Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 911

The pressure from the cave explosion was so terrible that the people present were paralyzed. Those with weak willpower were directly stunned by a roar. Only a few people can stand firm.

Yang Guoyong gritted his teeth and insisted. Seeing the scattered black lights, he didn\'t enter all parts of the dragon city. He focused on the man who jumped out of the cave. When he saw clearly that it was Yang Ping, he was overjoyed.

Yang Ping caught a wisp of black light, crushed it hard, and said coldly, "since it\'s sealed, stay honest."

The black light is broken.

But more black light disappeared into the darkness, and one of them directly disappeared into Wang Zhanlong\'s body. Yang Ping frowned and said coldly, "bold!"

Wang Zhanlong opened his eyes, stood up and said, "boy, you dare to kill my part. When I recover, I will make your life worse than death and taste the pain of the soul cage."

Yang Guoyong was about to approach and was stopped by Yang Ping: "don\'t come here. He has been possessed and is no longer the original him."

Yang Ping stared at Wang Zhanlong and said in a cold voice, "if you don\'t come out again, I\'ll destroy your form and spirit!"


Wang Zhanlong laughed wildly and disdained: "boy, don\'t think you are arrogant if you have some strength. In the war, your strength was just an ordinary level. If I didn\'t lose 90% of my skills, you think you can hurt me?"


Yang Ping\'s speed was so fast that he grabbed Wang Zhanlong\'s neck in the blink of an eye, injected a breath of pure Yang and forced the other party to separate from his body.

At first, the things in his body didn\'t come out. He planned to resist with the power injected by Yang Ping to the end, but he found that the power of pure Yang could erase his soul and said sharply, "boy, you want to die."


Yang Ping\'s mind came up with the seal of Nine Yang, which was the seal technique in the field after the development of the body of Nine Yang. With one hand, he directly pulled the thing out of his body and sealed it.

That thing didn\'t expect the seal to be so overbearing. It was sealed before it had time to escape. It was slowly wiped out by the seal. It screamed, "you\'ll regret it. I\'ll come back to you again."

Wang Zhanlong fell to the ground and was unconscious again.

Yang Ping looked around and didn\'t feel that others were possessed. At the same time, the black light everywhere in the dragon city was hidden and difficult to find. His face was ugly and he said in secret that a loose seal had caused such damage. Although there were no casualties for the time being, it could be attached to many people. Only when he faced it personally could he be aware of it.

Unfortunately, there was no repression at that time, leaving behind disasters.

Yang Ping looked at Yang Guoyong and said in a deep voice, "Secretary Yang, I don\'t say much nonsense. This disaster may be the biggest disaster in history. If it is not handled well, many people will die."

Yang Guoyong was shocked. If there were too many casualties, he wouldn\'t want to be an official in his life.

"What should I do?"

Yang Guoyong 100% believed Yang Ping, asked the way and said, "what do you want the government to do? In a word, I fully support you."

His statement represents that the dragon city government fully supports Yang Ping, no matter how much it costs. Compared with the above, it is also clear that the situation is special.

"Seal the city!"

Yang Ping thought for a while and said, "the city can only be closed. From now on, no one is allowed to leave the dragon city. I\'m going to find it one by one."

"Now only one seal is broken. If more seals are opened, dragon city will be hell on earth!"

Yang Ping\'s words made Yang Guoyong cold. He had seen the power of Wang Zhanlong before. A black light attached to him. The cold smell scattered by Wang Zhanlong almost froze to death. More than ten meters apart, Yang Guoyong had the illusion of facing death.


Yang Ping didn\'t go into the dark and went to find the place where the black light lurked. When the black light didn\'t completely attach itself, he could kill it at one fell swoop. If the black light was allowed to stabilize, those attached people would become the most loyal slaves, which would be very troublesome at that time.

Yang Guoyong watched Yang Ping leave, immediately dialed the number above, briefly explained the matter, and emphasized Yang Ping\'s identity.

However, the provincial Party committee clearly knows the seriousness of the matter, knows more about the weight of Yang Ping\'s words, agrees with Yang Guoyong without hesitation, and emphasizes that Yang Ping needs any help and does everything possible to meet the conditions.

Less than ten minutes.

Longcheng city was closed.

The troops in charge of the closure of the city are the troops of the military sub district of Longcheng city. They surround the city with live ammunition and forbid anyone to enter or leave until the order is issued.

But Xuancheng is a military exercise.

After handling the matter and deploying the plan, Yang Guoyong specially went to visit the wounded from the cave. Seeing that they were intact, it seemed that there was little harm, and he couldn\'t help sighing.

What kind of strength does it take to rescue people from bottomless caves?

The municipal government used cranes, aerial vehicles and even various advanced rescue equipment, but it had no effect in the face of the power of nature.

Heavy machinery parked next to the cave, but it was a pity that it was useless. Finally, Yang Ping threw people down one by one with his own strength.

Moreover, these people fell down and came out from the beginning. They had no other memory. They only remembered that it was dark in front of them, and then lay down at the mouth of the cave. Yang Guoyong fell into meditation.


With a flash of white light in front of him, Yang Guoyong looked up and a light appeared and disappeared into his mind.

Shaking his head, Yang Guoyong felt his head heavy and dizzy. He wanted to sleep. He said secretly that he would not be sleepy. He could see the stars.

With a wry smile, Yang Guoyong specially asked his secretary to make a pot of strong tea to wake up his brain. Unfortunately, the strong tea didn\'t work. There was no way for other stimulating drinks such as red bull.

Seeing that Secretary Yang was weak, the Secretary advised him, "Secretary Yang, take a break first. I\'ll call you if there\'s something important. I\'ll stay at the door."

Yang Guoyong was half asleep and fell asleep on the hospital bed.

The Secretary quietly closed the door of the ward and waited silently.

Village in the city.

Yang Ping came out from the inside with a serious face. He had killed at least nine separate bodies. He just wanted to attach himself. He noticed it and directly erased it.

All the parts of the villages in the city are destroyed, but there are still many. Each time the seal is worn out, it takes pure Jiuyang Qi, and Yang Ping takes a lot. But he still gritted his teeth and insisted.

He wants to wipe out all the escaped parts before dawn, otherwise it will cause panic. He had been to the south wall. The gate was sealed and no one could enter or leave. Although some visitors think things are strange, they don\'t say much. Some people who want to take photos and send videos have their mobile phones confiscated directly.

Those people called for democracy, but when faced with real armed soldiers, they dared not breathe and left obediently and honestly.

Yang Ping disposed of a separation on the city wall, spread his mental strength, continued to search, and then found several separation in the city center.

In half an hour.

Yang Ping came out of a bar in the center of the city and his face became more and more serious. The separation killed by the seal needs more Jiuyang Qi.

The longer the time, the more energy it takes. Yang Ping was a little hard. He didn\'t stop and continued to search.

Time passed slowly.

This is the darkest time before dawn.

Standing in front of the police station of Jinglong City, Yang Ping felt that there was an extremely strong soul breath inside. It definitely didn\'t belong to Longcheng, but ran out of the cave.

This force is very powerful and good at camouflage. It appears, hides and is unpredictable.

Yang Ping looked as usual and went in.

Municipal Bureau Director\'s office.

Duan Fei stood in front of a landscape painting. Under the landscape was a box. There was a bewitching voice in the box. His hands were folded. He looked pious and prayed, "demon God, please give me strength."