by a mysterious force?

Yang Ping left the apartment and was ready to go home.

When he left, the old fisherman appeared in the house, showing a dignified expression, but he was also pleased and said: "unexpectedly, the God of cholera in the world appeared again, and it seems that the chaos is not far away. However, Yang Ping was able to resist Yi\'s killing. Beyond expectation, he thought he needed to come and rescue."

"Yang Ping, your growth rate is still not enough and you can\'t shoulder the big responsibility. When you face the real big crisis, you will know that the current chaos is just pediatrics."

The old fisherman stepped into the apartment and saw the book of changes. He hummed: "after lurking for decades, you can\'t help but come out to bewitch people, but this is the Dragon City, not your Yunnan city."

The book of changes did not move and lay there quietly.

The fisherman spewed a flame from his mouth and shot it at the book of changes on the ground. The original books that Wen Feng didn\'t move moved immediately after sensing the crisis. The book jumped up and ran away towards the window.

The old fisherman stretched out his hand, and a suspender appeared in his hand. The fishing line shuttled through time and space, bound the books and explained them, and then the samadhi fire burned on them. Strangely, samadhi fire, which can melt steel, has no effect on books. Let the fire burn, books still exist, which shows their firmness.

With a light sigh, the fisherman didn\'t expect that the book of changes was so tenacious. He spread his palm again and a golden light appeared.

I Ching sensed the breath of the light spot and broke free more fiercely.

With a swish, the light spot pierced the book, as if a bullet had pierced a person\'s eyebrow. The book stopped moving, then fell to the ground and burned to ashes.

The old fisherman sighed: "the power of the golden needle is used a little less. Unexpectedly, an I Ching can be eliminated with the power of the golden needle. It seems that after decades of latent, Shenyi\'s strength is further."

Erase all traces and the fisherman disappeared into the dark.

Yang Ping returned to the bay area villa. Unexpectedly, Wang was also at home. She covered her face, sat on the sofa and said with a smile, "I\'m back. It\'s so late. Where are you going?"

"Go out to buy a pack of cigarettes. I didn\'t see you when I came down just now. Where have you been?" Yang Ping asked deliberately.

Wang said, "I\'m hungry. I go out to buy something to eat. My face is afraid of frightening people when I go out during the day." after that, I smiled bitterly to win sympathy.

Yang Ping knew it well, but he didn\'t reveal it. At the same time, he also found out that Wang was controlled by a mysterious force. It is estimated that he doesn\'t even know now.

"How is Zhu Xi?" Wang asked.

After Yang Ping explained the situation, Wang breathed a sigh of relief, confessed on his face, and said helplessly, "I was also hot headed at that time. I didn\'t know why I shot. Although Zhu Xi chose to forgive me, I felt uncomfortable."

"Everything will be fine," Yang Ping comforted.

The two chatted for a while. Yang Ping occasionally beat around the Bush, but Wang did not leak. The chat was normal and could barely justify itself. Yang Ping was not interested in making a false deal with Wang, so he went upstairs to bed.

Wang sat on the sofa, one left for a long time.

Yang Ping was lying in bed, thinking about Shenyi, but he was mentally tired, the spiritual world almost collapsed, and lost too much energy. Slowly, he fell asleep.

Nothing happened all night.

When Yang Ping woke up, he jumped up and was startled into a cold sweat. His mental strength spread rapidly. He didn\'t find the smell of Zhu Xi in the villa. He was half scared to death.

He rushed to Zhu Xi\'s room, didn\'t see anyone, and said nervously, "no, it\'s just one night, there was an accident."

Yang Ping was most worried about Zhu Xi\'s accident, but went downstairs to see breakfast on the table and a note with Juan Xiu\'s pen characters on it.

"The company has something to do. I bought breakfast. I didn\'t make it."

Yang Ping looked at the breakfast on the table. It didn\'t look good. If he was really in business, he would lose his life. However, his heart was warm. It seemed that Zhu Xi made the breakfast himself.

Why does Ni Zi emphasize that she didn\'t do it herself? There\'s no silver here. It\'s obviously her own.

Yang Ping smiled and soon felt the smell of the top office of China Airlines building, so he had breakfast and rushed to the company. Soon, Yang Ping came to the top office. Yang Yuxin was reporting the company\'s situation these two days. Because of the angel investment of feidalis investment group, the company has a good prospect. Even with the obstruction of Wang Group, China Airlines Group exudes a thriving atmosphere.

Yang Yuxin looks good, with two blushes on her cheeks.

"Zhu Dong, if you\'re OK, I\'ll go out first." Yang Yuxin left the office very knowingly, leaving Zhu Xi and Yang Ping.

Zhu Xi handled the documents carefully. Because she had lived in the hospital for several days, many urgent things piled up in the company. Fortunately, Yang Yuxin was a capable strong woman and made no mistakes.

"If you\'re OK, go and play by yourself. I\'m still busy." Zhu Xi didn\'t lift her head and resumed the nature of a strong woman.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "thank you for your breakfast."

Zhu Xi\'s hand trembled, but she soon continued to work and said, "you\'re welcome. I bought breakfast."

"No wonder, I bought it. It tastes..." Yang Ping raised his tone and dragged a long tail.

Zhu Xi looked up quickly, her pretty face a little nervous.

Yang Ping stopped talking, changed the subject and said, "it\'s boring to stay in the company. I\'ll go down for consultation."

Zhu Xi cried, "wait, what did you just want to say?"

Yang Ping wondered, "didn\'t say anything."

Zhu Xi showed disappointment.

Yang Ping suddenly smiled and said, "you said breakfast. Didn\'t you say you bought breakfast? Why should you know? It has nothing to do with you anyway."


Zhu Xi now wants to slap him. This bastard spent a long time making breakfast. He didn\'t feel it. Can\'t he feel the difference?

Or did I do badly?

Zhu Xi thought angrily, even if it is worse, it can\'t show disgust. I\'ll do it for you next time.

"Forget it."

Zhu Xi bet.

"Thank you for your wife\'s love breakfast. I like it very much." Yang Ping smiled and said, "I lied to you just now."

Zhu Xi\'s face turned cloudy and sunny immediately. She bowed her head and worked hard. Her face was business and had no other emotions. This time it was Yang Ping\'s turn to be surprised and strange. Didn\'t Zhu Xi do it? My brother praised it and didn\'t feel at all?

Yang Ping touched his head and left the office without knowing why.

Zhu Xi bent her mouth and showed a proud smile.

Not long after Yang Ping left, Yang Yuxin rushed in anxiously and shouted, "Dong Zhu, something big has happened to our land."