Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 918

In the dark ward, a pair of green eyes came, the air was filled with the smell of erosion, and the sound of footsteps sounded in the room, as if it had spread for a long time.

The light hit Zhu Yan\'s face. His face was strange, except for his ruthless and indifferent eyes.

Zhu Yan is more strange.

Seeing Zhu Yan, Zhu Xi\'s face changed slightly. Instinctively feeling the danger, she could not help shrinking her body and asked, "Dad, what are you doing here?"

Zhu Yan smiled and said strangely, "I\'m afraid you\'re lonely, so I\'ll accompany you. Zhu Xi, my daughter, you\'re more and more like your dead mother. Tut Tut, it\'s so beautiful."

Zhu Xi felt a strong possessive desire in Zhu Yan\'s pupil and was scared to death. This is not what a father should have. It\'s a smile that animals will show.

"I want to rest," said Zhu Xiqiang calmly. "Assistant Yang will come back later. So will Yang Ping. Dad, if there\'s nothing else, go out first."

Zhu Yan stood by without moving.

Zhu Xi clenched her teeth and said, "Dad, I want to change my clothes."

With a smile, Zhu Yan showed an obscene light and said, "change it. Your father saw it all when you were a child, and now it\'s the same."

"Shut up!"

Zhu Xijiao trembled and could hardly believe her ears. She said in a cold voice, "go out."

Zhu Yan sneered, stared at Zhu Xi\'s body, licked his lips from top to bottom, trembled with excitement, seemed to suppress some instinctive desire, and gasped: "Zhu Xi, you are more and more like your mother. I see your mother when I see you. Your mother\'s body is the most beautiful in the world. I miss your mother very much."

Zhu Xi was cold all over. She just felt that Zhu Yan was crazy. Talking about this kind of thing in front of her daughter was a beast.

Zhu Yan\'s eyes glowed with excitement, his face twisted, stared at Zhu Xi\'s towering chest and shouted, "Zhu Xi, let me see your mother\'s body. You look the same as your mother. Your body must be the same. Dad just looks at it and won\'t do anything else."

Table tennis!

Zhu Xi was furious. She hated Zhu Yan in front of her. His words deeply hurt her heart and shouted angrily, "get out of here."

The small bowl smashed at Zhu Yan, but Zhu Yan didn\'t flash. Let the small bowl fall to the ground and smash into pieces. Zhu Yan pinched a sharp piece of glass and broke it. He stretched out his other hand. Gently across the pulse, blood flowed out of his wrist and trickled down to the ground. It looked terrible.

Zhu Xi turned pale and was terrified.

Zhu Yan is crazy.

Zhu Xi shouted at the door, "doctor, nurse..."

The door is open.

A woman in charge of thoracic surgery rushed in and saw the blood all over the ground. Her face changed dramatically and shouted, "who are you and what are you doing here? I know the ward can\'t..."


Zhu Yan slapped the female leader to fly. The female leader couldn\'t bear the heavy blow and hit the wall. Her head was full of blood. It was obvious that she had lost half her life.

Zhu Xi was terrified. The nurse wanted to turn around. Zhu Yan grabbed her. The nurse was frightened to find that her body was out of control and pulled back by a suction force.

Zhu Yan grabbed the nurse\'s neck and licked the nurse\'s face with his tongue. The saliva was sticky and strongly corrosive. The nurse screamed, but his face turned blue and was obviously poisoned.

Zhu Yan\'s saliva is highly poisonous.

The nurse fell to the ground, shivering and looking hopelessly. Zhu Xi saw two people die because of themselves. She was very angry and shouted, "enough, what do you want?"

Zhu Yan smiled coldly and strangely and said, "I just want to see your mother\'s body. Is there anything wrong? As a daughter, shouldn\'t I consider it for my father?"

Zhu Xi was disgusted when she heard the animal logic.

The former elegant Zhu family owner has now become a maggot in the toilet. He wriggles in front of his eyes and gets goose bumps all over.

