Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 925

Because of the destruction of the interrogation room caused by the last battle, the Municipal Bureau renovated quickly. Because the construction of the interrogation room was built according to the standard of magnitude 7 earthquake, when the one-time explosion caused the collapse of the whole house, it was identified as a tofu residue project. Therefore, the Longcheng discipline Inspection Commission intervened in the investigation, and two deputy department level officials were double regulated.

Walking on the cement road in the front yard of the Municipal Bureau, Zhu Xi acted independently and walked towards the office. In a room of the office building, she almost shot her best friend.

Yang Ping felt Zhu Xi\'s low mood, took her little hand and encouraged her. Zhu Xijiao\'s body trembled slightly, but she surprisingly didn\'t break free. They walked side by side on the road, forming a landscape. The woman is beautiful, the man is handsome, and the return rate is very high. In the room on the third floor of the office, a pair of disdainful eyes shot down. Yang Ping\'s heart sank and knew that things might be difficult to do. Because the eyes come from Wang, a woman who almost killed her best friend, but her eyes don\'t have any guilt.

Zhu Xi is a person who values love and righteousness. She doesn\'t have many friends, but she is willing to do everything for her friends. She was betrayed by her friends, which undoubtedly dealt a great blow to her.

"Why don\'t you go back?"

Yang Ping reminded, "you haven\'t recovered. Come back in a few days."

Zhu Xi shook her head and said firmly, "I just want a result."

Yang Ping was helpless. He could only take Zhu Xi to the third floor and was ready to make a direct shot if the situation was wrong. Wang may have changed and become unreasonable. Can Zhu Xi get the result she wants?

He Zhennan waited at the door and saw the two people coming. Instead of their usual smile, he showed deep concern and said: "people turned themselves in and came back. At present, there is no criminal case. Wang himself is a good girl. There must be a reason to do that. She and you are good friends..."

His meaning is very obvious. I hope Zhu Xi will not pursue too much in the face of his friends, because in this way, Wang is destroyed.

He Zhennan regretted Wang and hoped that Wang could become a useful person to the people. Of course, there is pressure on Wang Jie. After all, Wang Jie was once his immediate boss.

Zhu Xi looked at he Zhennan and remained silent.

Yang Ping looked in the other direction. On the bench in the living room, he was a middle-aged man. He wore ordinary clothes and a hat, but his body would not naturally exude a sense of dignity. Only long-term engagement in dangerous work could form a bad spirit, indicating that he had killed many people.

At a glance, it was Wang Jie, Wang\'s father, who broke his heart for his daughter\'s business.

With a slight sigh, Yang Ping motioned Zhu Xi to sit for a while, came to Wang Jie and said, "director Wang, long time no see."

Wang Jie raised his head and looked at Yang Ping with complex eyes. He wanted to stop talking, but soon became serious and said in a deep voice: "Yang Ping, I didn\'t come to make it clear to Wang, nor did I want to get rid of his crime through relationship. If Wang did something wrong, he would be severely punished by the law."

Yang Ping was moved. He didn\'t think that Wang Jie didn\'t come to beg for mercy, nor to win sympathy, nor to oppress people with status, but to force the Municipal Bureau not to let Wang get rid of his crime because of him.

This is what Wang Jie has been a police figure for decades.

This shows Wang Jie\'s lofty integrity.

Yang Ping was in awe, but when he saw Wang Jie\'s gray sideburns, he was less than 50 years old and his hair was much whiter. It must be Wang\'s business that made him sad.

The only daughter who has devoted her whole life thought she would become the pride of the people. Unexpectedly, in the end, she became a suspect, which no one can accept.

"Wang may be controlled by others," Yang Ping said, unable to bear to see that Wang Jie was too uncomfortable.

Wang Jie was shocked and a light of hope flashed in his eyes.

