Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1455

He felt the terrible killing machine of human beings riding on him. The three eyed lion was cold and could not help but swing. He almost fell to the ground and showed his frightened eyes. When he reached its realm, he had little fear, but Yang Ping\'s killing machine was towering and could affect the will of the three eyed lion.

The mountain gate is golden and just at the foot of the mountain.

This is the largest island in the fifth layer lake, with a few square kilometers, but there is only one entrance, which is just stuck in the front end. If you want to enter it, you must pass through the mountain gate.

The three eyed lion looked at the island with frightened eyes.

"Is this where the tomb spirit lives? Others may not know it at all, and only local beasts understand that some forbidden areas cannot be intruded without permission." Yang Ping thought secretly and walked towards the mountain gate.

The three eyed lion issued a warning, indicating not to be impulsive.

Yang Ping stopped and said, "you leave first."

With that, Yang Ping rushed up.


One punch smashed the mountain gate.

The three eyed lion was so scared that his legs were soft. He was scared to death by Yang Ping\'s attack. If the attack was on him, I\'m afraid he couldn\'t stop ten of them.

Deep in the island.

Tomb spirit\'s righteousness was badly damaged. This is his nest. There is a nest on each floor, and the fifth floor is a very important place, because the reincarnation lake is on the fifth floor. Most people certainly don\'t know, but people who come down from the cloud boundary directly want the reincarnation bead to understand the importance of this place.

"Bastard, I can\'t spare you for killing my part. I\'ll tear you to pieces!" the tomb spirit paced and said [email protected] ^^$

"You underestimated his strength."

A dark shadow, deeper than the darkness of the tomb spirit, said: "we all underestimate Yang Ping\'s strength. Now he may be stronger than Tianzun. I don\'t know what inheritance he gets in the heaven tomb. With your status, I don\'t know."

The tomb spirit scolded, "how can I know that according to my judgment, he can\'t beat me."

"According to you, he disappeared for two periods of time. In the first period, you can\'t detect it. In the later period, it\'s a long time. In the field of the throne, it shows that he may have been inherited from the throne." the shadow warned.

Tomb spirit began to think, and a large amount of data flashed in his mind. Finally, he fixed his frame on the castle on the fourth floor and said, "Quartet throne, how can this family help Yang Ping?"! $*!

The shadow smiled and said, "just ask."

The tomb spirit\'s eyes were changeable, but after all, he wanted to find out Yang Ping\'s cards, so he began to call. After a while, a flickering shadow appeared in front of him, with a faint breath. The tomb spirit turned pale and shouted, "Sifang, are you hurt?"

It seems that the Quartet throne has a good relationship with the tomb spirit. He gritted his teeth and said: "it\'s not Du Shiqi\'s bitch who helped an outsider. Last time you told me to do something, it was almost completed. If Du Shiqi hadn\'t destroyed it..."

"Du throne!"

The pupil of the tomb spirit shrinks, revealing his deep fear. Few people in the heavenly tomb let him fear, but Du Shiqi is definitely one of them. This woman\'s origin is mysterious and has the means to seriously damage the tomb spirit. This is the check and balance means left by the old man of the heavenly tomb ruling the heavenly tomb, which was all passed on to Du Shiqi.

Du Shiqi disappeared for more than 60 years. It is said that she died. Unexpectedly, she returned to the heavenly tomb.

Tomb spirit hummed coldly, "even Du Shiqi can\'t stop my plan."

The Quartet throne suddenly said, "Du Shiqi has broken through. We are not rivals at all."

The tomb spirit was shocked and shouted, "what do you mean, Du Shiqi broke through before you, why didn\'t you say it earlier!" there was panic in his tone. He showed timidity in front of others for the first time, which made the throne of the four directions suspicious. Even if Du Shiqi was more powerful, could he still hurt the tomb spirit?

The tomb spirit has long been self-contained, so the relationship with the throne is equal, even on it. Therefore, the throne turned a blind eye to the tomb spirit. As long as they didn\'t hurt their own interests, they were free to toss about.