But Zhu Xi had no impulse, but thought about how to get out.

Zhu Yan\'s appearance changed greatly. Except for his familiar indifferent eyes, other places were completely different from the original. Zhu Xi knew that no matter how disgusting or personal, Zhu Yan would be able to do it.

Walking slowly towards Zhu Xi, Zhu Yan took a deep breath and said crazily, "come on, my dear daughter, let\'s go back to your childhood and I\'ll take a bath for you..."

Zhu Xi screamed, hurried out of bed, approached the window and shouted, "don\'t come here, or I..."

Zhu Yan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "will you jump? Are you willing to be your little lover? Daughter, dad knows your personality very well. You won\'t jump."


Zhu Xi jumped directly from the 13th floor of the inpatient department.

Zhu Yan turned pale and roared, "you\'re crazy."

If Zhu Xi died, he would have no chance to threaten Yang Ping. At that time, Yang Ping would kill himself without hesitation. Zhu Yan was cold, gritted his teeth and scolded, "idiot, just like your mother."

When Zhu Xi wanted to jump out of the window, she was caught by a force, pulled back and fell to the ground. Zhu Yan slapped her daughter and roared, "what should I do if you\'re dead?"

Zhu Xi fell to the ground, her tender face red and swollen, staring at Zhu Yan angrily. This time, she really gave up on Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan grabbed Zhu Xi\'s collar and said angrily, "you want to die. I don\'t agree with your parents. How can you die?"


Zhu Xi spat and scolded.

Zhu Yan wiped the saliva off his face and said coldly, "only animals can live longer in this world, and only good people can die early. Zhu Xi, you will understand one day. I wanted to know the secret of Longcheng when I experimented with you, but Yang Ping ruined my good deed."

Zhu Xi showed an incredible color and looked at Zhu Yan in surprise.

In those days, he was regarded as a test object?

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Zhu Yan sneered and hummed, "I won\'t kill you. Don\'t think too much. Why don\'t you think Yang Ping didn\'t come up?"

Zhu Xi suddenly realized, and then angrily said, "you use me to threaten Yang Ping?"

"You are so clever," said Zhu Yan with a smile

Zhu Xi was furious and hurriedly shouted out, "Yang Ping, don\'t mind me. Do what you want to do."

No response.

Zhu Yan shook his head and said, "daughter, although you are useless, your value is the greatest in my opinion. There are not many things that can contain Yang Ping in the whole of China. You happen to be the same. Yang Ping won\'t come up, at least when I haven\'t removed the spiritual mark."

Zhu Xi said angrily, "what do you want?"

Zhu Yan thought carefully for a while and said, "I want Yang Ping to die."

Zhu Xi turned pale and shouted, "don\'t think about it. Even if I die, I won\'t let you succeed." then he shouted out of the window, "Yang Ping, you don\'t care about me."


A sigh came.

There was one more person in the room, sitting on the hospital bed in the corner, holding a cigarette and silently looking at Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan\'s pupils tightened, hurried back to Zhu Xi, grabbed her neck and shouted, "Yang Ping, don\'t mess around, or I\'ll kill her."

"When did you talk to Taoist Zun?"

Yang Ping took a deep breath of smoke and stared at Zhu Yan. Without waiting for his answer, he asked, "I\'ll give you a choice now. I\'ll give you three minutes to escape. I won\'t chase you. If you erase my mark in three minutes, you\'ll be lucky. If you can\'t erase it, I\'ll finish you myself."

Zhu Yan laughed and disdained: "you dare to threaten me. You need to know that Zhu Xi is in my hand."

"There are two and a half minutes left."

Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

When Zhu Yan saw Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes, he was startled. He quickly left Zhu Xi, jumped out of a trance, and soon disappeared. He was afraid of Yang Ping and hoped to hide in three minutes.

Yang Ping counted the time. When two and a half minutes later, the spiritual mark was still there. Just about to get up, he suddenly gave a light sigh, and the spiritual mark disappeared.