Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 909

Wang Zhanlong sneered and disdained to say, "I don\'t feel any danger when I leave. Secretary Yang, who is this man? He commands indiscriminately."

Yang Guoyong turned pale. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhanlong would be dissatisfied with Yang Ping. It is estimated that there is a problem with communication. Wang Zhanlong is a good man at ordinary times. How come he has no eyesight at the critical time? Can I be respectful to an ordinary person.

"Secretary Yang, take your people away immediately, or no one will want to go later." Yang Ping said in a deep voice, ignoring Wang Zhanlong\'s sarcasm.

Wang Zhanlong couldn\'t help but said, "Secretary Yang, if he is not a person in the system, it\'s best not to appear here. It has been explained that no one can stay."

"Come on, take him out." Wang Zhanlong wants to show Yang Ping some color and teach Yang Ping a lesson.

Yang Guoyong turned pale and just wanted to stop it.

Yang Ping grabbed Wang Zhanlong, which almost scared the two armed policemen to death. Wang Zhanlong shouted, "what are you doing? Do you want to kidnap me?"

"Since you don\'t want to go, go down and save people." Yang Ping grabbed Wang Zhanlong and walked towards the cave.

Wang Zhanlong turned pale. He was so frightened that he shouted, "Why are you still waiting? Come and save people." he didn\'t want to go down. The cave is very evil. There must be an accident when he went down.

When the armed police saw that the branch leader was coerced, their eyes lit up and rushed up to save people, but they miscalculated because Yang Ping was about to jump down with Wang Zhanlong.



Wang Zhanlong shouted and said in a trembling voice, "can you take some protective measures? I... safety first." he didn\'t dare to say that he was afraid. Looking at the madman Yang Ping, he was instinctively afraid and secretly regretted why he provoked the madman.

Yang Ping said coldly, "with me, nothing will happen."

With that, without waiting for Wang Zhanlong to scream, Yang Ping grabbed him and jumped down: "Secretary Yang, retreat with all the people. No one can be left."

Although Yang Guoyong didn\'t feel the danger, he understood that Yang Ping would not cheat. He immediately said, "all obey orders and evacuate here for three kilometers."

The armed police are hesitant, but at this time they can only be obedient, and no one dares to object. Of course, there are those who want to oppose staying. Yang Guoyong presses people with his identity. Without the support of Wang Zhanlong, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee is the biggest.

Soon, everyone evacuated.

But poor Wang Zhanlong only felt the darkness in front of him. He didn\'t know how long it took to wake up. His body was frozen, unable to breathe and move. If it hadn\'t been for the warmth from Yang Ping, he would have died.


Just when he landed, Wang Zhanlong only felt that his body had been thrown away. A powerful force brought him to the ground. With a bang, his ass fell on the floor, and painful tears flowed.

Wang Zhanlong wanted to curse, but it was quiet around. A chill came. He couldn\'t help shivering. Looking around, there was no guard. He scared the urine directly and left here quickly.

Finally he found the place where the big army was stationed. When Yang Guoyong saw Wang Zhanlong coming back, he hurriedly asked, "what\'s the situation?"

Wang Zhanlong\'s face changed and he didn\'t dare to admit his fear, so he said, "he\'s still down there and needs help. I\'ll come up and organize strength rescue. Come with me..."

Yang Guoyong shouted, "Captain Wang, don\'t get close. It\'s dangerous."

An armed police officer said what had happened just now. Wang Zhanlong was furious and secretly said, good you, Yang Guoyong, even ordered my people to clean you up when the task is completed.

Wang Zhanlong insists on going over. Yang Guoyong can only accompany him. Although he knows it\'s dangerous, he can\'t leave because he\'s afraid of death. The surrounding people had been evacuated long ago.

The late arrival of Duan Fei, director of the Municipal Bureau, dissatisfied Yang Guoyong and asked, "director Duan, where are you during the emergency? Don\'t you know the importance of discipline?"

Duan Fei was oppressed and almost killed by Yang Ping. When he came back, he found that there was no one in the Municipal Bureau. When he got the news, he rushed over. When he heard that the mysterious karst cave in Longcheng appeared, Li Kegang came.

Ignoring Yang Guoyong\'s question, Duan Fei said faintly, "Captain Wang, what\'s the situation?"

Wang Zhanlong looked at Yang Guoyong suspiciously. After receiving it, he secretly said that he was a director and was arrogant. He thought it was a senior level. Dare to ask me directly.

"I don\'t know." Wang Zhanlong was not very angry. He turned back and said, "prepare the guy and continue to save people."

Duan Fei frowned and felt it a little. His body shook and said in a deep voice, "ordinary people can\'t get close, otherwise something will happen. Leave as soon as possible."

Yang Guoyong\'s heart jumped wildly and secretly said that since Yang Ping said so and Duan Fei said so now, there must be great danger in the karst cave, so he immediately ordered everyone to retreat.

Unfortunately, Wang Zhan didn\'t go. Anyway, he was unhappy with Yang Ping and Duan Fei. He wanted to rush down to save people. Of course, he was awe inspiring on the surface, but he was careful everywhere, because he went down, as if he had a dream and felt terrible.


Duan Fei shot. In the frightened eyes of the people, he slapped Wang Zhanlong unconscious, threw him outside and said, "I don\'t want to talk nonsense. If you want to die, get close."

With that, Duan Fei went to the cave.

Yang Guoyong opened his mouth. Others were stunned and lying in the trough. The director of the Municipal Bureau was so awesome that he didn\'t even look at the top officer of the armed police detachment and slapped him unconscious.

Yang Guoyong felt a headache.

Although Duan Fei hates Yang Ping, it doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t serve the people. He wants a peaceful city, but now the cave appears, just to save people.

When the people of the armed police detachment saw that the leader of the detachment was knocked unconscious, they were all angry. They rushed up to besiege Duan Fei and shouted, "I dare to shoot captain Wang. I\'m impatient. Take it back to torture!"

"I think it must be criminals, otherwise it won\'t be so arrogant."

"Grab it!"

The armed police force was extremely angry and wanted to catch Duan Fei. Yang Guoyong just wanted to be a peacemaker, but he felt the other party\'s strong anger, shook his head and began to go to the side and report to his superiors.

make love!

Hanging up the phone, Yang Guoyong saw the screaming armed police officers and soldiers in a place. He was scared to death and shouted angrily: "director Duan, are you crazy..."

Duan Fei turned back and said coldly, "leave, you don\'t have much time." then he went to the cave.

Yang Guoyong\'s lips trembled. Finally, he took a breath and was anxious to evacuate. As for other rescue equipment, they left it in the cave, praying that Yang Ping could rescue the people who fell.

I just got the idea.

Not far away came the sound of panicked footsteps. Yang Guoyong opened his eyes and saw a group of wet people coming, many holding children and dragging the elderly.

"What is this?"

Yang Guoyong asked.

When asked, Yang Guoyong was ecstatic. These people were the owners of the cave. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping saved people so fast. It took only half an hour and they all came out. He called for support and asked for the following information.

Duan Fei listened. His face was gloomy. He didn\'t insist on saving people. There was Yang Ping. There was no need to worry about it, so he turned and left.

Yang Guoyong has been asking about the following situation, but no one knows. They are all ignorant.

Wang Zhanlong was going to take people to the cave, but suddenly there was an explosion.

Black fog spewed out of the cave.

There are many lights and lights in the sky above the dragon city. They walk like silver dragons. A terrible breath emanates from the cave. The strength is less than that of Yasheng, and it is not as good as the prestige of different levels.

In several places, the power of saints was awakened.