Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 913

Duan Fei stared at Zhu Yan and wanted to see a clue from his face. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Zhu Yan always has a stiff face. Although he is sneering, he is very stiff. At first glance, he is not his own body.

As for how to see that it was Zhu Yan, Duan Fei relied on a special feeling. When he handed over Zhu Yan\'s name, Zhu Yan was also shocked.

He felt that the fourth stage of evolution of the ultimate evolutionary body had reached an unimaginable level, completely changed its appearance, and this was not the end, and it was possible to continue to upgrade.

Zhu Yan is dormant. If he wants to enter the fifth stage, he can be invincible. No one is afraid. He is the ultimate soldier who has seen Yang Ping\'s terror in the third stage. He is vulnerable in front of others. Now it is estimated that he can only explode in the fourth stage, so he waits patiently for the opportunity.

Now there is a loud explosion in Longcheng. Seeing the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Zhu Yan comes out again and tempts Duan Fei.

Duan Fei asked, "if you do this, Yang Ping will kill you."

Zhu Yan laughed and said confidently, "Duan Fei, you really underestimate my vision. I knew I could make the most of it when I first saw Yang Ping. Don\'t you know the relationship between him and my daughter? If my daughter was there, he couldn\'t kill me."

Duan Fei\'s heart moved, which meant that there was a problem, so he asked, "how can we cooperate?"

Zhu Yan smiled strangely and said, "of course, kill Yang Ping."

Duan Fei laughed and disdained to say, "you think your strength can beat Yang Ping. Let me tell you the truth. With Yang Ping\'s strength, you and I can\'t finish it. Moreover, Yang Ping is more and more unfathomable."

"You don\'t have to kill yourself." Zhu Yan reminded, "as long as you and I cooperate with each other, we can certainly succeed. Of course, if you are afraid of Yang Ping, consider me as not here. And I will tell Yang Ping that you have dark power seeds."


Duan Fei\'s face was gloomy, his eyes flashed a cold killing machine, and said in a deep voice: "Zhu Yan, are you threatening me?"

Zhu Yan shrugged and said casually, "you can think so."

Duan Fei pounced on Zhuyan.

He didn\'t fly, but a pair of cold eyes emerged behind Zhu Yan, ruthless, locked behind Zhu Yan and released spiritual attack.

Zhu Yan had expected Duan Fei to make a move. He didn\'t see how he dodged. His body became empty and melted into the darkness, allowing the spiritual attack to pass through from the original place.

Duan Fei squinted and shouted, "particle differentiation, you can particle your body. It\'s impossible. It\'s impossible to particle the most advanced body transformation in the world."

Granulation is a new scientific means. Dispersing the body into orange particles of the same size and recombining them can achieve the purpose of immortality.

Unexpectedly, the rumor could really be realized, Duan Fei had to be shocked.

In front of him, Zhu Yan gathered his body again and said with a smile: "you can\'t kill me, Duan Fei. Do you really want to cooperate and let Yang Ping and others lose."

Duan Fei promised to disguise before, but now he is really excited, because it is almost impossible to kill Zhu Yan just because of his ability.


Duan Fei promised.

The two talked for a while and separated. Zhu Yan left the Municipal Bureau, looked back, showed a strange smile and hummed: "idiot, you think Yang Ping is so easy to deal with, I won\'t wait until today."

Duan Fei returned to the office and sneered, "idiot, do you think a few words will make me believe you?"

They don\'t trust each other, but they need to cooperate. Because we can\'t make any mistakes against Yang Ping.

Duan Fei took a deep breath and felt the vigorous power in his body. His heart was ecstatic. However, Zhu Yan unexpectedly knew that this person could not be despised. He could not find the dark seed power.

Pandora\'s box turned into pieces, and a pair of cold and ruthless eyes appeared on the powder.

Bay area villa.

Zhu Yan came uninvited. He passed through the gate. His figure disappeared. The security guard could not see it. He only felt a gust of wind, and then fell asleep on the ground.

Villa door.

Zhu Yan sees through the villas and focuses on the study on the second floor. Zhu Xi is no longer at home. She is confused. The truth is that her daughter has a strong personality and is always working, either in the company or in the study. Now she is no longer at home. It is obviously fishy.

