Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 917

In the face of Yang Ping\'s strongest punch, no one dares to take it in Longcheng. Even if the shadow is strong and strange, he feels the endless killing opportunities carried by his fist and chooses to avoid it.

But he couldn\'t avoid it.

Yang Ping\'s fist is the strongest fist skill of the body of Nine Yang. One fist can break the existence of heaven.

The shadow was shrouded in fist power, as if a meteor fell. No matter how he escaped, he would also be attacked, so he could only bite his teeth and fly a talisman.

This is the symbol painted by Taoist Zun himself. After the outbreak, it turned into a net to block Yang Ping\'s fist.


The net broke.

Even daozun\'s talisman couldn\'t completely offset Yang Ping\'s fist. The dark shadow was shocked. It was only a long time. Yang Ping\'s strength was against the sky.

The fist was weakened most of its power, but it still hit the shadow. The shadow coughed up blood and flew out. His body scratched a long trace on the hard concrete floor, with random gravel on both sides of the trace. He spewed out a mouthful of blood and wanted to get up, but this talisman was a pure defense talisman, which belonged to the highest level. When he hit it, the shadow showed distressed eyes, but he had no way but to fly out, otherwise he couldn\'t carry the second punch.

The third Rune shows the power of Taoist Zun. Under the extreme weakening of Longcheng, it still shows the defense power beyond the extreme state.


Yang Ping punched the talisman. He felt trapped in the mire and couldn\'t extricate himself. He was awe inspiring, but it was impossible to eliminate the heart of must kill.

He had to hit the third punch, but the talisman of Taoist Zun directly affected the void.

The shadow saw the hope of escape and left with a grunt. Yang Pinggang wanted to track it, but the roar of wild animals came from the cave, and a stronger spirit breath came out of the cave.

Yang Ping turned pale and said in a cold voice, "no matter who you are or where you are, I won\'t let you go!" whoosh, he shot a spiritual mark, ruthlessly penetrated the shadow\'s body and left a trace.

The shadow is angry, but can only choose to run away.

Yang Ping jumped into the cave and fought with the new dark creatures. Now he has reached a very strong state. Soon after his promotion, he encountered a lot of things.

Moreover, the existence of his battle, in reality, is a solid dark creature in the realm of saints. Yang Ping is very hard, but he can still suppress it.

I\'m most afraid of a great saint level creature in the cave, it\'s troublesome.

Boom, boom!

Fierce battle waves came from the cave.

In an alley, it was dark and cold. In the darkness before dawn, the shadow was darker than the darkness. Hold the wall and walk quickly for fear of being caught up.

He was still in panic. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping\'s strength changed so much in just a few days, as if he had changed a person.

Through the alley, he came to a private house, got into it, and directly knocked out a young couple in the private house. He wanted to kill them directly, but when he saw that the girl of the young couple was about the same age as Zhu Xi, he hesitated, but he didn\'t kill her.

In the light, the shadow lifted his hat and showed his true face.

Zhu Yan\'s face was pale, his pupils were surging and killed him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Ping, you broke my good thing again. You and I are at odds!"

Yang Ping\'s spiritual mark is still on him. Zhu Yan wants to remove it, and even uses the only Rune left, which has not been completely eliminated.

His spiritual imprint carries the power of the dragon city. Unless Yang Ping loses the blessing of the power of the Dragon City, he will exist indefinitely. Zhu Yan\'s face was changeable, sometimes fierce, sometimes embarrassed, sometimes angry, and finally turned into depression.

How to eliminate?

Zhu Yan thought for a long time and walked back and forth in civilian houses, but in the end, he had no way to try countless decomposition. He studied many similar psychoanalysis in the American Association of powers, but none of them was as complex as Yang Ping\'s spiritual mark.

how absurd!

Zhu Yan roared and shocked the little couple to wake up. When he saw a stranger standing in front of him and wanted to scream, Zhu Yan frowned and slapped the man to fly. The man screamed and his body was paralyzed in the corner. Obviously, he lost his vitality. The woman screamed, rushed over, hugged the man tightly and burst into tears.

Zhu Yan was upset and wanted to kill her together, but when he saw that the woman\'s age was not much different from Judy, he felt soft and left with a cold face.

For Zhu Xi, Zhu Yan can be ruthless, but for Judy, Zhu Yan can\'t start, because there is a huge secret involved here.

"Since you don\'t let me go, I won\'t let you go."

Zhu Yan smiled grimly and thought of the way to deal with Yang Ping. He left the house and soon came to the VIP ward of the inpatient department of Longcheng people\'s hospital.

Zhu Xi\'s ward is still lit. It should be dealing with things. Yang Yuxin stands next to him and records the orders to be issued at tomorrow\'s meeting in his notebook.

Fighting with Wang\'s Hongtai group, competing for the land development of a piece of land in the north of the city and the old city reconstruction project, China Airlines Group is passive in the face of the attack of Hongtai group. Hongtai group is a subsidiary of Wang\'s group and has the support of the whole group. In the past, China Airlines Group could not be an opponent, but Zhu Xi controls Zhu\'s group and the situation has changed, but it is still not optimistic.

Fortunately, Wenfeng mysteriously disappeared, and Wang\'s group lost political support in the government, so the pace of occupation was suspended.

After Yang Yuxin finished recording, seeing Zhu Xi\'s sleepy face, he advised: "Mr. Zhu, you have a good rest. Don\'t worry about the company."

Zhu Xi smiled and didn\'t speak.

How can you not worry.

If it\'s just personal interests, Zhu Xi may not be sad, but she knows very well that Yang Ping mentioned more than once that there must be no mistakes in the development of the old city, and the development right must be in her hand.

Zhu Xi will not allow anyone to move the right to develop the old city.

Because Yang Ping doesn\'t want it, and the people in Longcheng need it.

"No matter what price you pay, you should keep the development right of Longcheng." Zhu Xi said seriously.

Yang Yuxin was awe inspiring and hurriedly said, "don\'t worry, Dong Zhu. I\'ll do it."

"Ask the hospital if you can leave the hospital now?" Zhu Xi thought it was still inappropriate. She had to do it herself. Yang Yuxin\'s pretty face changed slightly and was busy persuading.

Zhu Xi\'s physical condition is not very good. No one can be discharged the next day after being shot. Even if Yang Ping helped with the treatment, he used the wood needle of the five element acupuncture method to help restore vitality and strengthen the healing speed.

"Dong Zhu, you should take care of yourself."

Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly and said, "even if it\'s not for himself, it\'s also for Yang Shao."

Zhu Xi said discontentedly, "why does my body involve Yang Ping?"

Yang Yuxin puffed at the corners of her mouth and said with a quick smile, "a slip of the tongue, but her body is still very important. I\'ll report to you tomorrow. Mr. Zhu, have a rest early."

She left and didn\'t give Zhu Xi a chance to speak.

Just after Yang Yuxin left, the door of the ward opened and a dark shadow came in. Zhu Xi reluctantly said, "Yuxin, if you don\'t go, chat with me."

"How about Dad chatting with you?"

Zhu Xi fiercely opened her eyes and looked at the door, but when she saw Zhu Yan coming with a smile, it looked very strange, and his temperament had completely changed, just like a hungry wolf.