Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 908

As the guardian of the Dragon City, the moment the seal loosened, Yang Ping realized that there was an illusion of disaster, as if the earth had collapsed.

you bet.

The central section of the old city of Longcheng was in the ground. A huge karst cave appeared in front of it. It was as big as a basketball court. It just broke the whole main road at the waist, and many vehicles rushed in with people and cars. Fortunately, the clattering water depth from the cave indicates that there is an underground river. But just because there is an underground river, people will die in it if they don\'t come out in time after the car rushes in.

Someone started calling the police.

Longcheng Public Security Bureau immediately sent people to the rescue, ambulances, fire brigades, and even the armed forces to the moving face.

Yang Guoyong got the news for the first time and wanted to rush to the scene. Suddenly, a phone call came from Fang Jianguo, the No. 1 person of the provincial Party committee.

"Secretary Fang, please give instructions." although Yang Guoyong is also called secretary, he is too different from the Secretary of others, and respectfully said.

"No matter what you do, no one is allowed to get close to the cave!"

Fang Jianguo said in a deep voice.

Yang Guoyong was awe inspiring. He could hear the killing opportunity contained in Fang Jianguo\'s tone, indicating that the cave might be more complex than expected. It can not be a simple geological disaster.

Wen Feng was caught. The other faction had no leader. Yang Guoyong first reported the situation as above and waited for new instructions. However, strangely, the above did not express any opinions. He did not dare to be too presumptuous and did not take the opportunity to subdue Wen Feng\'s mountain, but now, Yang Guoyong can mobilize all his strength.

Because Wen Feng was arrested, people were terrified, and no one dared to disobey Yang Guoyong.

"The cave belongs to the military forbidden area," Fang Jianguo said in a deep voice. After that, he explained some things and hung up the phone.

Yang Guoyong immediately mobilized people to go to the cave and ordered the armed police force to keep away from anyone except with his [email protected] ^^$

When he arrived at the scene, Yang Guoyong was shocked to see a huge karst cave appear in front of him. It\'s not that he hasn\'t seen karst caves. He has seen the beautiful mountains and rivers all over the world in Guilin, Guangxi Province, and saw many beautiful karst caves, but he lost his color in front of this karst cave.

The cave entrance is in the shape of gossip, surrounded by yellow seals, and vehicles and cement sandbags piled up into a mountain. Vehicles and strangers are not allowed to enter.

When Yang Guoyong arrived, Wang Zhanlong, leader of Longcheng armed police detachment, came and said, "Secretary Yang, according to your instructions, the surrounding area has been blocked."

Yang Guoyong was flattered and said with a quick smile, "Captain Wang, how dare I instruct you. Hard work, brothers. The superior department asked to take this place as a military forbidden area, and the army will come and change its defense soon."

Wang Zhanlong\'s rank is very high. He is already a deputy division level, and his status is even a little higher than Yang Guoyong. However, he is very low-key, does not participate in any faction, and is smooth. He only listens to the orders of the armed police headquarters. It is difficult for the Secretary of Longcheng municipal Party committee to command. Yang Guoyong has dealt with Wang Zhanlong before and knows that this person is difficult to deal with.! $*!

Unexpectedly, just after finishing the order, Wang Zhanlong finished the work faster than he thought.

Yang Guoyong knew that there must have been orders from the armed police detachment, otherwise Wang Zhanlong would not come here, and he took the initiative to show kindness. It should be the armed police headquarters that asked Wang Zhanlong and Longcheng municipal government to cooperate to complete the task.

"It\'s not hard. I don\'t know what Secretary Yang will do next." Wang Zhanlong asked.

Yang Guoyong is also confused, because the karst cave suddenly appears. If he causes heavy casualties, he should be responsible. So while talking to Wang Zhanlong, he commanded the rescue team to save people.

The karst cave is deep and bottomless.

Obviously, I don\'t think it\'s very deep, but standing next to it, people will tremble, because the karst cave is like an eye, constantly sending out cold air from the cave, freezing people\'s spiritual world. Strangely, when the crane is close to the karst cave, there is a sudden machine failure. There\'s nothing wrong with one crane, but there\'s something wrong with all the cranes. This place looks strange.

Wang Zhanlong was shocked. He had been a soldier for many years and had never seen such an evil thing.

