Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1355

The king is very disgusted with the red sun Dharma king. He doesn\'t hate individuals, but simply hates his breath. Tantra practices chakras. The power of chakras is tit for tat with the power in the king\'s body and vows to die endlessly.

The red sun Dharma King\'s eyes became more and more compassionate and said, "I\'ll spend you today and give you a chance. You don\'t know how to cherish it. It seems that you are destined to suffer from hell."

Wang shouted, "don\'t talk nonsense to me. If you deceive the public, I\'ll arrest you into the police station."

The red sun Dharma King smiled at the king strangely.

Wang frowned. Suddenly, his head ached. He felt an invisible hand on his head and wanted to pull his soul. The pain spread all over his body and was unbearable.

"Who the hell are you?" Wang gritted his teeth and insisted. Instead of being unconscious, he was angry. Hot dark energy burst out in his pupils, forming a barrier to stop the spirit of the red sun Dharma king. The two opposing forces fought against each other, and Wang was certainly not an opponent and retreated one after another.


The king vomited blood and was shaky.

The red sun Dharma king condescended and said indifferently, "I promise you great freedom, but you are stubborn. Now I walk on behalf of heaven."

The king turned pale, and a panic flashed in his eyes. He wanted to put on his wings and leave. The horror of the red sun Dharma king was beyond imagination. The other party\'s chakra power just restrained her dark power, and it seemed that the red sun Dharma king didn\'t do his best.


The red sun Dharma King smiled coldly, sealed his hands, rotated a chakra at the Dantian in his body, and then sealed the king. Wang Lian lost consciousness without asking for help. The king of the red sun sealed the king, put it in a sack, turned and left.

Although he is confident and invincible, it\'s better to keep a low profile.

At the moment when the king disappeared, several forces of the Dragon City swept over, but they didn\'t notice any clues, because the red sun Dharma king had left long ago. Those people didn\'t want to provoke the red sun Dharma king out of thin air. They didn\'t see [email protected] ^^$

Sanyuan building.

Hong smiled strangely and sighed, "I\'d like to see which of you two dies. Yang Ping, the red sun Dharma king will give you a great surprise. Don\'t die before entering the heavenly tomb. I\'ll be very disappointed at that time."

He is as high as the king of the nine heavenly gods. There are stars falling in his pupils, everything withers and emits a mysterious atmosphere. Now he is the real him. He was a separate person when he met anyone before, and his strength is less than one tenth of that of the real body.

At the same time.

Young\'s clinic.! $*!

Yang Ping\'s eyes were calm. Different from others, others could not find the trace of the red sun Dharma king, but he could clearly see that the red sun Dharma king went to the old Taoist temple of Luohua bridge and left the king in the Taoist temple again.

Next, the red sun Dharma King arrested many local people in Longcheng, all of whom were of special blood, but their strength was several grades worse than Wang. Yang Ping was surprised that the red sun Dharma king turned his mind on Duan Fei, Secretary of the government committee.

Two people encounter, a war.

Although the red sun Dharma king is steadily better than Duan Fei, Duan Fei\'s life-saving ability is stronger than expected. He doesn\'t know what skills he performs. He is divided into nine. Each has the same realm strength, which gives the red sun Dharma king a headache. Finally, the red sun Dharma King defeated the seven separations and left in a hurry. Because the battle between them attracted a lot of attention.

In the Public Security Bureau.

It\'s a mess.

The surveillance is destroyed by mysterious mental power, and the surveillance video is blurred. A huge hole appeared in the yard, which was caused by the blow of the Red Sun King. Duan Fei stood beside him, pale, barely standing, with a look of horror in his eyes.

When did a terrible expert come into Longcheng? Duan Fei thought he was strong and didn\'t fear anyone. He didn\'t think the Red Sun King was extremely powerful. If he didn\'t have the means to protect his life, he might be dead now.

In his heart, Duan Fei\'s eyes changed.

"Secretary Duan!"

A group of policemen rushed over, fully armed, shocked and looked at the yard. Is this human damage? It\'s terrible.

Duan Fei raised his hand and said, "I\'m fine. Go back. It\'s just as if it didn\'t happen."

"Secretary Duan..."

Someone wanted to show concern, but Duan Fei glanced at him, cold all over and hurried away with people. Back in the office, Duan Fei sat in a chair and coughed up blood. Finally, he couldn\'t help taking out a box from the safe.


Duan Fei reached his present state and strength by relying on the box. The box had been smashed before, but through his efforts, he found another one, and the power inside the box was more terrible, like a bottomless abyss.

"It seems that my strength is still too low."

Duan Fei opened the box and his eyelids jumped. There was darkness in the box, just like a dark old well. At the bottom of the well, there was an eye, a terrible eye. He looked at the eye. He was very frightened in his heart, but gritted his teeth and insisted.

A dark force overflowed from his eyes and got into Duan Fei\'s body. He showed an intoxicated expression.

A long time later.

Duan Fei\'s eyes turned pure black. He was like a devil. His throat trembled. A terrible evil spirit came out of his body, broke through the roof and shrouded over the Public Security Bureau.

"How can I be a slave to others!"

Duan Fei roared, shattered the evil spirit of the sky and swallowed up all his body. Only then did he return to normal. His strength not only recovered, but also went further. If you come again, he has a stronger means to protect his life.

"Who the hell is this man?"

Close the box and put it in the safe. Duan Fei is lost in thought. Suddenly, a terrible idea comes out.

"Why not let Yang Ping lose with him?"

Duan Fei\'s face changed slightly. He looked around and hurriedly restrained his emotions for fear that people would know his inner thoughts. He felt that it should not be his original intention, but he would involuntarily imagine it, just as men would involuntarily think of beautiful women. He felt that it was a matter of course.

"Wait and see what happens."

Duan Fei took a deep breath and gave orders continuously to ensure the stability of Longcheng, so he left in a hurry.

Falling flower bridge, dilapidated Taoist temple.

The red sun Dharma king failed to catch Duan Fei. He was in a bad mood and walked into the Taoist temple. There are many iron cages in the yard. With the blessing of strength, the iron cages are as solid as gold. The nine people in the cage are all people with special blood or hidden power in their bodies.

"It\'s only a little short, otherwise it\'s perfect."

The red sun Dharma king has integrated the nine chakras to the extreme, but if he is promoted again, he needs to be perfect and must devour the power of other attributes. The nine arrested people looked at the red sun Dharma king in panic.

The red sun Dharma King grabbed a teenage boy from the cage and took him directly from the middle school. He said, "you are sinful. Let me spend you." so, a slap on the sky cover, the little boy screamed, turned into a ray of purple power, and was swallowed by him.

The king glared and saw the crazy behavior of the red sun Dharma king. He roared, "if you kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will be punished by the law! I will arrest you."

The red sun Dharma King devoured eight people in a row, then came to the king and said, "people must live before they can talk about ideals, don\'t they? Now you are just the embodiment of sin, and I walk on behalf of heaven."

Wang struggled, but felt the coming of death and knew that this might be a bad time.

Constantly abusing and scolding,

But it didn\'t help.

The red sun Dharma king put his palm on the king\'s head and showed a greedy smile.