Just a beautiful shadow came out of the study and hurried out of the villa.

Zhu Yan\'s mind moved slightly and followed Yang Yuxin to the people\'s hospital. When he saw his daughter lying in the hospital bed and her face was very ugly, his mind shook slightly and he immediately recovered his calm.

He didn\'t talk about Zhu Xi\'s injury. He just closed for a day. Zhu Yan quietly came to the door of the ward, vomited through the window and saw his daughter in the hospital bed reading financial magazines, shaking her head and sneering.

Zhu Xi only reads books in her spare time. No wonder she is stubborn. I don\'t know how Yang Ping likes such a girl without life emotion.

But no matter how much, at least you can take advantage of the opportunity.

Zhu Yan has already planned to use his daughter\'s relationship with Yang Ping to provoke him. It\'s best to let Yang Ping fall into madness. Founder Yang Ping doesn\'t kill him, or he can\'t face his daughter.

With a speculative mind, Zhu Yan walked into the ward.

Zhu Xi didn\'t look up and said faintly, "if I said nothing, don\'t disturb my rest."

"Daughter, don\'t you even show your father?" Zhu Yan went to the bed and looked distressed, but said, "Dad is very distressed to see you now."

Zhu Xi looked at Zhu Yan coldly. There was no surprise, but disgust in her eyes.

Zhu Yan\'s heart beat faster and wondered secretly that the situation was wrong. Her daughter saw that she was not her current expression. Although she was uncomfortable in the past, she longed for family affection, but now she is very indifferent.

"What\'s the matter?"

Zhu Yan reluctantly smiled and continued to pretend to be uncomfortable. He sighed, "is it still that my father didn\'t find you? My father has to suffer."

"You know how to tell me about the past and mom." Zhu Xi said with a cold and impatient expression, "Dad, can your means change a little? I\'ll be bored if you always say these."

Zhu Yan turned pale and hurriedly said in pain, "daughter, how can you talk to your father like this? Dad feels worse than anyone when he sees you hurt."


Respond to Zhu Xi\'s cold laughter.

Zhu Yan sank in his heart, thinking that the change of his daughter\'s attitude may be related to the change of Yang Ping\'s relationship, so he took out a stack of photos from his arms and said with regret: "well, since you don\'t welcome me, I won\'t pester you, but I don\'t want you to be deceived by Yang Ping."

Zhu Xi looked at her father coldly.

Zhu Yan was seen guilty and reluctantly smiled: "daughter, look at the picture first. This is the picture of Yang Ping with other women. You can know what an amorous man he is. Dad doesn\'t want you to place your happiness on an amorous man."


When Zhu Xi did something that even Zhu Yan was stunned, she picked up the photo and threw it at the trash can, pointed to the door and said coldly, "Dad, although your blood relationship with me is still there, it\'s no longer the past. I forgive you again and again, which doesn\'t mean you can continue to deceive me. No matter what Yang Ping does, I won\'t stop him. Let alone hold him back."

Zhu Yan was shocked and looked at his daughter strangely, as if he had found a new world.

Zhu Xi, once such a proud girl, can not even care about Yang Ping\'s cheating. Is she hypnotized?

"You won\'t understand my feelings for Yang Ping. I was not sensible before and hurt him again and again, but now I won\'t. You won\'t understand Yang Ping\'s greatness. He would rather fight against evil forces for the sake of the people of Longcheng, and you will only pull back behind his back. Engage in conspiracy. Can\'t you deal with the enemy together with Yang Ping?"

Zhu Xi became more and more excited. Her eyes were filled with tears. She persuasively said, "Dad, what my mother liked must be your figure full of sense of justice. It\'s definitely not what she looks like now."

The hidden feelings in Zhu Yan\'s heart seemed to be pulled by Zhu Xi\'s tears. There was a sign of loosening. The appearance of his daughter crying in front of him seemed to be the appearance of his wife\'s sadness.

In the corridor at the gate of the hospital, Yang Ping sat on the cylindrical pier of the intercepting vehicle with a cigarette in his mouth. He was tired. He came back for a cigarette and looked at Zhu Xi by the way, but his eyes were very deep when he heard the dialogue between Zhu Xi and Zhu Yan.