"No, I have to hide right away. After Du Shiqi\'s promotion, she will definitely come to me."

The tomb spirit is anxious.

The tetragonal throne couldn\'t help but said, "do you still fear Du Shiqi with your strength? Although she is promoted, she can\'t hurt your noumenon. You represent the will of Tianmu. How can you fear a human being?"

"You know shit!"

The tomb spirit roared and was about to scold. Suddenly, his face changed wildly and roared, "Du Shiqi, I don\'t share heaven with you!" he felt that the whole body of the tomb had been destroyed from the core, and that force kept rising. From below, it would soon reach the fifth floor.

If he doesn\'t leave, he may disappear completely.


The tomb spirit turned and left.

The four kings looked puzzled, but they also left. The dark shadow showed the color of contemplation, felt the breath of the square throne was very weak, played with the corners of his mouth and followed up.

Just as the tomb spirit was ready to leave, the whole island shook.

"Du Shiqi is coming!"

The tomb spirit peed and looked at the front in fear. A figure was incredibly fast and came here quickly.

But look at the visitor clearly. The tomb spirit looks better.

Not Du Shiqi.

It\'s Yang Ping.

Tomb spirit is not flustered in the face of Yang Ping. Can he rob Du Shiqi no matter how powerful he is? Only Du Shiqi has the ability to completely destroy his separation, and others can\'t hurt his noumenon.

"Are you coming to die?"

Tomb spirit wants to leave. He doesn\'t have time to talk nonsense with Yang Ping. He makes a direct move.

Tianmu shenlei!

Moreover, it is also the jiudaotian tomb God thunder. The whole island is shrouded in the God thunder. In order to hurry, the tomb spirit is a completely fatal attack. Yang Ping, regardless of the Jiudao God thunder, directly pours on the tomb spirit.

The tomb Spirit said with a grim smile, "look for death."

Bang bang!

A series of divine thunder hit Yang Ping, who was not afraid of death, and made the tomb spirit turn pale. Although the divine thunder had strong attack power and could seriously hurt Yang Ping, he rushed over and smashed the tomb spirit with one punch.


The tomb spirit screamed before he died and said, "don\'t kill me. I can tell you a news about Zhu Xi."

If the separated body dies, he will completely lose the opportunity to turn over. As the separated body guarding the fifth layer reincarnation lake, it is the most special, the noumenon. Others don\'t know it at all. They thought it was the separated body, and feel that the noumenon of the tomb spirit is hidden in the deepest place.

Du Shiqi killed the tomb spirits one by one from the depths, which was tantamount to cutting off the opportunity to escape. Unless he leaves the heavenly tomb, but if he leaves the heavenly tomb, he is basically waste and has no source of power.

Yang Ping stopped and looked at the tomb spirit indifferently.

The tomb spirit gasped: "Zhu Xi can actually be saved. She is only separated from her soul and body. Her body is still there. As long as she finds her soul, she can reshape her golden body."

"How to reshape?"

Yang Ping\'s heart beat faster and saw hope. If Zhu Xi didn\'t have to die, he would have to complete the unity of soul and flesh even if he sacrificed himself.



A purple long sword pierced the tomb spirit\'s body. The tomb spirit opened his mouth and showed an incredible expression. He was frightened and said, "you... You betrayed me?"

Pull out the purple sword.

He showed a cold face and said with a smile, "Yang Ping, you\'re all right."

Yang Ping didn\'t have time to stop it. The tomb spirit disappeared and got the conditions to revive Zhu Xi. He stared at the people in front of him, revealing the monstrous killing opportunity and said, "do you think I can\'t kill you?"

Taoist Zun smiled and said, "of course. You don\'t understand my current level of power. But I know a way to revive Zhu Xi. In this world, except for the tomb spirit, only I know. Do you want to make a deal with me?"

Yang Ping\'s face was expressionless.

"Soon you will feel something interesting. The heavenly tomb collapsed because of the death of the tomb spirit."

The Taoist priest respected the secluded way.

The voice just fell.

Yang Ping turned pale and looked at the sky in horror. The rules were shattered and the void collapsed.