Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 907

The appearance of the mysterious boss did not kill Yang Ping, but was killed. In less than 30 seconds, Duan Fei was terrified and felt the footsteps approaching. He got up and said, "Yang Ping, you dare to kill me!"


He slapped Duan Fei. Yang Ping walked past him and disappeared into the curve.

Duan Fei was dizzy and felt greatly humiliated. He roared, "you have the ability to kill me, Yang Ping. I\'m dead with you."

The colonel and his subordinates regained their ability to move. They looked at the hysterical Duan Fei with complex eyes, shook their heads and said, "go back to the headquarters."

When the curve calmed down, Duan Fei recalled Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes before he left. It was as painful as being pricked by a needle. Yang Ping ignored him and ignored his existence.

Duan Feihan said in a voice: "I will let you kneel in front of me one day!"


When Duan Fei hated Yang Ping to the bone and felt that he was the enemy of each other\'s life, Yang Ping didn\'t care, because he wouldn\'t care about a failed little man, especially Duan Fei, who even had problems with his self positioning.

Duan Fei is not qualified to be his enemy.

Yang Ping cares about the man Duan Fei colluded with, the one who controlled Wen Feng and Wang. This man is very powerful. Every single person has the strength of the early realm of saints.

If facing the real body, it is true that Yang Ping is not an opponent!

The next thing is very simple. Due to the cooperation between China Airlines Group and the military, it mainly focuses on the technical research of old city development projects. Removing the development qualification of China Airlines Group is tantamount to offending the military.

The military also has sufficient reasons to arrest any criminal who undermines national security, no matter who he is. Even if Wen Feng, mayor of Longcheng City, touches the interests of the military without considering the military\'s sense of existence for the development of the old city, he will be severely suppressed.

This is the highest order.

Li Xiangdong personally ordered the execution, so no one can plead, unless it is the God of the army or the master of the Lin family, others are not qualified.

All forces misjudged Yang Ping\'s influence and support in the military, which made no one dare to think about China Airlines Group.

Soon, Wenfeng will be double regulated, and then Longcheng will return to tranquility.

The Standing Committee of Yunnan Province will also be notified soon, and the Central Committee will send a document directly and secretly to inform the No. 1 figure of Yunnan Province. The mysterious boss made a wrong move. Although the Jianghu is big and the Jianghu people are powerful, it is still the country and the people\'s world after all.

Anyone who wants to challenge order will be crushed by the national violence machine.

So the mysterious boss was honest and waited silently. Others are waiting for this. Yang Ping, the central figure of all events, came to the VIP ward of the inpatient department of Longcheng people\'s hospital to visit the two women.

Zhu Xi is still there, but Mingzhu left.

The two women were not in the same room. When Zhu Xi was still in a coma, according to the doctors and nurses, Mingzhu woke up early and recovered as before. I don\'t know where she went. There is no trace of pearl on the monitoring equipment of the hospital.

Yang Ping stood in the monitoring room, listening to the president\'s trembling explanation, indifferent, secret way, pearl, where are you?

His strength is not enough to sense the breath of Mingzhu, which shows that Mingzhu has the ability to avoid his exploration, but why Mingzhu left is what he wants to know most.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to confront face to face.

Yang Ping sighed, adjusted his mood, came to Zhu Xi\'s room, looked at this beautiful face with some recovery, and there was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

The betrayal of her best friend made Zhu Xi difficult to accept for a time.

Yang Yuxin reminded him nearby and whispered, "Dong Zhu ate for a long time. The doctor reminded him to eat a little."

Yang Ping nodded and indicated that he knew.

Yang Yuxin put down the rice soup, turned and left, walked to the door, couldn\'t help looking back at Yang Ping\'s back and sighed in her heart. Many things have happened these days. The injuries of Zhu Xi and Mingzhu are just one of them, but she knows that these are conspiracies against Yang Ping. Yang Ping can come back intact, indicating that it has been handled.

But she keenly felt the difference in Yang Ping.

There are only two people left in the room.

Yang Ping picked up the rice soup and wanted to feed Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi shook her head and said weakly, "if I can, I want to be alone." she didn\'t turn her head to look at people.

"I\'ll go out after eating." Yang Ping put the spoon on Zhu Xi\'s mouth. "This is the only thing I ask."

Zhu Xi took a bite and closed her eyes.

Yang Ping understood that Zhu Xi couldn\'t eat because of Wang\'s affairs. He put down the small bowl and said, "Wang is controlled by others. I\'ve found out who\'s behind the injury of you and Mingzhu."

Zhu Xi fiercely opened her eyes and stared at Yang Ping, excited.

Yang Ping comforted: "give me some time, I will find Wang and bring her to you. At the same time, I swear I will never hurt you again."

He said it seriously, unprecedented holiness.

If Zhu Xi realized something, she smiled and closed her eyes again. Yang Ping chatted for a while. Seeing that Zhu Xi was very sleepy, he got up and left. When he came to the door, Zhu Xi\'s voice came from behind.

"Do you dislike me?"

Yang Ping was shocked and looked at Zhu Xi puzzled. Zhu Xi showed her stubborn expression, summoned up her courage and asked, "do you dislike me because of the Pearl? The pearl is more considerate and better looking than me."

Zhu Xi has nothing now. If she insists on having it, only the man in front of her appears to save people again and again when she is in danger.

Although Zhu Yan is alive, she feels very strange. Judy doesn\'t dare to stay in Longcheng for her and has long been forcibly sent to the United States. There is only Zhu Xi left in Longcheng, who strongly supports Zhu\'s group.

The king\'s betrayal dealt her a heavy blow.

Zhu Xi didn\'t want to lose anyone, especially the man in front of her, so when she was weakest, she said something she couldn\'t say at ordinary times.

She waited nervously for God\'s judgment.

If so, how will she deal with herself. Zhu Xi began to regret her reckless question and was afraid that Yang Ping would answer Mingzhu better than her, so when she didn\'t get an answer, she hurriedly said, "I want to be quiet now and don\'t want to hear your answer."

Yang Ping went to Zhu Xi\'s bed.

Zhu Xi was stunned and stared at him.

Yang Ping lowered her head, leaned over and kissed Zhu Xi\'s forehead. Zhu Xijiao trembled, closed her eyes and shed tears. The light shines on the ward and defines this moment as eternity.

After a long time, Yang Ping got up and touched Zhu Xi\'s face. Just about to speak, suddenly, the whole building of the inpatient department was shaking, as if a natural disaster had fallen.

There was a scream at the ward door.

The whole hospital was in panic.

Yang Ping suddenly looked up and looked out of the window. The sky outside was overcast, as if it was going to rain heavily, with lightning flashing, dark clouds all over the sky and dark clouds pressing on the city.

This is not a black cloud.

It\'s evil gas!

The seal was loosened at this time. Yang Ping\'s face changed greatly and said in a deep voice, "it\'s not good."