"What should I do?"

Wang Zhanlong wanted his subordinates to rush in, which was a credit, but he didn\'t dare, because the cave looked very evil and didn\'t dare to take risks with his own people. Once human life appeared, the gain was not worth the loss.

He wants Yang Guoyong to find a way.

Yang Guoyong secretly scolded the old fox, but his face was as usual and said seriously: "for the safety of people\'s lives, there is nothing to hesitate. Send someone with diving equipment. Time doesn\'t wait. I\'m afraid people who fall will be in danger."

Wang Zhanlong was stunned and saw Yang Guoyong\'s firm eyes. This is not the time to play tricks. People\'s lives are at stake and can\'t be delayed.

He immediately called a team of five people down, took safety measures, tied the sling, and then jumped into the cave. Wang Zhanlong and Yang Guoyong watched eagerly, waiting for the news.

The rope kept lengthening, but it didn\'t see the bottom. The people present were cool when they saw how deep the cave was. The rope has gone down forty meters.


Finally the rope stopped stretching and the rescuers went to the end.

Wang Zhanlong took the walkie talkie and asked, "what\'s the situation below? Please answer."

No response.

Wang Zhanlong\'s face changed slightly and asked, "what\'s the situation below? Please answer."

Still no answer.

Wang Zhanlong\'s worry finally happened. Looking at Yang Guoyong, he gritted his teeth and said, "Secretary Yang, I don\'t know if I should say something."

Yang Guoyong looked around. Others left wisely and said, "Captain Wang, please."

Wang Zhanlong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "this cave looks very complicated. Secretary Yang must know that the cave will not appear for no reason, let alone make the people who go down lose their reaction. My personal opinion is to report it to the top first, and then take measures."

Yang Guoyong frowned and hesitated: "but human life is crucial..."

Wang Zhanlong smiled bitterly and said, "I\'m more worried about the people below than you, but we can\'t let people go down casually. This place is too evil."

Yang Guoyong nodded, lost in thought.

He thought of Yang Ping.

In general, this kind of place must be very strange. People who have guessed correctly may have something to do with the rumors in the Jianghu. So many people come to Longcheng, there is no lack of folk experts, so it\'s best to let folk experts solve it. He immediately thought of Yang Ping.

It seems that only Yang Ping can understand the problem here.

Yang Guoyong took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Ping\'s number. The phone was quickly connected and hurriedly said, "Yang Shao, I have a difficult problem here..."

"I\'m right opposite you."

Yang Guoyong was startled and looked up, but he saw a man standing opposite the cave and staring down. He was not only overjoyed, but things would be easier if there was Yang Ping.

Wang Zhanlong also found Yang Ping and hurriedly shouted, "who\'s over there? Didn\'t you say you can\'t get close..."

Yang Guoyong hurriedly stopped and said, "Captain Yang, I\'m alone."

Wang Zhanlong snorted coldly and looked better. If his people hold their hands and still let people break in, it is his dereliction of duty. In case it knows that there is no good fruit to eat.

Yang Ping came to them and said, "Secretary Yang, it\'s dangerous here. Let everyone leave."

Yang Guoyong wondered, "Yang Shao, what do you mean? Let\'s guard the hole and don\'t let others in. If we leave..."

Yang Ping said faintly, "I\'m afraid you\'ll suffer if you stay here."

Wang Zhanlong didn\'t know Yang Ping. He felt that he had a big voice. He hummed: "we are the most elite armed police force. We are not afraid of death. We leave at the slightest danger. How can we live up to the expectations of the party and the people."

Yang Guoyong turned pale. Afraid of Yang Ping\'s anger, he quickly explained, "Yang Shao, this is the leader of Longcheng armed police detachment, Wang Zhanlong, Captain Wang, this is Yang Ping."

Yang Ping nodded, um.

Wang Zhanlong was unhappy and secretly said, who are you? You even told me that even if the people from the Yunnan provincial Party committee came, they would call me Xiao Wang.

He thinks Yang pingtuo is big.

Yang Ping didn\'t have time to pay attention to Wang Zhanlong\'s mind. Staring at the cave, he felt something coming out and turned pale. He shouted, "let everyone leave. Hurry up, there\'s no time."