Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 914

A cigarette takes time, but what you get is far more than killing those separated bodies. Your tired body is full of energy. Yang Ping gets up and continues to hunt and kill. He doesn\'t want to leave a disaster.

That night, because of Yang Ping\'s strength, his separated body escaped from the cave was killed. Through the process of killing, he felt the power of the dragon city more deeply and used it more skillfully. I understand that there is a big gap between you and Mrs. Zhu.

When she came to the treasure Pavilion again, Yang Ping looked at the closed door and remained silent for a long time.

The treasure Pavilion is completely closed and isolated from the outside world. Even if you can\'t feel the breath in it with your current realm and strength, Yang Ping wants to ask Mrs. Zhu about some things, but it seems useless.

The fisherman disappeared when the cave broke out. I don\'t know where he went. This mysterious and powerful old man is one of the people Yang Ping wants to know most. What is the purpose of his coming to Longcheng.

It can\'t be a simple pick-up or dating a little white flower. It must hide an ulterior purpose. Old man SE\'s phone couldn\'t get through again. Yang Ping was not upset. He felt that the dark clouds were pressing on the city, and his unprecedented responsibility was on his shoulder. He lingered for a while, then turned away and continued to search for the missing fish.

Not long after Yang Ping left, a figure came to the treasure Pavilion. Looking through the layers of space obstacles, he saw the bamboo mountain, the bamboo house and a flickering spirit.

A figure is located over the bamboo house. He opens his seal and wants to refine the people in the bamboo house. His breath is very strong, but he is only a separate body, but stronger than any saint.

Zhu Xue can not stand still until now, because the master who wants to seal her is a part of a great saint. The great saint realm is far beyond the saint.

Bamboo snow is just the peak of saints, reluctantly support, is already a miracle.

"It came in time."

The old fisherman smiled and shouted at the bamboo house, "Hey, old witch, if you don\'t stay in Kunlun Mountain and make wind and rain here, do you think you\'re ugly and want to revenge the world?"

The man turned back fiercely, stared at the old fisherman, his pupils tightened, and said in a dumb voice, "you fisherman, you dare to come to Longcheng. Aren\'t you afraid of being eaten back?"

The old fisherman shrugged, waved his hand and directly cut off the seal of the old witch. Zhuxue got a chance to breathe and recovered her vitality. Her breath slowly rose, and there were signs of breakthrough.

The old witch roared and said in a cold voice, "fishing, don\'t deceive people too much. If you destroy Taoist Zun\'s good deeds, Taoist Zun won\'t let you go."


Fishing squint, the name, perhaps few people know, even saints have not heard much, but it is like thunder in the realm of great saints. Almost synonymous with invincibility.

This man is insidious and cunning. After many wars since the Qing Dynasty, he can still live well and become more and more powerful. No one knows how old he is until he lives, let alone his strength, but no one denies his strength.

"Tao Zun is not invincible."

The old fisherman was not afraid of the name of daozun. He directly threw out a fishing rod. This fishing rod was very strange. When he threw it out, a real dragon attached to the fishing rod turned out and bit the old witch.

The old witch felt the disaster and resisted angrily. Unfortunately, she was not the opponent of the old fisherman. She was bitten to death and swallowed by the real dragon, together with her separated spirit.

The fishing rod recovered and fell on his back. The old fisherman looked at the bamboo house and said, "I have reinforced the seal of Luojia mountain. It took 99% of my strength. I don\'t have any extra strength to help Yang Ping. I hope you can break through again and make Longcheng transition smoothly."

The bamboo house didn\'t answer, but it gave off a stronger smell.

The old fisherman found that beside the bamboo house, a man was unconscious on the ground, and the peach blossoms on the ground looked very bright. He broke an arm and was seriously injured. It was obvious that he was hurt by the old witch.

But he was still breathing.

"Save people and save them to the end." the old fisherman shook his head and said, "you don\'t know the importance one by one. You think where Longcheng is. Zhuxue doesn\'t know, and you don\'t know."

I didn\'t see how the old fisherman acted. He stuffed a pill into taochengxi.

The effect of the pill was soon shown. Taochengxi was rejuvenated. When he opened his eyes, the old fisherman had left. He looked around blankly, then suddenly turned pale and hurriedly looked at the bamboo house.

Fortunately, madam\'s breath is still there, which means there\'s nothing wrong.

I still remember that figure was born in the sky. An idea seriously injured him. Tao Chengxi showed a bitter smile. The gap between him and the enemy is too wide.

A middle-aged man came out with a worried face.

Tao Chengxi got up hard and said, "manager Liu, what happened just now?"

When Liu Yucheng was in the chaos in Longcheng, he stayed in the treasure Pavilion. The treasure pavilion was attacked, but he still didn\'t come forward, because he shouldered a more important task, that is to contact the people in the South China Sea.

He knows very well why the old fisherman did it, and more clearly the price of the old fisherman.

The old fisherman was not originally from the Longcheng faction. Since he was willing to help, one was for Yang Ping\'s face, and the other was because the zanbaoxuan faction was willing to pay a huge price.

Liu Yu didn\'t tell Tao Chengxi the truth, but reinforced the seal of the treasure Pavilion again and said seriously: "next, no matter what happens, you can\'t open to the outside world, because madam is at the most critical time."

Tao Chengxi hesitated and said, "it\'s dangerous outside. Can Yang Ping resist alone?"

Liu Yu sighed and youyou said, "since it is an equivalent exchange, he must bear it. His master will naturally take risks in exchange for the guardianship of Longcheng with his wife\'s promotion opportunity."

Tao Chengxi showed deep concern.

If Yang Ping hears their conversation, he is expected to spit blood. Because Yang Ping is still in the dark, his right to protect the dragon city is actually a deal.

However, Tao Chengxi believed that even if there was a transaction, Yang Ping learned afterwards that he would still be responsible for the safety of the people in Longcheng without complaint or regret, because it was a responsibility.

"Auspicious people have their own heaven. We can\'t take it lightly when the treasure Pavilion comes to a critical moment. I hope Yang Ping can survive the disaster safely."

Liu Yu sighed.

"Human nature is complex. Yang Ping is too young after all. His relationship with Zhu Xi may affect his judgment." Tao Chengxi said his worry and said in a deep voice, "Zhu Yan is not simple. He can steal his wife\'s things. He has been the director of the Research Office of the American Power Association. His research result is to transform the human body. It is said that the United States has developed the most powerful transformation warrior through Dr. J\'s efforts. Will it be used in Longcheng and the island country will send experts over."

"The outbreak of the devil Kingdom, domestic and foreign troubles, is worrying."

Taochengxi looked out and prayed for Yang Ping\'s health. At the same time, he thought of another girl. He didn\'t know whether she was safe or not.

Sophie left a very important position in taochengxi\'s heart. Especially after her natural and unrestrained departure, taochengxi missed her very much. This is not a betrayal of the dead woman, but an emotion of heart to heart pity.

The same experience, the same experience, the same want to be stronger.

A sigh.

Far away in the suburb of Longcheng, in an abandoned factory, a man in black robes exudes a palpitating cold smell. Beside the complex computer, all his subordinates are dead, and there is a pinhole in his eyebrows.

Sophie fell to the ground and was seriously injured.

The black robed man looked at Sophie and said in a dumb voice, "it\'s just a nine grade realm. A test object dares to betray me? Do you know the consequences of betraying me?"