Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 930

Zhu Xi\'s head was a paste. She couldn\'t decide what medicine Yang Ping took. She was kissed in a mess if she wanted to say something. After a long time, she almost died. She hurriedly pushed Yang Ping away. Her face was crimson and said angrily, "what are you doing? There are people below."

Yang Ping licked his lips with lingering fragrance on them and said with a smile, "nothing. I just want to kiss you."

Zhu Xi spat: "nonsense, I\'ll go out quickly and don\'t let anyone see."

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "everyone else knows our relationship. What are you afraid of, or I\'ll sleep here at night."

Zhu Xi was ashamed. She had never seen Yang Ping so directly. She was afraid that he would sleep here. She panicked and said, "you go out first. We can\'t do that for the time being..."

"How?" Yang Ping pretended to be confused. Seeing Zhu Xi\'s nervous appearance, she couldn\'t help laughing.

Zhu Xi bit her lips and blushed like an apple. She whispered, "you can\'t sleep together after marriage. You... Go out."

Yang Ping suddenly shouted, "you mean you can sleep together after marriage?"

Miso for a while, Zhu Xi was so frightened that she sat down and said in a panic: "keep your voice down. You\'ll hear it below. Yang Ping, please, go out."

"It\'s OK to go out unless you kiss me." Yang Ping said rashly.

Zhu Xi hesitated and wanted to kiss, but she was embarrassed. She looked at Yang Ping angrily and wanted him to take the initiative. Yang Ping just didn\'t take the initiative and looked at her like that.

Zhu Xi was ashamed and said, "what do you... Want to do?"

"Kiss me," Yang Ping insisted.

"Don\'t go too far, or I... I\'ll get angry." Zhu Xi threatened, but she always felt that she didn\'t have enough confidence, because Yang Ping couldn\'t get angry with the smile around her mouth.

"Just a minute." Yang Ping patted his face and said, "it\'s a pity not to kiss such a handsome face."

Zhu Xi said secretly, it\'s not just a kiss. Anyway, it\'s not that he hasn\'t kissed, so as soon as he clenched his teeth, he put his lips together and touched them gently.

"All right." Zhu Xi\'s eyes are about to burst out of water mist. If he continues, he may really cry.

Knowing that enough was enough, Yang Ping patted Zhu Xi\'s small face and said, "well, you have a good rest. I\'ll help you deal with things outside."

Zhu Xi nodded, um, and lay down obediently. Yang Ping helped him cover the quilt, kissed his forehead and left the room. Zhu Xi looked at the door and saw the back of her leaving. Her heart was full of sweetness. She narrowed her eyes with a smile and soon fell asleep.

Yang Ping went downstairs and Wang had left.

He stared out of the villa with cold eyes, secretly said, Zhu Xi, I will not allow any harm to you. Even if your closest friend and closest person dare to be bad to you, I will ruthlessly erase it.

His spirit crossed the heavy darkness and rushed out quickly to find the trace of the king. He left a spiritual mark on the king at the time of acupuncture, which can be found at any time.

Wang is not credible at present, because the change is so great that Yang Ping can\'t believe it. But what she said is very reasonable. At least Yang Ping understands her feelings with Zhu Xi. Where is the problem.

But it can\'t offset Wang\'s killing.

Yang Ping clearly felt that Wang\'s murder was hidden in his heart, and it was very dark. There must be a problem in it. Wang could not resist his mind reading skills again. However, the power in Wang\'s body betrayed her.

Wang left the bay area villa and didn\'t go home. Instead, he came to the north of the city. She drove into a yard in a brand-new Land Rover aurora.

There are many people living in this yard, all ordinary people.

She got out of the car and walked into the apartment on the sixth floor of the house. When she entered the door, Yang Ping appeared in the yard and looked at the new aurora. The license plate number was not Longcheng local, but the city next door. That means Wang has been to other cities, so she lied.

