Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 912

Duan Fei really felt the power gap. As the director of the Municipal Bureau, he felt small for the first time. In front of the strong, pistols and bullets were useless. Maybe artillery tanks were useful, but the other party would not wait for you to attack.

Only their own strength is the most important.

After Duan Fei came back, he opened Pandora\'s box and began to pray for strength. In the face of countless temptations, he did not give up himself and reluctantly controlled the devil in his heart. However, after stimulation, the magic barrier became stronger and stronger and made a difficult decision.

Sell yourself and gain strength!

"Give me your soul and I\'ll give you great strength." the voice in the box tempts Duan Fei. Duan Fei\'s face is distorted and his heart is very tangled. If he wants strong strength, he also needs to be self.

"Is there no other way?"

Duan Fei gritted his teeth.

"Equivalent exchange, only the soul is what I want. In addition to your soul, I can exchange my strength. Come on, you need strength, and I can give you the strongest dark energy."

The sound in the box continued to tempt.

Duan Fei closed his eyes, and a beautiful image of Shanshan appeared in his mind. He clenched his fist, clenched his teeth and said, "Shanshan, you are mine. I won\'t let you fall into the arms of other men!"


The city council resounded with sad cries.

In the director\'s office.

Filled with black fog, Duan Fei was wrapped by the black fog and kept yelling and suffering, but he gritted his teeth and insisted, without losing his efforts to resist the erosion of the black [email protected] ^^$

The black fog entered from the seven orifices and was squeezed out, but Duan Fei slowly gave up resistance and covered his eyes with a layer of black fog.

I don\'t know how long it took. Duan Fei returned to normal. All the black fog in the office disappeared into his body. Pandora\'s box broke open and turned into pieces.

Business as usual.

Duan Fei stretched out his hand and looked at the lines in the palm. The blood vessels protruded. What flowed inside was not red blood, but black liquid, but the black liquid made him feel very comfortable.

So powerful, 100 times stronger than before!! $*!

Duan Fei sneered and whispered, Yang Ping, don\'t you despise me? This time I\'ll show you what great power is.

When he finished his transformation, Yang Ping came to the Municipal Bureau. The position of the powerful and mysterious dark force was uncertain, indicating that he was very far away. With Yang Ping\'s current positioning ability, he could not be locked temporarily. It was a pity that he consumed too much power, otherwise it could be erased at one time.

He followed his feelings and came to the director\'s office.

The door opens automatically.

Duan Fei came out of it.

At a glance, Duan Fei didn\'t panic as expected, but smiled and said, "rare guest, I don\'t know what Yang Shao is doing here?"

Yang Ping stared at Duan Fei and didn\'t notice any other breath. He wondered. It was strange. I clearly felt the dark energy inside. Why did it disappear?

The whole city Bureau has lost its trace of separation.

Yang Ping said, "director Duan, I think you should understand that the things running out of the cave do great harm to the people in Longcheng. I hope you can help me."

Duan Fei laughed: "Please rest assured that although there are contradictions between you and me, it does not affect the cooperation. It is my responsibility to protect the people of Longcheng. Yang Shao, I am sorry for what happened before. Maybe I was wrong. I always feel that my own energy can ensure the safety of Longcheng, but after the previous events, I deeply understand that only by working together can I complete the task."

Yang Ping nodded secretly. Duan Fei\'s perception is not too late. If he had this awareness, he would not have come to today\'s world. He sighed with relief and said, "I thank director Duan for the people of Longcheng."

He swept again with his mental strength, and did not find the separation, so he turned to go.


Yang Ping looked back at Duan Fei and asked, "director Duan, is there anything else?"

Duan Fei hesitated and said with a bitter smile, "I don\'t know you must still be on guard against me, but I swear to God, the king is not under my control, but another force."

Yang Ping nodded and knew.

Seeing that Yang Ping didn\'t respond much, Duan Fei was awed, so he said, "I\'ll prove to you that some gratitude and resentment can be put down for the sake of the people of Longcheng. If I need help, I still have a lot of energy in Longcheng, maybe I can help."

Yang Ping\'s heart moved and secretly said that Duan Fei was very conceited, but he still wanted to do something good. He could cooperate and said, "I\'m looking for something that ran out of the cave. It can be regarded as the separation of saints. I can attach myself to ordinary people. I must kill them while it\'s not stable now, and then suffer from infinity."

Duan Fei changed his color and hurriedly said, "is it the great phagocytosis that has been lost for a long time? The rumor of this evil sect has long been lost. I didn\'t know how many ordinary people were killed during the civil war. I didn\'t expect to return to the Jianghu. Hey..."

"If director Duan finds it, don\'t be merciful."

Yang Ping provided some clues and sealing methods, and left in a hurry. The strength of the Municipal Bureau estimated to leave to find another goal. He still needs to move on.

When Yang Ping left, Duan Fei sneered and hummed, "it\'s like the Savior. You can destroy it. Can\'t I? I\'m more thorough than you!"

Seeing how Duan Fei finished the printing, he reached out and grabbed it. There was a man hiding in the corner of the Municipal Bureau yard. He looked frightened and trembled and wanted to leave.

"You can escape Yang Ping\'s perception, but you can\'t escape my eyes."

Duan Fei grabbed the man, and his five fingers burst out terrible Qi. This is a prefecture level middle-class ancient martial arts. His six Yang fingers pierced the man\'s chest.

Originally, the man was still pretending to be innocent, but when he was pierced into his chest, he showed his amazement.


The man fell to the ground and died in peace.

A ray of black light ran out of his body and wanted to escape, but Duan Fei had expected that he would open his mouth and suck hard, and that ray of black light would be swallowed up.

Duan Fei swallowed up the black light, showed a satisfied smile and said excitedly, "the tonic is good. I didn\'t expect to see the opportunity for promotion just after getting the energy. I will swallow up all the black light in Longcheng. At that time, I will be the strongest."

make love!

Duan Feigang swallowed up the black light, and there was applause outside. His face changed greatly, stared at the door and shouted, "who, come out for me."

A dark shadow came out, step by step, leaving scorched black shoe prints on the green grass. It can be seen that this person\'s strength belongs to corrosive darkness.

"Director Duan, long time no see."

The man came up to him and showed his true face. He was the former owner of the Zhu family, Zhu Yan. His appearance at the moment has changed greatly. Except for his cold and ruthless eyes, his facial features have completely changed. What\'s more terrible is that Zhu Yan has become another person.

"It\'s you."

Duan Fei sneered and said, "you dare to come out. Aren\'t you afraid of being wanted?"

Tut tut.

Zhu Yan didn\'t think so. He glanced at the Municipal Bureau and sighed: "Duan Fei, the legendary police legend in those years, didn\'t expect to become so down and out of breath when he came to Longcheng. He was overwhelmed by the legendary Yang Ping in the army."

Duan Fei turned pale and said in a cold voice, "Zhu Yan, do you think I dare not kill you?"

Zhu Yan said with a mysterious smile, "I know you like Yu Shanshan and are still secretly in love with her. If I tell you a way to get her soul, don\'t you know you will be moved?"

Duan Fei\'s face changed and his heart was jumping wildly.


Duan Fei asked tentatively.

Zhu Yan smiled, his eyes twinkled with cunning light, and said: "don\'t forget that Zhu Xi is my daughter, and the relationship between Zhu Xi and Yang Ping, I can do many unexpected things, such as showing my daughter the photos of Yang Ping and Yu Shanshan."