Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1456

The heavenly tomb collapsed.

This is unimaginable.

But it did happen.

Yang Ping felt that countless rules were collapsing, and a large number of lives disappeared because of the collapse of Tianmu. It was a force close to the way of heaven. Once it collapsed, no one could stop it. As the embodiment of the will of the heavenly tomb, the tomb spirit is a key. Once damaged, there will be no key to enter the core of the heavenly tomb, and the heavenly tomb will lose control and cause great disaster.

"What do you want to express?"

Yang Ping wants to see through the layers of emptiness and find Zhu Xi\'s body, but the collapse of Tianmu disturbs his sight.

"Times make heroes, Yang Ping. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Taoist Zun looked at the collapse of the heavenly tomb, but he didn\'t panic. Instead, he showed strange excitement and said with a smile: "you and my martial nephew, if you can help me, there may be another holy land between heaven and earth."

"The holy places I mentioned are not those that do not enter the stream. At least they are at the level of Cihang Jingzhai, which will not fall for generations. Do you see that the so-called holy places will slowly decline for decades and centuries. Only the three holy places can survive. Why?"

The Taoist priest showed his strong wild hope and said, "Cihang Jingzhai, magic gate and Tianting, they have artifact and chaotic world. I have a double gap between life and death. If we add the chaotic world of Tianmu, we can become the founder of the holy land, comparable to the ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai, and even surpass wujialing."

Yang Ping looked at Taoist Zun and thought he was crazy.

"Do you think I\'m unrealistic?"

Taoist Zun smiled, looked at him with deep meaning and sighed, "I\'ve been preparing for a hundred years. When others climb the top, I endure it, because I know that the time is not up and I have to continue to wait. Now is the best opportunity. Those people left the world and went to the unknown world. No one can stop me in the world."

"You probably don\'t know. The heavenly tomb was actually the chaotic weapon of the Heavenly Emperor in those days, but it became the heavenly tomb because the Heavenly Emperor fell. The heavenly tomb is the most terrible artifact, which is more powerful than the five element divine needle ranked first. As long as you control the heavenly tomb, you will achieve the great position of the Heavenly Emperor! If you and my martial nephew work together, you can certainly create brilliance again."

Taoist Zun stared at Yang Ping and advised him, "at that time, you can not only save Zhu Xi, but also get the most powerful power in the world. What you want is what you want. This is the real great freedom."

Yang Ping shook her head and said, "it\'s not rare. I just want to save Zhu Xi. Get out of here."

Taoist Zun was displeased and said, "Yang Ping, my good martial nephew, don\'t you want Everbright immortal medical school? Your master\'s lifelong wish is to make immortal medical school brilliant again!"

"I just want to save Zhu Xi."

Yang Ping said firmly.

Taoist Zun angrily said, "it\'s unreasonable. I\'ve never seen such a worthless person as you. You have to promise if you don\'t promise. If you don\'t promise, only I know the way to revive Zhu Xi in the world. Can you watch Zhu Xi die?"

"Not interested."

Yang Ping doesn\'t fully believe in Tao Zun. He is insidious and cunning. He doesn\'t know what evil intention to hide.


Taoist Zun looked gloomy and said in a cold voice, "if you don\'t realize your mistakes again, I\'ll kill you. Don\'t doubt my ability."

Yang Ping smiled and sighed, "Taoist Zun, do you still have a martial nephew relationship between you and me? Since Zhu Xi was sealed in the heavenly tomb because of you, I wish I could kill you. If I hadn\'t determined that you came separately, I would have suppressed you. Don\'t force me to do it."

The Taoist priest stared at Yang Ping. After a long time, he said, "in that case, you will destroy it with the heavenly tomb."

Then the Taoist priest left.

Yang Ping continued to move towards the depths of the heavenly tomb. Along the way, he saw a large number of creatures die under the collapse of the rules, and even many expert bodies entering the heavenly tomb float on the water.

These experts who came in with ambition didn\'t expect to die when they guessed the fifth floor.

Yang Ping didn\'t find a way to continue. She couldn\'t see the place where Zhu Xi was trapped. After the tomb spirit died, no one knew where it was. Where were the traces of Sophie, Mu Zihan and Xuanxuan?

There was a cry.

Yang Ping looked and frowned. A miraculous medicine as big as a mountain ran for his life. Someone was hunting behind him. It was the three eyed lion who escaped seriously, but he was a saint who looked very kind.

Unexpectedly, the saint from the Holy See did not die and continued to live, and his strength became stronger and stronger, reaching the point where he could play with the three eyed lion. The three eyed lion is the initial state of heaven.

The holy one has power that does not belong to him.

The three eyed lion saw Yang Ping and wanted to rush over, but was pierced in the head by a bright magic gun. The young man stood on the lion\'s head, watched the power of the bright magic gun devouring the three eyed lion, and smiled at Yang Ping.

"It\'s your turn."

The saint sneered and said that he hated Yang Ping.

"You come up from below?"

Yang Ping couldn\'t help asking.

The saint smiled and said, "yes, I came in from outside the heavenly tomb. You don\'t know a lot about the heavenly tomb. Is your heart trembling and feeling desperate?"

"Take me."

Yang Ping vaguely felt that the place where the saint went had something to do with Zhu Xi.

The saint looked at Yang Ping like an idiot and disdained to say, "why? You\'d better think about your life. Now I\'m not interested in killing you, but I want to keep you in captivity. Boy, do you think I should break your hands or feet first?"


Yang Ping went to the saint and said, "as long as you can take me, you can do anything."

Looking at the coming Yang Ping, the saint\'s eyes flashed and said in a cold voice, "in that case, go to hell."

Something strange happened.

The saints feel that their current attack power can absolutely abuse the state of heaven, has reached the state of the Pope, and can even defeat the pope in a specific environment, so they don\'t look at Yang Ping at all.

But the results were unexpected.

The bright magic gun stabbed Yang Ping\'s chest and couldn\'t enter. The saint stood against Yang Ping and wanted to stab the weapon transformed from the power of light, but it seemed very difficult. He tried his best and failed. Instead, he was slapped in the face and two front teeth fell out.

The saint looked at Yang Ping with silly eyes.

Yang Ping pulled his collar and said, "I\'m in a hurry. What tricks can I use as soon as possible, and then take me down."


The earth fell apart. The saint fell into a violent state and used his ability to exceed the limit. Unexpectedly, he still had no way to hurt Yang Ping and was almost scared to death. But he got the inheritance of the bright dimension, and his strength was against the sky. Unexpectedly, he didn\'t hurt anyone with all his strength.

What the hell is this guy made of?

Grab the saint and drag the dog forward.

Finally, the saint was beaten to tears. Yang Ping\'s fist contained the terrible power of devouring the heavenly tomb, which could devour the saint\'s power of light. Each attack devoured one tenth. After several times, the saint trembled and hurried to beg for mercy.


The saint promised to take Yang Ping through a secret passage to the depths.

Yang Ping looked at the collapsing Tianmu and said in secret, it\'s time to end.