Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1708

The old man turned his back to liu\'er and looked serious about pruning. The potted plant is like a beloved baby. Each pruning needs to be considered for a long time and treated from different angles, different strength and different levels.

In Liu er\'s eyes, the old man thought it strange to do a thing repeatedly, but she dared not speak, because the old man didn\'t speak. He could grab her directly from the void black hole and bring her here. This means is unheard of. Even her master Tianmo girl may not have such strength.

In other words, the old man in front of him may be more than one level higher than the demon girl.

Tianmo girl is the Tianyuan realm, so there are experts who surpass the Tianyuan realm. At least Liu Er has never seen them, because they are the overlords of heaven and earth and dominate the lives of thousands of people. Only the strongest inside information of the super family will have similar experts. She guessed who the old man in front of her was.

Wang family?

Impossible. It is said that the ancestor of the Wang family was a woman.

Zhang Jia?

It\'s impossible. The ancestors of Zhangjia are also women and are good at perception. It\'s impossible to distort their understanding of time and space,

Li family?

Even more impossible, because the Li family is a new super family, although the inside information is not as strong as other families, it is said that the strongest inside information of the Li family is the seven ancestors of the military. The inside information of the military releases the breath of light and iron blood all the time. It is said that the Li family can make gold and iron horses just by looking at them. You can kill Tianyuan master if you are evil.

Then there is only one possibility.

Lin\'s ancestors!

After Liu Er inferred it, her pupils tightened and she was very excited in her heart. She was a member of the Lin family. She knew the status of the Lin family\'s ancestors. She was the most powerful person. She lived in seclusion at ordinary times and rarely appeared. Every appearance represented the inevitable occurrence of family events.

"Liu Er pays a visit to his ancestors!"

Liu er made a big gift and knelt down. She was respectful and convinced.

The old man stopped his work, turned and looked at Liu Er kneeling on the ground and said with a smile, "you\'re not too stupid."

"Old ancestor, if you want to see me, I\'ll come to see you even if I cross Qianshan." Liu er said excitedly.

The old man waved his hand and said, "OK, don\'t be too formal. I came to you this time. In fact, I have something to do."

Liu er\'s face was positive and she looked at her ancestors uneasily. She understood that this was an opportunity. If it was done well, let alone revive the Liu family, there was hope even if it went to a higher level, and even let the dead parents die.

Thinking of her wronged parents, Liu er\'s eyes turned red and wanted to avenge her ancestors, but she held back.

Although he is a member of the Lin family and a descendant of the old ancestor, at the level of the old ancestor, he focuses not on family affection, but on interests. The ancestors will support whoever is beneficial to the family. Liu Er has a good talent, but in the eyes of his ancestors, she is just a good potential stock. She has not punished the top of the family for her.

"Look at you, you haven\'t learned anything from the demon girl in heaven. It\'s a waste of talents." the old ancestor saw through Liu Er, shook his head and sighed, "the demon girl in heaven is still a human who hates the world of mortals. She wants to reproduce the glory of the demon family in those years, but the dark emperor disappears and the dark land changes its master. She can\'t see hope, so she can only rest on the Chaos Tower."

Liu Er listened quietly and dared not speak.

The old man continued: "speaking of, your benefactors actually regard you as a tool. Unexpectedly, a new acquaintance has given you the greatest opportunity. You should thank Yang Ping."

Liu ER was moved and couldn\'t help asking, "is it because Yang Ping gave me something?"


The old man squinted at liu\'er and said, "it\'s beautiful. No hero doesn\'t love beauty. Yang Ping seems to be an amorous seed." when he reached out and grabbed it, liu\'er stopped thinking. Then he was shocked to find that the spiritual world is as stable as Mount Tai and can resist the fire of the owner\'s emptiness. After feeling the danger, he wanted to jump out of the emptiness and leave, but the emptiness in the Taoist temple is as hard as iron.

Lao Jing honestly appeared in the old man\'s hand. He looked at it, nodded and said, "it\'s really his thing."

Liu Er can\'t describe the strength of her ancestors in words. The mysterious old well is not worth mentioning in front of the old man. She was taken by her ancestors. Now she seems to think more. People don\'t care at all.

When Lao Jing returned to the spiritual world, Liu Er stared at the old man in front of him. He didn\'t know what important task his ancestors would arrange.

"Since you got this well, I\'ll give you a chance. I\'ve been waiting for many years and haven\'t found a suitable candidate. Since Yang Ping gave you Lao Jing, he has understood the power of cause and effect and knows that this thing belongs to you."

Liu Er became more and more confused.

But the chance still made Liu er\'s heart beat faster. The thing given by my ancestors is definitely a rare treasure in the world.

"Boy, come here."

The old man waved and walked to an old tree in the Taoist temple. Liu Er walked behind and looked down the old man\'s eyes. She found that there was a well under the old tree, but the well was dry and lifeless. But I don\'t know why, Liu Er felt very familiar. It was like blood. There was a faint sign of jumping between the old well in the spiritual world and the old well under the old tree.

"Sure enough," the old man said with a smile.

Liu\'er stared at Lao Jing and looked forward to it.

"Do you know why jingyuexuan is called jingyuexuan?" the old man asked, as if he wanted to test liu\'er.

Liu Er respectfully said, "it is said that jingyuexuan is a legendary place to live. He is good at magic and can confuse heaven and earth, making the place he lives a pure land."

The old man smiled: "It seems that you know a lot. Yes, the master of jingyuexuan is a friend of mine. Although he fell, the inheritance left behind is actually very valuable. Even if I am far inferior to him in the field of magic. Lei Feng thanked him for transforming jingyuexuan in those years and wanted to find a suitable successor. As for the Chaos Tower, it was just an accident. In the world of magic It\'s not that there are no people who can match my friend in attainments, but there are few in the world of mortals. "

"Since you are destined for him, I\'ll give you the old well he put here."

The old man raised his hand. The old well under the old tree suddenly spewed out silver lights, just like the moonlight in the night sky. When the moonlight fell, everything was like a dream, and the world in front of him became unreal and illusory.

Liu Er saw the most beautiful picture. In other people\'s eyes, it was just magic, but she felt the deepest things in laojing.

The old well of the spiritual world jumps out and merges with the old well under the old tree. Slowly, gold and silver merge into purple gold. Liu er\'s body is sometimes real and sometimes illusory. It can be switched between real and illusory. Although it is unstable, it has controlled the foundation.

After a long time, Liu Er opened her eyes and said excitedly, "thank you, old ancestor."

She finally understood what the opportunity given by her ancestors was. It was a first-class opportunity between heaven and earth. If she fully understood the art inherited in laojing, she could get unexpected power.

"Do you understand?" the old man asked.

Liu Er nodded heavily.

"What\'s your name?"

"Mirror flowers and water moon."