Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1457

There are 18 floors of the heavenly tomb, and each floor contains a shocking secret. On the way to the depths, the saint explained to Yang Ping why he could come here without going through general channels. He looked at the golden gate, followed by an unknown world. As long as you communicate where you want, you can go to the destination through the golden gate.

Under the golden gate.

The saint looked at Yang Ping in horror for fear of being slapped to death. After reaching his goal, will Yang Ping keep his promise and let himself go?

"This is the shortcut."

The Holy One swallowed his mouth and said, "can I go now?"

The heavenly tomb continues to collapse, but the signs of collapse are less and less obvious, but tend to be stable. There is a force constantly stabilizing the space. If you guessed correctly, it is the Du throne and other thrones that reinforce the spatial level of the heavenly tomb.

Yang Ping ignored the saint, but went under the door, closed his eyes and began to explore Zhu Xi\'s breath.

Yang Ping is very familiar with Zhu Xi\'s soul breath.

Soon, Yang Ping\'s thinking entered a mysterious space through the golden gate. There was absolute darkness. His spiritual sense was like tentacles. With the route provided by the golden gate, it spread continuously, and finally came to an incomparably dark space.

He came once.

So show extreme shock.

Dark cage.

Black cages imprison souls. If throne Du hadn\'t saved them in time, he might have controlled the heavenly king imprisoned in the dark space. Now he still doesn\'t have enough confidence to fight a heavenly king, even if the heavenly king is sealed.

It\'s hard to imagine that there are heavenly kings in the world who will be imprisoned. Yang Ping can\'t understand how powerful and powerful people who can trap heavenly kings are. Perhaps beyond the king of heaven, or the legendary emperor of heaven?

Taoist Zun said that the heavenly tomb was once the divine weapon of the Heavenly Emperor. After the fall of the Heavenly Emperor, the heavenly tomb became an ownerless artifact. Whoever gets the heavenly tomb can unify the world and achieve the supreme Heavenly Emperor.

The saint saw that Yang Ping did not answer, but entered a wonderful state. A killing opportunity flashed in his eyes. Now he may communicate with Wanjie portal and lose the energy of resistance. If he takes action now, he is likely to kill him.

Yang Ping didn\'t seem to feel the killing of the saint, and kept looking for the breath of Zhu Xi in the dark.

He looked for it for a long time and almost looked all over the periphery of the dark cage world, but there was still no soul breath of Zhu Xi, so he could only move on. Throne Du warned that he could not go deep into it without Tianyuan realm. Yang Ping was taking risks, but he did not hesitate.

Taking advantage of the reorganization of Tianmu, Yang Ping must seize the opportunity.

More and more deeply into the dark cage world, he finally saw the familiar soul breath in the core place. Yang Ping was overjoyed and finally found Zhu Xi, so he quietly lurked in.

This is the place where the imprisoned heavenly king is located. Fortunately, the other party doesn\'t notice him.

Gradually close to the core.

Yang Ping immediately felt an absolutely pure source of darkness. At the core of the source, there was a beautiful shadow sleeping. The core place was a tiny sphere, about the size of a basketball court. The beautiful shadow slept in it, which was very sweet.

"Zhu Xi."

Yang Ping tried to call, but there was no response. She simply fell directly on the core, walked to Zhu Xi and wanted to hold her up. But at the moment of touching, Zhu Xi\'s figure dissipated and turned into the strongest dark gas.

"You\'re here at last."

A cold and heartless voice remembered in the void. Yang Ping was surprised and hurriedly looked up. A shadow shrouded in black robes was suspended in the air, revealing only a pair of faint pupils.


Yang Ping doesn\'t have to think that the black robe in front of him is the imprisoned heavenly king. It\'s funny that he naively thought that he could escape the heavenly king\'s eyes and ears after his strength increased. He didn\'t expect to be found in the end.

He thought of running away.

But the void is imprisoned.

God has no way.

