Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 906

After Wen Feng woke up, he couldn\'t bear the pressure and fainted again. Duan Fei\'s face was calm. He had expected the sudden emergence of Yang Ping. He focused on Yang Ping and showed a strange smile.

Yang Ping walked to Duan Fei and said coldly, "where\'s the king?"

Duan Fei said indifferently, "your woman\'s best friend is missing. Why did you ask me?" he cried out in surprise, shrugged and said, "if you think Wang is falling in love with me, you are wrong. I have no feelings for other women."

Yang Ping caught a message that other women meant that Duan Fei had people who cared. You can make good use of this, but now you want to catch a Frisbee.

"Are they all right?" Duan Fei stimulated.

Yang Ping squinted, his pupils burst out cold light, emitting a cold murderous spirit, and said, "I know you have a helper. Call it out."

Duan Fei sighed and said, "nothing can be concealed from you."

Yang Ping stopped because he sensed a breath, like darkness, not darkness, like light, not light, hidden in the depths, locked him and ready to attack.

"You shouldn\'t expose too fast."

Yang Ping suddenly looked at the northeast and said in a deep voice, "I\'ve always been very strange. Who is the person who can control Wenfeng? I want to find you, but there\'s no news. It shows that you\'re not only good at hiding, but also very patient. Fortunately, you can\'t help appearing today. I\'m very excited."

Duan Fei sneered, "are you excited? You\'ll cry later."

Yang Ping hummed, "Duan Fei, what do you want as the director of the Municipal Bureau? Isn\'t the stability of Longcheng what the government wants?"

Duan Fei laughed and disdained to say, "do you think the stability of Longcheng is now? Yang Ping, don\'t deceive yourself and others. If you people in the Jianghu didn\'t have too many grievances, the people in Longcheng could live a normal and stable life, but because of you, they might die at any time. What I want is real stability."

Yang Ping was silent.

Duan Fei thought he was poor in words and said, "I want to build a real peaceful city for Longcheng. There are no killings, no disputes, and all Jianghu people disappear. Yang Ping, if you are arrested, you may have a lot less trouble."

Yang Ping looked at Duan Fei\'s crazy eyes and said in a deep voice, "do you really think it\'s because of me that the dragon city is in chaos?"

Duan Fei nodded firmly, his eyes filled with resentment, and said in a cold voice, "you ask me what I want to do as the director of public security. I can tell you now that I want you to die."

Yang Ping felt Duan Fei\'s undisguised killing, which showed that this person\'s resentment towards himself had reached a terrible level, which could not be explained in a few words.

"In order to kill me, you can kill Zhu Xi and Mingzhu?" Yang Ping frowned and asked.

Duan Fei smiled sarcastically and said, "how can you be sure that I hurt your woman? Yang Ping, don\'t be amorous. If I wanted to kill them, I would have killed them, but I wouldn\'t be so shameless. I have my own principles."

Yang Ping stared into Duan Fei\'s eyes and made sure he didn\'t lie, because Duan Fei was very proud and disdained to lie, and he said it was good. If you want to make a move, you can do it yourself, and there\'s no need to play too many routines.

So Wang is not controlled by Duan Fei?

Yang Ping fell into doubt.

Duan Fei hummed, "you\'d better worry about yourself, Yang Ping. If you promise to leave Longcheng forever and never come back, maybe I can let you go."

Yang Ping raised his hand and felt that his thinking seemed to become clear. He said, "don\'t make noise first. I\'ll think about it."

Duan Fei was so angry that he couldn\'t see Yang Ping despise his eyes and shouted, "Yang Ping, you\'re too arrogant. Do you really think I have no way to deal with you?"

Yang Ping relaxed his tone, smiled relieved and said, "I finally figured it out."

Duan Fei\'s face was gloomy and roared. His Qi and blood expanded. There were faint signs of breaking the mirror, and his physical strength gradually strengthened to a terrible level. The breath is also changing madly.


Duan Fei\'s hand carries the palpitating darkness. His dark smell withers the surrounding trees and makes the air viscous, as if entering another world.

This is the dark world.

He turned into the king of darkness and killed Yang Ping.

Yang Ping raised his head, his face unchanged, raised his hand with a fist, and directly hit the Nine Yang divine fist. Bang, no matter it\'s dark or bright, he has no chance in front of absolute power.

Duan Fei groaned and hit the military vehicle, impressively dented the door and left a trace. He wiped the blood from his mouth and was terrified.

Yang Ping\'s light fist made him fly with all his strength. What a power. Did he become strong again?

"You are not my opponent."

Yang Ping said calmly.

Duan Fei roared and said, "I\'ll kill you."

His chest condensed an illusory dark Warcraft without entity, but exposed a pair of eyes. It was cold and terrible. It didn\'t belong to reality, as if it came from hell.


Duan Fei roared like a beast and jumped at Yang Ping again.

Yang Ping was ready to fight back. Suddenly, a sense of crisis appeared in his heart. I don\'t know when, a palm suddenly placed on his back. I don\'t know when the palm appeared, as if it had drilled out of the void of his back.


Yang Ping was hit by a palm.

He fell to the ground, got up quickly, looked back, but saw a figure shrouded in black robe appeared in his original place. There was no strong breath, and there was no trace of Qi in his moves.


Yang Ping determines that this person has reached the realm of sage and can use the power of sage. It seems that Li muxue is right. The defense of Longcheng is not perfect. Someone can find loopholes and give full play to their strength.

Facing a sage master who can give full play to his strength, Yang Ping did not panic, but showed a strong sense of war.

"You are the one behind Wen Feng." Yang Ping patted the dust on his clothes and asked.

"Your life is hard."

This person\'s voice is hoarse, with a demonic nature. People with weak willpower will be dragged into hell by his voice and will never be reborn. He is the mysterious boss, a supreme master.

"You will die."

Yang Ping said coldly.

The mysterious boss laughed and shook his head and said, "Yang Ping, don\'t think you are invincible in Longcheng. In my opinion, you are the same as mole ants."


A fist suddenly appeared in front of him, more sudden than the mysterious boss. He didn\'t notice how Yang Ping appeared in front of him, especially his cold eyes. It was very terrible.

The mysterious boss was beaten to fly. Yang Ping didn\'t give him a chance to breathe. He jumped in the air and used the strongest Nine Yang divine fist. Each fist was solid on him.

Bang bang!

From the corner directly into the tens of meters deep slope, I don\'t know how many trees have been smashed and how many flowers and plants have been killed. Yang Ping made every effort to attack the mysterious boss, so that he didn\'t have the strength to fight back.

Finally, Yang Ping hit the last punch and blasted the mysterious boss underground.

Yang Ping stood next to the boss, looked down at him and said, "you\'re just like that."

The mysterious boss\'s body slowly dried away, showed a cold smile and said, "good, Yang Ping, your strength is good. Kill one of my parts, but if you have this strength, when I really appear, it will be your death."


The mysterious boss turned into a ball of powder.

Yang Ping turned and looked at Duan Fei with a frightened face and walked towards him.