Easily came to the sixth floor and looked through the wall.

Yang Ping wants to see who is manipulating Wang. In the apartment, there was no one except Wang, but there was incense in the living room. There was a hazy Spirit card on it, and the words on it could not be seen clearly. Yang Ping tried to see through it, but was shocked to find that the spirit card seemed to have an extremely mysterious force that hindered the perspective of others.

Wang knelt on the ground and said piously, "Sir, I have returned to Zhu Xi according to your instructions. Please indicate the next step."

Wang listened carefully and looked at it. About a few minutes later, Wang got up, put on three incense sticks, and then turned and left.

She left the apartment and drove away quickly. And darkness returned to the apartment. Yang Ping did not follow Wang, but was strongly curious about the Lingpai in the apartment. When ordinary people see this situation, they think it\'s a ghost, but Yang Ping knows that the so-called ghost is just a means of using the virtual shadow of saints to deceive ordinary people.

Obviously, the spirit card in the apartment may be a kind of virtual shadow used by saints.

He entered the apartment from the window and came to the living room. He was alert and looked at the incense in the living room. Behind the three incense sticks was a Holy Card covered with bright red cloth, which was like a layer of blood, shocking and extremely gloomy.

Yang Ping didn\'t show his fear. Instead, he approached and wanted to unlock the spirit card and see what was on it.


Yang Ping approached the futon. The futon suddenly spontaneously ignited and turned into a fire circle, trapping Yang Ping. Yang Ping looked down at the burning ring of fire, absorbed the aura around him, and filled the anger in the ring. Form an endless cycle.


And it\'s a very powerful array.

Yang Ping\'s face is dignified. This array is very simple, but very powerful. Generally, when entering the nine grade realm, it will be swallowed up and turned into a corpse to nourish the spirit tablet on the incense.

But I met Yang Ping.

With a sneer, the Qi of Nine Yang surged, directly cutting off the circulation point of aura and hostility, and the fire circle went out slowly without causing much movement.

"A little trick."

Yang Ping came forward, lifted the red cloth and looked at it. Suddenly, the red cloth had a strong repulsion and wanted to repel Yang Ping. Moreover, the Lingpai shook violently and disappeared quickly. It\'s too late to see clearly. The spirit card disappears too fast, just like light.

But Yang Ping still saw a word clearly.


Yang Ping looked puzzled. Yi, what is it? Is there Yi in the Jianghu, or is Yi just a code name, just like Shenyin, an organization.

He looked for all the memories, there was no easy organization, and there was no easy person.

Wang was obviously controlled, and the control was very powerful. Unconsciously, he didn\'t even know that there was a strange force in his body without personally checking him.

Easy, not easy.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and searched the apartment. He didn\'t find any useful clues, except for a Book falling on the ground, the book of changes. The writing of the book of changes turns yellow. It has a long history and has the habit of reading in ancient times, from right to left and from top to bottom. The same is true of typesetting. Moreover, there is no date of publication on it. The characters in traditional Chinese are strange.

He looked through the contents of the book of changes published outside, but there were notes on it, small characters with their understanding of the book of changes. The words were abacus. It was obviously a great energy who left his understanding of Tao and his view of martial arts.

Yang Ping read it carefully and sighed, "there are such strange people in the world." after reading it again, he felt that the above opinions were general and useless to himself. After reading it for the second time, he felt that his understanding of art was a little useful, but the third time, he felt that the content was broad and profound and could not be produced by non sages. The fourth time, Yang Ping found that the book\'s understanding of the truth of heaven and earth had reached a new level, unheard of. Moreover, his spiritual world seems to collapse and will change with the understanding of the I Ching.

His world outlook, outlook on life and values, as if after reading the book of changes, were not sublimated, but almost collapsed. Just when he was about to lose his way, black and white appeared in the center of his eyebrows, turning into a yin-yang fish to protect the spiritual world.

After waking up, Yang Ping was cold.