The rules and restrictions here are countless times more terrible than those on the fifth floor. Even if you have a lot of abilities to understand the heavenly tomb, you still can\'t leave here. Yang Ping didn\'t move, but waited for the other party to make a move. But the opponent didn\'t fight for a long time, but looked at him with interest.

"Lei Feng\'s test object."

The original mind devil saw through Yang Ping\'s essence and sighed: "it\'s just a failed experiment, but I feel a breath beyond the origin from you. It seems that Lei Feng has put all his bets on you."

Yang Ping was blankly ignorant and said, "who is Lei Feng?"

He really doesn\'t know who Lei Feng is.

The original demon laughed and said loudly, "it\'s interesting. It\'s so interesting. You don\'t even know who Lei Feng is. It seems that he is miserable enough. I\'ve been fighting with him for so many years and I\'m always at a disadvantage. This time I see the hope of winning."

Yang Ping\'s back was cold, as if he felt the most fearful thing from the laughter of the original demons. It was not killing or predicting, but the purest panic of instinct.

"This is the chance given to me by heaven!"

The original heart devil fell into meditation and murmured, "this is also my last chance. If I miss it, I will never lose the chance to defeat Lei Feng. Tiandao is too calculating and knows that I have no choice."

Yang Ping turned and left.

But just flew out and immediately returned to the original position. Yang Ping tried again, and the result was still the same. Only then did he really realize the horror of the heavenly king. Before, I met experts such as the South heavenly king. The other party is just a separate person, but still has the ability to destroy the sky and the earth. The black robe in front of me is likely to be a heavenly king.

"You don\'t have to struggle. If even you can escape from my field, why should I fight Lei Feng for so many years? There are only a few people in countless dimensions who can escape deep into the core of my field in this world. Your name is Yang Ping, right."

Asked the primitive demon.

Seeing that he couldn\'t escape, Yang Ping asked, "where\'s Zhu Xi?"

The original demons moved towards the void. A crystal coffin suddenly appeared, and there was a girl sleeping inside. It was Zhu Xi, whom Yang Ping was looking for. She was shocked and wanted to rush to save people.

"Don\'t waste your time."

As soon as the original demon waved his hand, he hit Yang Ping lightly. No matter what body method he used, he could not avoid the attack of the heavenly king. With a dull hum, all the forces in his body dissipated, fell to the ground and lost his strength to stand.

He reached for it.

A hill appeared and wanted to escape from the void, but how could he escape from the palm of the original heart demon? He was surprised and said, "it\'s interesting that the totem of wujialing appears in your body."

Then grab it again.

A golden light jumped out and wanted to pierce the void and escape, but the original heart demon gently smashed the golden light and said, "the split of the five element divine needle is still too weak."

Then, the primitive mind devil grabbed everything from Yang Ping. What he knew and unknown could not escape the control of the heavenly king.

Watching everything smash and disappear, Yang Ping was distressed. At the same time, he had a real understanding of the strength of the heavenly king. The other side is too terrible to compete. After the primitive mind devil caught it, he began to draw Yang Ping\'s blood.

Cone heart piercing pain.

Yang Ping roared up to the sky and looked ferocious, but he still couldn\'t stop the blood separation of the original heart devil. The blood of different colors was stripped out. The original heart devil shook his head and said with disdain: "these complex blood will only make you stagnate. Although the strength outside is good, it\'s over. It\'s impossible to achieve a real road."

After Yang Ping was drawn from his blood, he became a useless man, lying on the ground and looking at each other angrily.

The original demon didn\'t seem to see Yang Ping\'s anger and said, "it\'s really a waste. It\'s useless. Forget it. I\'m not interested in you. Go to hell."

Say it.

The original demon slapped Yang Ping.


Yang Ping is so broken that he can\'t even keep his soul,

A generation of genius is gone.

The moment he died.

Zhu Xi of the crystal coffin suddenly opened her eyes.