Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 928

A terrible scar slanted down from the eyebrow of her left eye and pulled to the corner of her mouth. The whole head almost split in two. Her left eye was blind, she wore an eye mask, and her teeth exposed from her exposed lips. It looked very gloomy and terrible. If she met late at night, she thought it was a ghost.

This is the present King, the disfigured king.

Wang looked at Zhu Xi indifferently. Seeing the shock and confusion in her eyes, he smiled and said, "why, do you feel very relieved? I almost missed you and got retribution?"

Zhu Xi showed a painful expression and wanted to touch Wang\'s face. Wang showed a serious color and sneered: "put away your hypocrisy, Zhu Xi, I hate you. If it weren\'t for you, I wouldn\'t be what I am now."

Yang Ping stared at the scar and felt that it was not a blunt weapon. It seemed that it was the claw of a beast. When he grabbed it, the whole face almost cracked. He didn\'t know what Wang had experienced, but it must not be a good memory. What\'s terrible is that Yang Ping saw the hatred in Wang\'s eyes. The towering hatred can\'t be dissolved by Zhu Xi\'s warmth, because he has seen a lot of such hatred, such as the hatred in Zhu Yan\'s eyes, such as the resentment of the enemies killed before their death.

I didn\'t expect that Wang would resent Zhu Xi, and that kind of indifferent eyes have been engraved in his bones.

Zhu Xi shook her head and hurriedly said, "Wang, how did you become like this? Tell me, I can help you find a doctor and the best cosmetic doctor in the world."

Wang laughed wildly and stared at Zhu Xi angrily. He wanted to jump on her and bite her to death. He roared, "can you help me? I thank you, thank your ancestors for eighteen generations!"

Zhu Xi\'s face was pale and murmured, "it must be a dream, Wang. You\'ve never hated you. You know I won\'t hate you."

Wang showed a dark smile and said strangely, "really? You won\'t hate me, but why did I become what I am now? I\'m looking for it myself, and I\'m suffering from it!"

Zhu Xi also wants to hug Wang and tell her that everything will pass. There is no more harm to a woman than disfigurement. A woman can die, but she can\'t accept ugliness, because it\'s a lifetime of pain.

Love, career, all these things are lost.

There\'s nothing I can do.

Although she didn\'t understand what terrible things Wang had experienced, Zhu Xi just wanted Wang to stay and tell her that even if he was disfigured, we were still [email protected] ^^$

Wang obviously didn\'t think so. His hatred for Zhu Xi increased. He looked at Yang Ping and said sarcastically, "why, you\'re very angry. You have the seed to kill me?"

Yang Ping squinted and looked directly at Wang\'s heart.

Her heart is only resentment.

No love.

"Why, I\'m disfigured. You think I\'m pathetic and disdain to kill me?" Wang Leng snorted.! $*!

Yang Ping shook his head and said seriously, "yes, you are disfigured. You are really ugly."

Zhu Xi turned pale and hurriedly shook Yang Ping\'s arm, asking him not to talk disorderly to stimulate Wang, otherwise it would be difficult to stimulate Wang to make special things.

Wang was trembling with anger and stared at Yang Ping angrily.

But Yang Ping didn\'t seem to see Zhu Xi\'s dissuasion and continued to stimulate: "you are ugly, even more ugly than I saw. The former Wang is a policeman full of a sense of justice and a heroine I admire very much. She can be desperate for the common people and sacrifice herself to help others. She is a real good policeman."

"But now, I only see an ugly woman with low self-esteem, self pity, self abandonment and venting her mistakes on others."

"The king is dead."

Yang Ping said coldly.

Zhu Xi looked flustered and said in a trembling voice, "Yang Ping, don\'t say it, will you?"

Wang\'s lips trembled and looked more ugly. He stared at Yang Ping angrily, trying to swear and kill, because Yang Ping\'s every word deeply stimulated her sensitive nerves. Even he Zhennan, who has never seen her true face, shows it in the room, but wants to annoy people.

Yang Ping said, "you are a coward. You dare not face mistakes. You will only abandon yourself and make people who care about you suffer. If I were you, I might as well die."

"Enough, Yang Ping!" Zhu Xi shouted.

Listening to Yang Ping\'s words, Zhu Xi was also a little angry. Wang was very miserable. Why should he be stimulated? Can\'t he be comforted?

Wang\'s only left right eye flashed a complex color, sometimes painful, sometimes regretful, sometimes peak, and finally turned into heavy sadness. Looking at the worried Zhu Xi, he wanted to stop talking.

Yang Ping shouted, "Wang, if you are still a person or a heroine who is not afraid, you should bravely tell me, do you want to start over?"

Wang stared at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping said coldly, "it\'s just disfigurement. I can help you cure it."

When Wang heard this, his body trembled and showed a tangled expression.

Zhu Xi persuaded: "Wang, the current scientific and technological means may cure you. Don\'t lose heart. Moreover, you have seen Yang Ping\'s medical skills. What you have promised can certainly be completed."

Wang closed his eyes and tears fell.

Suddenly, Wang wow cried out. He cried very loudly. The whole office building could hear him. He fell in Zhu Xi\'s arms and shouted, "Zhu Xi, I\'m sorry, I\'m wrong. I shouldn\'t shoot. I really shouldn\'t shoot."

Zhu Xi cried, patted Wang on the back and comforted: "cry, cry out and it\'ll be all right. Don\'t worry, I\'ll always be by your side."

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yang Ping couldn\'t help drawing out a cigarette. After lighting it, she took a sip, and then looked out of the window. Is this a good result?

Is it what you want?

Yang Ping didn\'t know, but seeing Zhu Xi\'s tolerant eyes and Wang\'s repentant tears, he finally understood that sometimes he didn\'t understand women\'s world.

If it is between men, betrayal will never be allowed, at least not because of tears and reconciliation.

But women can.

In particular, Zhu Xi almost died, but there was no resentment against Wang. You can see that Zhu Xi really regarded Wang as a good sister.

This is what Yang Ping is most worried about.

Zhu Xi is too kind. For her friends, she can believe unconditionally. If the people she cares about even betray her, I\'m afraid Zhu Xi won\'t really hate her.

Yang Ping\'s real worry is Zhu Yan.

This person is insidious and cunning. He is probably acting and wants to paralyze Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi is soft hearted and may choose to forgive Zhu Yan. After all, she is still her own father.

I don\'t know how long I cried. Zhu Xi separated from Wang and comforted, "come home with me and have a rest."

Wang nodded silently.

"Sorry, I don\'t know how to face it, let alone whether I will live like this in my life... I\'m afraid, afraid of losing everything." Wang Zhan showed a weak side and said timidly.

Zhu Xi said with a smile, "don\'t worry. Yang Ping said he would cure you. If you don\'t believe me, you should also believe his medical skills."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were white and he said secretly, why didn\'t you have so much confidence in me before.

"Yang Ping, are you ok?" Zhu Xi stared at him and asked.

Being watched by Zhu Xi\'s burning eyes, Yang Ping had to be ok if he couldn\'t. He said, "don\'t worry, I\'ll deal with a small problem for you."

The three left the office. Wang Chong was covered with gauze and didn\'t show it to others.

Out of the office building, Yang Ping nodded to he Zhennan, then got on the bus and left together. He Zhennan looked at the leaving car, relaxed and smiled.

Finally, it did not develop in the worst direction.

The office is on the fourth floor.

In front of the window of the director\'s office, Duan Fei showed a strange smile and said, "Wang, don\'t disappoint me. I have great hope for you."