Wang\'s murder of Zhu Xi and his controlled crime are totally two things. Not to mention the difference in criminal law, it is subjective will, which is what Wang Jie cares most. If controlled, it means that Wang is not a bad person and will not take the initiative to kill.

"Really?" Wang Jie trembled. Facing the problem that Wang may get rid of his crime, he still couldn\'t help getting excited after decades of ups and downs in officialdom.

Yang Ping thought, not sure, but nodded: "it\'s very possible."

Wang Jieshu breathed, patted Yang Ping on the shoulder, said thank you, and then walked to Zhu Xi. Yang Ping didn\'t follow. He picked up a cigarette, dropped it on his mouth and smoked. He couldn\'t listen to what Wang Jie said to Zhu Xi. His mind was wandering and he remembered his first encounter in the restaurant outside the Jade Dragon Court. The valiant policewoman wearing a leather jacket and riding a Harley heavy locomotive is now facing a charge of murder.

The world is changing so fast.

Yang Ping took a deep breath of smoke and suddenly disliked the chaos in Longcheng. For their own selfish desires, those people constantly involved ordinary people. The great changes of the family and the suffering of the people affected the fish in the pond.

Because of the chaos in Longcheng, ordinary people may face the most chaotic time since the founding of the people\'s Republic of China, and scenes of happiness of the people in Longcheng can\'t help but emerge in their heads.

These happiness, in the face of chaos, will eventually come to naught.

Yang Ping was depressed and secretly said that if he was strong enough, he would not let those bastards go wild. His own strength could stop all the fighting.

What are these people waiting for?

Yang Ping takes a deep breath and returns to reality. Wang Jie has left. He doesn\'t know what he said to Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi\'s eyes are red.

"I withdraw the accusation," said Zhu Xi suddenly.

Yang Ping nodded to show understanding, but still reminded: "anyway, at least go ahead and see why Wang didn\'t do it, and I suspect it was artificially controlled."

Zhu Xi bit her lips and whispered, "I listen to you."

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi\'s pitiful appearance. I really felt pity. The image of the iceberg female president collapsed. At the moment, she was just a helpless little match girl who needed protection and comfort.

I couldn\'t help but want to hold Zhu Xi\'s little hand, but Zhu Xi refused.

Yang Ping was stunned and didn\'t know why.

Zhu Xi blushed and whispered, "no, so many people are watching."

Yang Ping suddenly said, "it means that if no one sees it, you can do anything at will?"

Zhu Xi stared at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping shrugged and said helplessly, "well, when I didn\'t say."

The third floor of the Municipal Bureau office building.

He Zhennan accompanied the two men to the room where Wang was detained. He didn\'t go in, but just motioned for them to make their own decision. With Yang Ping present, he Zhennan is not worried about Zhu Xi\'s personal safety.

I\'m kidding. Who can take action against Yang Ping now?

He Zhennan is not a rookie who doesn\'t know anything. He knows more or less anything. He saw them enter the room, sigh and turn away.

Wang stood at the window with his back to them. He heard someone come in and didn\'t turn around.

Her dress has changed. She used to like to wear black leather pants to expose her slender jade legs and make men\'s blood spray. Now she is wearing casual clothes, T-Shirts, loose jeans and Nb sports shoes.

Although there is no explosive sensory stimulation like leather pants, there is less heroism, but there is a soft temperament. The king is no longer as hard as before.

This is why Yang Ping is worried.

"If you want me to repent for what happened before, I can answer you now. It\'s impossible. I don\'t think I\'ve done anything wrong."

Wang didn\'t wait for the two to speak and said hard.

Zhu Xijiao trembled and felt very sad. Up to now, Wang still refuses to admit it. Has she never valued the relationship between them?

"Why?" Zhu Xi couldn\'t help asking.

This is asking, why did you shoot.

The king turned and said coldly, "because I hate you."

When Zhu Xi saw Wang\'s face, Qiao\'s face changed and lost her voice: "what\'s the matter with your face?"