Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 919

The spiritual imprint was forced by Yang Ping. Without his release, it will always exist. This is also the reason for Yang Ping\'s self-confidence, but the spiritual imprint suddenly disappeared and things became strange.

Yang Ping went to the window, looked through the darkness and saw under an old tree, which was the last place where the traces of Zhuyan disappeared. It seems that someone is helping Zhu Yan. I don\'t want him to be caught.

Yang Ping sneered, fearless. At present, even monsters in the cave can be killed, not to mention others.

Zhu Xi sat on the bed, wrapped in the sheets, shivering, with anger and the police in her eyes. If Yang Ping hadn\'t come in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

She never dreamed that her father would do such a beast, like a nightmare. She looked blankly at the front, and the way I saw it was distressing.

Yang Ping sighed and knew that he had lost time because he had killed monsters in the cave. Fortunately, he came back in time. Otherwise, Zhu Yan didn\'t know what he would do to hurt Zhu Xi.

Zhu Yan must die!

No, then infinite.

Yang Ping came to Zhu Xi and comforted him, "things are over. I\'m here. Don\'t be afraid."

Suddenly, Zhu Xi hugged Yang Ping tightly and cried, "I\'m afraid, I\'m afraid, why is this, why does life become what it is now..."

Zhu Xi is very sad. Up to now, she can\'t accept Zhu Yan\'s change. She has changed from a kind father to a true animal man.

Yang Ping sighed in her heart, which is related to desire. If Zhu Yan doesn\'t want too much, he won\'t sell his soul to the devil. He knew very well that being able to use the symbols of Taoist Zun continuously meant that Zhu Yan was closely related to Taoist Zun.

This is not good news.

Gently patting Zhu Xi\'s back, Yang Ping\'s eyes were calm and her heart was only distressed. Zhu Xi was a very simple girl. It was not just a matter of personal ability to achieve her current achievements. In fact, she hated a lot of things. She just couldn\'t believe it and didn\'t want to face it.

"Yang Ping..." Zhu Xi looked up with tearful eyes, looked into Yang Ping\'s eyes and asked, "did I do something wrong? God punished me like this."

Yang Ping shook his head and said seriously, "it\'s not your fault, but God\'s fault."

Zhu Xi did not understand and asked, "the Zhu family is like a curse. Why has the Zhu family become what it is now in just a few months?"

Yang Ping wanted to explain that Zhu Yan was responsible for all this. If Zhu Yan didn\'t have a big heart, he wouldn\'t kill other blood vessels of the Zhu family, sell his soul, and be the running dog of Taoist Zun, but Zhu Xi didn\'t know all this.

"Everything will be fine together," Yang Ping said with a forced smile.

Zhu Xi lies in Yang Ping\'s arms and enjoys the familiar Yanggang Qi, which is the man\'s breath and gives her a strong sense of security.

"Will you leave me?" Zhu Xi thought of his family leaving him one by one and asked softly.

Yang Ping was shocked and felt Zhu Xi\'s deep attachment to him. He found that the other party was not really cold-blooded and did not understand love. He just hid his real self for fear of being hurt.

The more afraid, the more eager, the more avoidance.

Yang Ping said firmly, "I will never leave you."

Zhu Xi seemed to feel Yang Ping\'s firm mind, relaxed, slowly closed her eyes and slept in the past.


Yang Ping performed hypnosis to let Zhu Xi completely relax and enter deep sleep. Deal with the things in the ward. Yang Ping walked out of the ward and his eyes were cold. You wanted to die yourself, Zhu Yan.

An old house in a village in the city.

In the street downstairs, the vendors began to set up stalls. Before dawn, the vendors were going to work. The cleaners have cleaned the street once, and then the vendors will throw the garbage on the street again and wait for the cleaners to clean it late at night. This cycle is like the vendors doing business day after day.

In an old house, Zhu Yan trembled, the skin on his arm left, blood vessels burst and green liquid flowed out. The room was full of the smell of potions.

Zhu Yan was in great pain and kept trying to stabilize the injury, but Yang Ping\'s fist strength was too terrible. The Qi of Nine Yang just could restrain the magic Qi, making it very difficult for Zhu Yan to recover.

Zhu Yan\'s fourth generation evolutionary body did not reach a perfect shape, but settled in it with the help of other people\'s bodies. This scientific opportunity belongs to the most advanced in the world.

When the outside world was shocked by a skull replacement operation, in fact, the laboratory of the psionic association had already completed this experiment, and it was more in-depth. Now the focus of research is soul transfer.

As it happens, the fourth generation of evolution needs to transfer consciousness to this science and technology. Unfortunately, the experiment was not very successful.

Zhu Yan\'s physical function was broken by one punch, and he could only barely keep his breath. Just before, he thought he would die. Suddenly, a force cut off the spiritual mark, and then he was brought here.

Although he was seriously injured, he did not relax his vigilance.

Zhu Yan was in the room, staring at the door, his spirit dispersed and explored the outside of the living room. Unfortunately, it was dark outside, like a cold abyss.

"If I were you, I wouldn\'t waste my mental energy. Adjust my body function well, or exchange for a body again." a strange sound came from the living room, such as metal friction, which sounded very uncomfortable, and the sound was not very smooth.


Zhu Yan shouted, staring at the door.

A man walked into the room and looked at Zhu Yan with a smile. He looks very different from Chinese people. He is a bit similar to the hybrid of Europe, America and China. He is tall and has snow-white skin, but his eyes have heavy pupils.

At a glance, you will feel that the heavy pupil is strange and the mental power will be swallowed up.

These are strange eyes.

In his heart, Zhu Yan was shocked, hurriedly shifted his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "who are you in the end?" the other party was clearly in front of him, but he couldn\'t feel it. This is terrible.

There is no such person in the data collected by Longcheng.

Zhu Yan changed his mind and wanted to get away.

The other party seemed to see through Zhu Yan\'s mind and said with a smile, "if I were you, I wouldn\'t want to leave. You can avoid the chase only if you are here."

Zhu Yan asked, "what do you want?"

The other party smiled as if he heard a joke, shook his head and said, "you human beings are really material. Do you want to get a return for helping a person?"

Zhu Yan sneered: "will you help me for free?" he held a talisman in his hand, which was the only one left by the Taoist priest. His attack power was extremely powerful.

The reason why he can calm down is because the Fu is still there.

With a light sigh, the man stared at the talisman in Zhu Yan\'s palm, showed interested eyes, and asked, "I feel that the talisman in your hand is very powerful. There is something far beyond your will, and I can\'t even see through it. It\'s powerful. I didn\'t expect there to be such a terrible figure among mankind. No wonder the master failed in those years."

Zhu Yan is confused. The other party is a human being and mentions the master. Such a powerful figure is still a slave of others. It can be seen that the other party\'s master is also a powerful man.

Zhu Yan was about to speak when he suddenly felt something wrong.

Doesn\'t he belong to the world?