Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 920

The man saw through Zhu Yan\'s idea and took a step forward. Under the dim light, his facial features became more and more clear. His facial features were very three-dimensional, a little too three-dimensional, just like sculpture. He takes over the body of others and gives birth to the feeling of blood connection, but the other party has no vitality, as if the person in front of him is just a corpse.

Yes, it\'s the body.

Zhu Yan\'s pupils constricted and he felt afraid. The other party clearly didn\'t send out a strong momentum, but it left an indelible pressure on people\'s mind. He had an impulse to kneel down and surrender.

The man smiled and said, "I can see that your eyes reveal a lot of desires. You are the most lustful person I have ever seen. I like your character."

Zhu Yan\'s body is cold.

No one likes a person with great ambition. If so, it is that he has absolute self-confidence. It seems that he has become the strongest in Longcheng. In the eyes of the other party, he is just a puppet and can kill as he says.

Only by transcending the sage can we have a state of mind.

Zhu Yan was even more shocked when he thought of the most terrible possibility. The man smiled and said, "why, are you afraid of me? Unfortunately, I thought you were not afraid."

Zhu Yan gasped, "why should I believe you?"

The man shrugged and said, "I can cut off your spiritual mark. I don\'t think I can do it in Longcheng. Do you know what kind of realm and strength can do it?"

Zhu Yan\'s face changed dramatically.

From the man\'s tone, he seemed to hear some possibility. Zhu Yan was shocked and impossible. How could Longcheng allow this level of experts to exist.

Otherwise, the leader of the holy land would have entered the Dragon City long ago.

The man approached Zhu Yan slowly, his pupils were very deep and full of magical [email protected] ^^$

"My body and soul belong to Tao Zun! If you want to devour me, just come." Zhu Yan turned his mind and understood that there was no way to resist, so he could only place his hope on Tao Zun.

The man smiled and opened his mouth fiercely. His mouth was originally a human mouth, but after opening it, it became a big mouth. It was like a bottomless hole that could devour the whole building.


The man wanted to devour Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan originated from instinctive confrontation, but his body could not move, and even his soul had to freeze. He watched his blood pounce.

Zhu Yan has a grudge in his heart. Why is it so easy? He has worked hard to achieve his current achievements and is so easy to be killed.! $*!

I\'m not willing!

Zhu Yan\'s resentment erupted, affecting some mysterious energy in his body. When his blood was about to devour him, suddenly, the man cried out in pain, hurried back and looked at Zhu Yan in horror.

Zhu Yan\'s eyes were dull, and a light and shadow appeared in front of him.

The light and shadow appeared and looked at the man indifferently.

"The evil barrier of the devil kingdom is only a great saint realm, and dare to be fierce!" the light and shadow did not release the pressure, but the man in front of him was so frightened that he knelt on his legs, as if he saw the emperor of the devil Kingdom and instinctively feared.

"Who are you?"

The man felt that his body was becoming empty, and his mouth made a painful cry. What was more terrible was that the light released by light and shadow shrouded his body and purified his soul.

He managed to get out of the cave. He thought he could rule everything by getting a new life. But when I see the light and shadow, I realize how naive my idea is. This person is comparable to the strongest person in the devil kingdom. If the devil Kingdom wants to attack the world, it will be miserable if the information is not accurate.

"I surrender!"

The man knew he was dying and roared quickly.

The light and shadow took back the divine light and said coldly, "I don\'t need the evil animals in the demon domain. Since I\'m here, let\'s give play to the waste heat."


The man screamed and wanted to escape, but he found that under the divine light, he seemed to enter another world. There was no way in heaven, so he could only run headlong. Gradually, the body became empty, the soul dissipated, and turned into a light group. This light group is an energy body, containing each other\'s lifelong efforts.

"Zhu Yan."

Light and shadow said indifferently.

Zhu Yan returned to his senses, quickly knelt respectfully on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "I\'ve seen Taoist Zun."

This light and shadow is the incarnation of Taoist Zun. He hides in Zhu Yan and waits for an opportunity. He originally wanted to sneak into Yang Ping, but it was a pity that he was destroyed by the strong men in the demon kingdom.

Perhaps the way of heaven is unpredictable, and the plan is not invariable.

The Taoist priest\'s identity can only be used once and will disappear. Therefore, he directly refined a strong man at the level of great sage into an energy body and directly disappeared into Zhu Yan\'s body.

Zhu Yan made a pleasant cry, and his physical skills, strength and realm were improving in an all-round way. You know, it\'s a super strong man at the level of great sage. There are only a few great saints in a holy land. The great sage realm can walk horizontally in the Jianghu, go from heaven to earth and do everything, but it\'s just a child in front of the Taoist priest.

Zhu Yan is more awed by Taoist Zun. An incarnation can crush the master of the great sage realm at will. Its noumenon strength can be imagined.

"I give you strength, which will be of great use in the future, but during this time, you must hibernate, not too high-profile." Dao Zun said coldly.

His voice is always high.

Zhu Yan felt the power of the great sage level, which was incomparable. It seemed that one punch could blow up the building. He couldn\'t help but be excited and said, "Taoist Reverend, your cultivation is thorough. Why don\'t you directly control the dragon city?"

Taoist Zun looked at Zhu Yan indifferently.

Zhu Yan\'s face turned pale with fear. He quickly kowtowed and said, "my subordinates should be damned. We shouldn\'t speculate about Taoist Zun\'s mind. My subordinates should be damned..."

Bang bang!

Zhu Yan kept kowtowing and dared not use Qi to protect his body. There were many real scars on his forehead.

"The swallow and the sparrow know the ambition of the swan. The sage is like this, and the great sage is like this. The earth is connected to heaven and earth. No one can make decisions forever. It is better than Wu Minglei and Feng. Its strength is far better than me, but it is still submerged in the passage of time, and no one can live forever. Every era is bound to have a choice from heaven. When I was dormant, I knew it was not my era. Now my era is coming He will become the king of the world. Whoever obstructs me must die. "

"You did something wrong."

Suddenly, daozun\'s conversation turned and his tone was calm and terrible. Zhu Yan was still in extreme shock. He felt guilty again and kowtowed to the ground.

"Please forgive me," cried Zhu Yan in pain.

"You should not cut off the relationship with Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi is the most important part of the plan. No matter what method you use, you must maintain the relationship."

"Deny that you have lost your due role."

The light and shadow dissipated, and Zhu Yan was cold and terrified. After a long time, Zhu Yan got up, his face didn\'t change, and finally sneered: "I\'m a dog one by one, but when I become the strongest, you will all become my slaves."

After Zhu Yan adjusted his mood and regained his composure, he thought about how to ease his relationship with Zhu Xi.

"Bitch, it\'s cheap for you. I wanted to eat you, but now I have to pretend. It\'s disgusting." Zhu Yan sneered and scolded.

The bitch scolds Zhu Xi naturally.

Zhu Yan defines Zhu Xi as the person who destroys all his plans, but he never thought that he would be so embarrassed because of his loss of morality. However, now he has swallowed up a great saint level master, and his realm and strength are far higher than before.

He frowned and suddenly thought of a good way to ease Zhu Xi\'s relationship.

He knows his daughter\'s character very well and is easy to be soft hearted. Only Yang Ping is an obstacle. He must get rid of Yang Ping to ensure that Zhu Xi recognizes himself.

It seems that we should first provoke the relationship between Yang Ping and Zhu Xi.

Zhu Yan had a good idea.