Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1707

Lin Heng looked at Liu Er fanatically. Because he was too excited, the green veins on his arm were angry and dizzy with a fire. This is the fire of emptiness. It is omnipresent and seamless. Once he touches his opponent, he can\'t think of it. Please. What\'s more, the fire of emptiness can peel off the spiritual world and turn his opponent into dementia.

This is Lin Heng\'s unique skill to become famous. He is one of the few people in the Lin family who practices the source of emptiness. At the same time, he also practices the source of fire. He belongs to the top talent of double source cultivation, otherwise he won\'t become the master of the Lin family.

Liu\'er had no resistance to Lin Heng\'s attack. Lin Heng shot too fast. She only had time to see Lin Heng\'s fierce eyes and had a hunch that she was dead. She even felt despair before the idea of resistance and anger arose, a despair of strength gap.

Seeing Liu er\'s spiritual world collapse, Lao Jing suddenly jumped out to resist Lin Heng\'s attack. With a bang, the fire of emptiness hit the old well. The old well spewed out golden lights, released the power of truth and watered out the fire of emptiness.

Lin Heng stood with his hands down and quietly looked at Liu er.

Liu ER was still in shock. She looked at the owner and realized the risk just now.

"Master, what do you want to do?" Liu Er asked, with a pale face and nibbling on Bei\'s teeth. The old well drips around and releases the light of truth to protect her from harm. Otherwise, the pressure released by Lin Heng alone can shock Liu Er to death.

Lin Heng said with a smile, "this thing lurks in your mind and wants to occupy your soul all the time. Haven\'t you considered why Yang Ping gave you Lao Jing? Is it because you are kind to him?"

Liu er\'s color changed and she was uncertain.

Yes, she designed Yang Ping. The truth is that it\'s kind of Yang Ping not to deal with it. How can she give such a mysterious old well. Liu er\'s mind wavered. Lin Heng sighed and said, "son, you are the hope of the Lin family and the person favored by the ancestors. I admit that I have treated you badly these years. But you have the blood of the Lin family and you will always be a member of the Lin family. My previous commitment was valid."

Liu er\'s eyes changed and couldn\'t see through the owner. Finally, she said helplessly, "I\'ll try my best."

When liu\'er left, the smile on Lin Heng\'s face disappeared and he almost succeeded. Unexpectedly, Lao Jing was so mysterious that even his void fire could be destroyed. However, the more so, he became more interested in Lao Jing. As for the Lin family genius, he doesn\'t care. No matter how powerful the genius is, it just exists like a mole ant before becoming a peerless master. He has seen too many talented people die young and live until the end.

"Bring the body back," Lin Heng said to the dark corner of Gongde building.


A black light shot out of the merit building.

Liu Er left the Lin family in a state of shock. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Unexpectedly, the owner did not take care of her at all. As for the owner\'s claim that Yang Ping\'s intention was wrong, now it seems to be nonsense. If Yang Ping wanted to deal with her, he would have started early. There was no need to save her again and again.

"Does he like me?"

Liu er\'s pretty face flushed and her heart beat faster.

"No, I have to tell Yang Ping that the Lin family is going to do their best to deal with him and let him leave the capital quickly and go to Xijing city or Yunnan city. Only in those places, the Lin family\'s hands are not that long."! $*!

The Jianghu is so big that although the Lin family is powerful, it does not cover the sky with one hand.

Those super holy places are far more powerful than the Lin family.

"But how can I find Yang Ping?"

Liu ER was very distressed. He didn\'t leave Yang Ping\'s contact information at that time. Now it\'s difficult to find someone. After all, many people are arresting him. Yang Ping is bound to hide and no one can find him.

She entered a red Porsche, drove away from Lin\'s house and drove on the outer ring expressway. Along the way, she thought about many things. At the same time, she knew that the owner would not let Yang Ping go easily. If she didn\'t complete the task he assigned, the Liu family would be unlucky.

Between the dilemma, Liu Er didn\'t know how to choose.

Finally back to the Fourth Ring Road community, Liu Er likes a quiet place. This community back to the park is very quiet. And she doesn\'t like too rich places. The apartments on the Fourth Ring Road are enough. As for the material aspect, Liu Er devoted herself to cultivation and paid little attention to it.

This is also the main reason why Liu Er seldom communicates with other young people in the capital, although many people want to visit her or desperately pursue her. Liu\'er refused all at once. She felt that no one was worthy of herself and shouldered the burden of the revival of the Liu family. Love was a luxury.

Back home, Liu Ergang sat on the sofa, the sun blind suddenly fell, and the whole house fell into darkness. Liu\'er was surprised, raised her vigilance and was ready to run away at any time. If you can silently avoid perception, your strength must be above yourself.


In the void crack, a dark shadow strolled and stood before his eyes.

When Liu Er saw the shadow, her pretty face was pale and frightened. She has seen a lot of experts, and the heavenly witch is a peerless expert, but if she really fights with a peerless expert, she will almost die. That is the absolute gap in strength.

The smell of the shadow was very weak, but it was so that Liu ER was afraid.

"What a pity."

The shadow saw Liu ER and said coldly, "if you grow up, you may be in the Tianyuan realm in the future, but your life is not good."

Liu Er hurriedly said, "who are you?"

The shadow said, "it\'s a waste to tell you, because you\'ll soon become a dead man."

Liu Er narrowed her eyes and decided to go out. It was useless to escape. The other party was good at the power of emptiness and was good at assassination and tracking. As long as she was in the capital, she could not escape. She had to fight hard and might survive.

Seal, the power of light is released.

A cross sword emptied out. Liu Er held it, pointed to his opponent and said, "if you want to kill me, it depends on your ability."

The sword Qi cuts through the void.

The cross sword is known as the sword of light. It kills evil spirits and specifically suppresses darkness.

Liu\'er cultivated the power of light, felt that she could see hope with all the light, and the sword of light stabbed the dark shadow.

The shadow looked coldly and indifferent.

Just when the sword of light stabbed into the body, the shadow body became empty and ignored the attack. Seeing that the shadow was safe, liu\'er was startled. It was too late to step back. The shadow grabbed her neck and said, "I thought how powerful it was. It\'s a waste of expression."

Liu Er struggled hard, but to no avail.

She was helpless when she saw death.

Tianzhijiao girl, I didn\'t expect to be reduced to the point of being slaughtered by her opponent.

At the time of death, Liu ER was unwilling, but she could only sigh.


With a long sigh, I remembered in my heart that when my life was about to end, the dark shadow suddenly contracted his pupils, let go of Liu Er, turned and ran.

Liu Er knelt on the ground and coughed.

Space-time distortion.

The shadow screamed and was killed by the distorted space-time with a bang, turning into a blood mist.

Suddenly, a void black hole appeared, releasing a terrible attraction.

The void changes, the body floats uncontrollably, and then blends into the void. In a strange Taoist temple, an old man is playing Tai Chi.