Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 926

Secretary Yin has been scolded and paralyzed. Ellis said in an almost slave tone: "patriarch, I\'m little Ellis. I don\'t know what your Excellency has to say?"

"Lao Yang is my most important partner. If you are unhappy, you are ready to pack up and leave the Ellis family." old Ellis hung up directly.

Ellis was silly and looked at Yang Ping. He just felt like he was in a dream.

"Lao Yang..." Ellis swallowed his saliva and dared not show his superior expression again. He quickly smiled, "you are a good friend of the patriarch. There is an old Chinese saying that you don\'t know Mount Tai. I\'m sorry. I apologize for the previous offence."

Yang Ping ignored him.

Ellis was worried, stared at Secretary Yin and scolded an idiot. Didn\'t you know each other\'s identity before you came? Now let me wipe your ass.

Secretary Yin felt Ellis\'s eyes pierced into his heart like a sharp sword. His face was pale and said secretly that he was finished and kicked himself to the iron plate.

"Don\'t be wordy," Yang Ping said impatiently, waving his hand when he knew what Ellis wanted to say. "I don\'t have the hobby of slapping faces, but I won\'t be bullied casually. I\'ll only give you a chance to show."

Ellis\'s face changed and his voice trembled.

Too few hints?

Can\'t figure out the character?

How can I be satisfied?

Ellis wanted to strangle Secretary Yin, son of a bitch. He had nothing to do with bringing him to the hospital. After weighing, he understood that the focus was on the chairman of China Airlines Group. If she was not satisfied, she would be finished.

Secretary Yin looked at Ellis eagerly and hoped that he would show mercy.

But things went to the worst.

Ellis took out the phone, dialed a number and said directly, "tell the provincial government of Yunnan Province that because Secretary Yin offended my most respected friend, feidalis group has decided to withdraw all its investments in Yunnan Province."


Secretary Yin was in a dark moment and knew that the future was over. Fidelis withdrew her investment and her secretary job was over. Before, she volunteered to be Ellis\'s escort. She just wanted to show it in front of the governor. Unexpectedly, the relationship between China Airlines Group was so hard.

Secretary Yin fainted and no one paid attention.

All attention was focused on Yang Ping and wanted to know his mind. But Ellis was disappointed and didn\'t see that Yang Ping was a little happy. He smiled at Zhu Xi: "Dear Mr. Zhu, it is said that we have cooperated before. I am very confident in your business operation ability. Let\'s say that we Fidelis Investment Group will select ten angels to invest every year, each of which is US $100 million. I am honored to inform you that because of the remarkable business achievements of China Airlines Group, Fidelis has decided to make angel investment in China Airlines Group."

Yang Yuxin\'s eyes brightened after listening.

My God, is there a precedent for angel investment of US $100 million in the history of China? Fidelis investment group is a top investment consortium in the world. It has no profit and can\'t get up early. Therefore, angel investment is an investment that can dominate an industry in the future. I didn\'t expect to give it to China Airlines Group.

This is a lot of US $100 million, but the most powerful thing is the influence. If the outside world knows that Phyllis invests in the angel of China Airlines Group, not to mention Hongtai group, but Wang Group, who dares to get in trouble with Phyllis?

Zhu Xi also followed her heart and looked at Yang Ping. He made this matter, and it should be his decision.

Yang Ping nodded.

Anyway, foreigners\' money is not in vain. Angel investment has no risk and is afraid of wool. Of course, equity must be a hair and will not be with Fidelis.

"Based on my understanding of China Airlines Group, I don\'t need to cooperate with other companies for the time being. Therefore, in order to show our sincerity, feidalis announced that she would try her best to cooperate with China Airlines Group. As long as you are willing to ask, we can meet it."

Yang Yuxin\'s face changed and her excitement turned red.

People who know the business know that the meaning of Fidelis group is very obvious. They will remove all obstacles to deal with China Airlines Group, that is to say, China Airlines Group can not be interfered by foreign capital when developing and transforming the old city, but also get indefinite investment from Fidelis.

Such a good thing is better than money falling from the sky.

Yang Yuxin can\'t believe it. Yang Ping\'s phone call cleared up the mess of China Airlines Group. I can\'t imagine it.

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping and her eyes became softer.

Ellis smiled and said, "I don\'t know if Zhu Dong will accept it?"

Zhu Xi nodded and said, "thank you, Mr. Ellis. Thank Fidelis investment group, Yuxin. Go and talk to Mr. Ellis about the details."

This is seeing off.

Seeing that Yang Ping didn\'t say anything, Ellis breathed a sigh of relief and finally solved the problem, otherwise he would die miserably. He knew very well that the old patriarch\'s stinginess about the word "dignity" could make the old patriarch use few people in the whole world, and he was still the most distinguished friend, that is, the old patriarch\'s life-long friendship.

Ellis bowed and said politely, "Zhu Dong, please take care of yourself. I\'m leaving."

The Dean saw everything in his eyes. When he saw Secretary Yin faint and Ellis soft, he almost jumped up. He had overestimated Yang Ping\'s influence, but he still felt that he was not enough.

A person who can easily make Ellis bow his head may have more energy than governor Duan. If such people hold their thighs, will they be bad in the future?

Yang Ping said to let him go to the central health care center. It seems that there must be a play.

Yang Yuxin talked about the details not with Ellis, but with his assistant. He left the hospital, got into his car, and nervously picked up the phone to report the situation to the old patriarch.

After listening, he said coldly, "you can handle it. If you offend Lao Yang, the whole family will be killed by you."

Ellis was so frightened that he turned pale. He couldn\'t believe that the old clan leader was so afraid of the young man named Lao Yang. He couldn\'t help asking, "old clan leader, I don\'t know what Lao Yang is?"

Old Ellis sneered and said faintly, "don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t know. In short, Lao Yang is not you or the Ellis family can provoke."

Ellis was cold all over. He heard that the old patriarch spoke so highly of Lao Yang. As in a dream, he thought of the illusion that he almost turned over with others before and felt the illusion of the rest of his life. Unknowingly, his back was soaked with sweat.

In the ward.

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping with direct eyes and asked, "do you know someone from Phyllis?"

Yang Ping smiled and said, "of course, I call old Ellis brothers."

Zhu Xi frowned. Naturally she would not believe it. She knew very well that with the status of the Ellis family in Europe, and as the most powerful patriarch, how could she be called a brother with China. Yang Ping must be joking.

She beat and sidetracked, but Yang Ping was tight lipped and had to give up.

Zhu Xi took a breath. Although today\'s event was breathtaking, it was unexpected. She stopped talking, but forget it. Everyone has his own secret.

Yang Ping chatted with Zhu Xi. Seeing that she was doing well, he said about Wang.

When Zhu Xi heard Wang, a pain flashed through her pupils.

Yang Ping\'s heart tightened and knew that she had said the wrong thing. Now Zhu Xi\'s heart is actually very fragile. The betrayal of her best friend is actually the most harmful thing.

"Another time," Yang Ping advised.

Zhu Xi shook her head, gritted her teeth and said, "no, I want to see Wang now. I want to ask something. I can\'t find the answer to some things. I\'m very unwilling."

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi\'s stubborn face and knew that she must go. He said, "OK, I\'ll take you to the Municipal Bureau."

Zhu Xi was discharged from the hospital.

The procedures are quick. You don\'t have to do them yourself. The Dean runs errands himself. He\'s so scared that the accountants who pay the bill don\'t dare to sit and work.

Soon, they came to the Municipal Bureau.