Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 929

Back to the bay area villa, Zhu Xi didn\'t fully recover and needed a rest. She went to the room and lay down. In the living room, Yang Ping was helping Wang prick.

Wang\'s face was disfigured. Yang Ping asked what was going on. Wang replied hesitantly without saying why. He just said that after leaving the villa that day, she was attacked in the street. When she woke up, she was in the wilderness, next to a new coffin, which scared her to death. After walking for a long time, I met a car who wanted to take a ride. I didn\'t expect the driver to see her shouting ghost and crazy stepping on the accelerator to escape. Wang knew the disfigurement only when he saw her face by the water.

She hid in Longcheng city and didn\'t dare to come out, but she had a heavy psychological burden. She didn\'t want to hide all her life and turned herself in to the Municipal Bureau. Yang Ping knew what was behind.

After Wang finished, he turned aside the topic and asked, "is my face OK?"

Yang Ping nodded as he pricked a needle, but he was confused and had an idea. He wanted to use telepathy to eavesdrop on Wang\'s inner thoughts, but he was strongly resisted. I was surprised that there was a strong spiritual force in the king\'s body to prevent eavesdropping on secrets.

It is concluded that Wang\'s injury is certainly not an ordinary injury.

Wang must have some secrets. Yang Ping did not make a sound and color, but treated slowly. He said, "the scar on your face is not like being hurt by a sword, but a beast\'s claw with toxins. You need to remove the toxins first before you can be treated normally. I\'ll help you get back to normal, and then cosmetic surgery can restore your original appearance."

Wang was surprised and said, "seriously?"

Yang Ping smiled and said, "of course it\'s true. When did I lie to you?"

Wang nodded, then bowed his head and sighed.

Yang Ping said tentatively, "do you have something to say? Anyway, I\'m bored at leisure. If I have nothing to do, I can use it as a garbage can for listening."

Wang Meng looked up and stopped talking, but soon his eyes were dim and a bitter smile.

Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and said, "is it difficult to hide?"

Wang nodded, then shook his head fiercely, reluctantly smiled and said, "Zhu Xi is a good man. You should treat her well and can\'t live up to her."

Yang Ping smiled and said, "there\'s no skimming in the eight characters."

Wang shook his head and said seriously, "I have known Zhu Xi for many years. I know her character very well. Generally, I don\'t like people and don\'t care about others. Even the best men don\'t like them, Zhu Xi doesn\'t bother to take a look, but it\'s different from you."

Yang Ping, with a smile, asked, "how to make a difference?"

Wang sighed and said with a bitter smile, "in fact, people who know Zhu Xi can see that she really likes you, but she is not good at expression."

Yang Ping was silent.

Wang bit his lips and said with regret: "In fact, to tell you the truth, I don\'t like you very much, because I don\'t think you deserve Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi is a girl who pursues perfection and won\'t easily show her feelings. Next time, she once said that she just wants a love that will never fade, and just wants to find the best partner for a man who will be good to her all her life. But what about you, Yang Ping, ask yourself, which man are you?"

Yang Ping frowned and fell into thinking.

Wang solemnly said, "Yang Ping, you actually know that Zhu Xi is not the only woman. As far as I know, you have at least two or more women. You clearly know that Zhu Xi wants to be single-minded. Why do you want to let her sink deeper and deeper? It will only make her more and more painful."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly.

I don\'t know how to explain.

It\'s true that I\'m very playful and don\'t meet Zhu Xi\'s mate selection criteria, but there are some things... After thinking about it, I don\'t think about it anymore. Feelings are very complex. They are not sold in the vegetable market. If you don\'t want them, you can return them or throw them away.

Once you get on the emotional train, you can\'t get off. Unless you are willing to experience the pain of jumping, this pain may turn into death.

"Let Zhu Xi go." Wang suddenly knelt down and kowtowed, "Yang Ping, I haven\'t asked anyone in my life, but I\'m willing to ask you for Zhu Xi!"

Yang Ping was shocked and shouted, "get up!"

Wang was dragged by a gentle force and didn\'t kneel down, but he still insisted and said, "if you don\'t promise, I won\'t get up. Yang Ping, if you really love someone, are you willing to make her sad?"

Yang Ping frowned and said, "we are not discussing feelings now."

Wang shook his head and said stubbornly, "we\'re just discussing feelings. I\'ve experienced it, so I really know how painful it is to fall in love with someone I shouldn\'t love."

Finding the tears and pain in Wang\'s right eye, Yang Ping sighed and said with a bitter smile: "the relationship between Zhu Xi and me is not as good as you think. In fact, we still haven\'t broken through that relationship."

Wang gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Ping, you don\'t know Zhu Xi very well. Do you think if Zhu Xi doesn\'t love you, he will let you live at home?"

Yang Ping said with a smile: "when I first met before, so did Zhu Xi. I also lived in the Jade Dragon Court."

Wang hen hen said, "it\'s totally different. At that time, Zhu Xi had a contract, and you were just a contractual couple, but now have you seen Zhu Xi still talk about things with the contract?"

Yang Ping was stunned and didn\'t consider this.

Wang sighed and said, "it shows that Zhu Xi completely regards you as the man she depends on. Think about it for yourself. With Zhu Xi\'s strong character and extremely dislikes men, how can you come in for no reason. You don\'t know how sad Zhu Xi cried when you destroyed the hospital that day, and the whole person seemed to be haggard."

"But when you came back, you didn\'t see that Zhu Xi looked like a different person in the study. He was full of strength, like a blind person who saw the light."

Yang Ping\'s heart beat faster and never carefully considered Zhu Xi\'s changes. Unexpectedly, Wang\'s observation was very delicate, and even Zhu Xi\'s feelings could be detected.

Maybe this is his weakness. He doesn\'t really understand women.

Yang Ping looks to the second floor. Zhu Xi\'s door is closed. She may have fallen asleep or she may not be able to sleep. The corridor is very lonely, just like Zhu Xi. There are no relatives around, and friends are lost, leaving only himself.

Although Zhu Xi is a female president, controls Zhu\'s group and China Airlines Group, and is a billionaire, her heart is lonely and needs company.

But the environment from small to large made Zhu Xi form the habit of loneliness. She carried everything alone, moved forward alone, and even faced all difficulties alone.

A rich family is always more complicated than its appearance.

Thinking of this, Yang Ping was more impressed by Zhu Xi and more eager to understand her and protect her. I used to think Zhu Xi was not sensible, but now it seems that it has not been a good thing.

Only when you have lost, only when you have been sad, will you know what love is and what is worth cherishing.

If you really love someone, you should not think what the other party should do for yourself, but think about what you should do to make the other party happy.

People are always selfish.

At least, now, the men Yang Ping met are asking women how to do, but taochengxi is different. Even if the beloved woman betrays herself, she loves without complaint or regret. Even if a woman leaves, Tao Chengxi should live well for the woman\'s will, just because his woman doesn\'t want him to live in pain.

After the final treatment for Wang, Yang Ping came to the second floor and opened Zhu Xi\'s room door. When entering the door, Zhu Xi lying in bed opened her eyes and looked at him silently.

Zhu Xi had doubts in her eyes, but she didn\'t get angry when a man broke into the room, but looked at him silently.

Four eyes are opposite.

Yang Ping sat by the bed, hugged Zhu Xi in her arms and whispered, "Zhu Xi, I love you."