Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1706

After the Lin family expressed their attitude on Yang Ping\'s position, the attitude of other families is worth pondering, but the dark tide is surging in the capital, and no one knows what will happen next. On the surface, there will be no power to deal directly with Yang Ping, but secretly, who can guarantee it.

Yang Ping\'s breath disappeared again, which could not be detected by any powerful perceptual expert.

It is said that the legend of Zhang Jia, who ranked first in spiritual cultivation, analyzed the air particles in the capital three times, and could not determine the location of Yang Ping at this time. Therefore, no one went to look for Yang Ping, but stared at the people who had a relationship with him.

Zheng Jiayi is the key target, because Yang Ping appears most frequently in the Zheng family.

Xuanyuan Waner is also a suspect. However, in view of the special status of Xuanyuan family, she can still move freely. However, Yang Ping is less likely to find her. After all, many people know the relationship between Xuanyuan Waner and Yang Ping, which is not as good as they think.

Another one is Liu er.

Only those who really understand Jing Yuexuan know that the old well represents a kind of truth. The power of truth is the top power in the world of mortals. Only the Chaos Tower can be given, and Yang Ping is the most closely related to the Chaos Tower. So someone stared in the dark, hoping to find the trace of Yang Ping\'s existence from Liu er.

Liu\'er returned to Lin\'s house and was summoned by the master.

In a huge building, Liu Er stood in awe at the door, because it was one of the forbidden areas of the Lin family, the merit building, in which the ancestors of the Lin family made great achievements were ranked.

The incense is in full bloom and the Lin family is prosperous.

An old man in Chinese clothes, with his back to the door, silently looked at the spirit tablet. If there was a breath of nothingness on his body, he integrated into the void and connected with the merit building. Liu Er couldn\'t tell whether the awe came from the merit building or the old man in Chinese clothes. She knew who the old man in Chinese clothes was. It was because she knew that she was nervous. As a genius, she is the undisputed top five of the Lin family and should be cultivated, but she has not been well cultivated because of her special identity. Even jingyuexuan, where she was stationed, was attracted by the heavenly demon girl, otherwise she would not get more resources from the Lin family.

Lin Heng, the owner of the Lin family, has the power of life and death of the Lin family. He can decide the cultivation of a child in a word.

Liu Er has great talent, but in the face of Lin Heng, she can\'t help admiring him. In front of her, the old man is not only a few experts in the Lin family, but also the most powerful person. It\'s impossible to meet at ordinary times, but now I\'m summoned and nervous.

Liu Er walked into the merit building, knelt in front of Lin Heng and said, "sinner Liu Er pays a visit to the master."

Lin Heng turned and stared at Liu er.

With a flash of eyes, countless subtle silver lights penetrated into the void, integrated into Liu er\'s skin, and then penetrated into all parts to explore the spiritual world.

Liu Er had no resistance. Even when he read, Lin Heng had penetrated into the spiritual world and could get the information he wanted at any time. Liu Er didn\'t realize that Lin Heng could finish the exploration.

But an old well appeared in liu\'er\'s spiritual world, which hindered Lin Heng\'s spying.

Lin Heng frowned and recovered his mental strength.

Liu Er then reacted. She looked at Lin Heng in fear and wanted to stop talking. She didn\'t understand why the owner had to probe her spiritual world. You know, exploring her spiritual world at will may cause each other\'s spiritual paralysis.

Liu er\'s face was pale and alert. Although she knew that any resistance in front of the master was futile, she still resisted in her heart.

Lin Heng said, "liu\'er, do you know the sin?"

The voice was like thunder, shaking the soul, as if the emperor of heaven had announced divine punishment. It was as powerful as Mount Tai and could not resist. Liu ER was like this. He bowed his head and said, "the sinner Liu Er is willing to bear the mistakes my mother made that year. Please punish the master."

Lin Heng said faintly, "tell me about your mother. I\'ll ask you now. You answer honestly. If there\'s any mistake, I\'ll only ask you."

"I dare not."

Lin Heng nodded and said, "tell me the process of your understanding with Yang Ping. There is an old well in your spiritual world. How to get it must also be told in detail. Otherwise, I will deprive you of your old well by using the merit building of the family. You should know that there is nothing you can\'t do in the Lin family."

Liu er\'s face was pale, but she didn\'t dare to go against the master\'s will and tell the whole story.

Lin Heng fell into thinking.

After a long time, Lin Heng frowned and said, "you mean that the old well was given to you by Yang Ping?"

Liu Er nodded.

Lin Heng said displeased: "nonsense, you designed to frame Yang Ping. He almost died. How could he give you the old well? You probably don\'t know the origin of the well."

Liu\'er showed an inquiring look.

Unwilling to explain, Lin Heng asked, "do you know where Yang Ping is going, or where Yang Ping is most likely to appear?"

Liu er\'s mind was shocked and said secretly, is the Lin family ready to deal with Yang Ping? Recalling the meeting with Yang Ping, this person has great talent. He is the strongest young generation she has ever seen, and can even suppress a generation. But in front of the Lin family, Yang Ping still didn\'t see enough. If the Lin family tries their best to deal with Yang Ping, it means that Yang Ping may die.

Liu Er didn\'t dare to think about the next thing.

Seeing Liu er\'s silence, Lin Heng said unhappily, "are you worried about Yang Ping? Liu Er, you can\'t protect yourself, or worry about yourself. You lurked jingyuexuan, not only didn\'t complete the task, but also caused great losses to Lin Jiameng. We\'ll talk about this later. Now I ask you to lead Yang Ping out in any way, okay?"

Liu Er opened her mouth and stared at the owner.

Lin Heng said coldly, "this is a task. If you finish it, the sins of the Liu family will be cancelled. In the future, the Liu family can enjoy their due treatment again."

Liu er\'s delicate body trembled and looked at the owner in horror.

Can the Liu family return to the peak in the future?

Liu Er did not dare to imagine that when the Liu family became the sinner of the Lin family because of an immeasurable loss of the Lin family, Liu er\'s talents withered and almost disappeared in the long river of history in the next 30 years. Finally, a Liu Er appeared. She wanted to seize the opportunity and let the children of the Liu family enjoy the same treatment.

But it\'s not easy!

Now there is a chance in front of liu\'er, who is in a painful choice. She is not unaware of the importance of this opportunity to the Liu family, but she is resistant to Yang Ping.

I don\'t know why, Yang Ping\'s position in the heart can gradually be equal to the fate of the family, but Liu Er didn\'t notice it.

"Also, I\'ll keep the old well for you."

Lin Heng stared at Liu Er, and his pupils flashed a greedy color. If he could get laojing, he might go further and reach the same level as his ancestors. Even if he was not the opponent of his ancestors, he was not slaughtered.

Lin Heng clearly realized that his position as the head of his family was very high, but it was not worth mentioning in front of his ancestors.

Lin Heng felt the most about the sound in the yard just now.


Lin Heng finally showed his fangs and grabbed Liu er\'s head, trying to forcibly pull out the old well.