Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1356

As long as the king is swallowed up, his chakra will be perfect and his combat effectiveness will be improved to a new level. At that time, who will compete with the dragon city?

The red sun Dharma king was excited and put his palm on the king\'s head, as if he saw a brilliant tomorrow.

Wang was still swearing and said angrily, "don\'t you dare to punish me? This is Huaxia dragon city. Experts are like clouds. If you kill so many people, someone will clean you up."

The red sun Dharma King disdained and said, "there is nothing in the world that I dare not do. Even if other experts come, I can\'t swallow it."

Wang struggled, but to no avail, but still stared at him stubbornly.

Seeing the vitality disappear a little, the soul seems to be pulled by others. Wang is in pain and despair. Secretly, parents, I\'m sorry for you and the country. I died here for nothing. I wish someone could kill this Liao.

But God can\'t hear it.

The red sun Dharma king felt the chakra evolution, absorbed the king\'s soul, and was likely to surpass the master step by step. He couldn\'t help but sigh that under the guidance of the great Tantric leader, he walked barefoot on the grassland for 20 years. He wanted to break through, but he couldn\'t succeed for a long time. Unexpectedly, he saw hope when he entered Longcheng.

This is providence!

The red sun Dharma king can\'t wait. The king can only wait for death in despair. Before she died, she thought a lot about guilt and hatred, and found that living is the best. No matter how much hatred, anger and desire you have, it disappears when you die.

Living is the most important thing.

Wang regretted that he didn\'t spend time with his parents, that he didn\'t listen to his parents, that he married and had children, and that he didn\'t cherish his friends, such as Yang Ping. He regretted too much, but it was too late.

"I hope I can repay you in the next life."

Wang was vaguely conscious and understood that she was dying. She looked up at the sky. It was white, as if she saw heaven and an angel smiling at her, but a dark shadow suddenly appeared under the holy sky.

A dark shadow was slowly clear, his face was cold, and with a death dagger in his mouth, he was indifferent to life and came to harvest.

"It seems that he is really going to die."

The king was helpless.

The power in the red sun Dharma King began to change, and the upgrading of chakras made him go further. As long as he succeeded, the world can go. Even back to the Tibetan area, I can share my faith with the master and re-establish a Tantra.

"Come on, I can\'t wait for that day."

The red sun Dharma king looked up at the sky and laughed wildly. His strength reached the peak. His body was tinged with light red, as if it were a red sun. He felt as if he was flying in the sky and saw the boundless road ahead.

It feels good!

But at the critical moment of the breakthrough, a mysterious force forcibly cut off his contact with Wang. Just a little, the king died, but it was this knife that not only saved the king\'s last breath, but also dropped the red sun from heaven to hell.


The red sun Dharma King missed the illusion of promotion too much, but at the moment of success, he was forcibly interrupted and shouted, "you want to die."

This knife cut off the connection between the two people, and then fell fiercely towards the red sun Dharma king.

The red sun Dharma king was shocked and angry. In the face of a powerful knife, if he didn\'t dodge, he might die. He had to harden his scalp. A red sun appeared in the Dantian in his body, and then burst out infinite anger and burned a knife into ashes.


The red sun Dharma King vomited blood and sat down quickly to avoid becoming possessed. After suppressing the demons, the red sun Dharma King opened his eyes and the king had been taken away. His face was gloomy and full of murder.

"Whoever you are, I\'ll kill you."

The heart of the red sun Dharma king is full of extreme resentment. After 20 years of waiting, once he gets the way, he is destroyed. It is the same as the Revenge of killing his father. It is unforgivable.

There was no movement after the knife.

The sneak attacker is not willing to fight with the red sun Dharma king. He can\'t hit thousands of miles. The other party is more cunning than the red sun Dharma king. He hides all his breath and doesn\'t know his identity until he makes a move. The red sun Dharma King roared and practiced hysterically, without the calmness of a Taoist monk.

"Do you think I can\'t find you?"

The red sun Dharma King grinned grimly, folded his hands and recited words. Then his body ignited nine chakras, and each chakra jumped out of his body, just like nine stars, nine stars and beads. The chakras were connected into a pair of folded palms.

"The mystery of the stars!"

The red sun Dharma King uses taboo secrets to forcibly calculate the identity of his opponent. The profound meaning of stars is a set of speculative means for the former leader of Esoteric Buddhism to observe and understand stars. People are doing and heaven is watching. No matter how deep you hide, God knows. The stars are God\'s eyes.

The stars know everything.

Therefore, under the speculation of the profound meaning of the stars, a mysterious and mysterious breath appeared, turned into an arrow, and then shot out. The red sun Dharma King sneered and rushed out following the arrow. Just bad his good deeds, we must let the opponent live rather than die and torture him severely.

Stars and arrows shuttle.

The red sun Dharma king followed slowly. Finally, the arrow came to the Sanyuan building, stabbed at the top floor, looked through the top floor with the arrow, and then his face was ugly. The red sun Dharma King\'s eyes were angry and said in a cold voice, "it\'s him."


The red sun Dharma King guessed Mr. Hong, but I\'m not sure. After all, the other party still invited cooperation and won\'t get revenge so soon. However, he believed in the guidance of upanishadism and the skill of leaders, and was sure that Hong was the culprit.

"If you don\'t let me feel better, I don\'t have to worry about your face."

The red sun Dharma King sneered and rushed to the top floor.

Two military experts in charge of the security work of Sanyuan building came forward to intercept and shouted, "stop!"

The red sun Dharma King\'s eyes flashed amazing anger and said in a cold voice, "go away!"

The two security guards were shocked, hit the glass of the gate, and then lay on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. The red sun Dharma King walked through the hall with a murderous spirit, but all those who blocked him slapped and fanned. Even innocent people are not spared in the way. A scream rang out in the hall.


At the door of the elevator, a fiery figure pounced on the red sun Dharma king. His fist was streamed and haloed with a flame. He could burn real gold. As soon as he shot, he released the attack power of the saint level, and went ahead, which was even more terrible.

With one blow, the temperature of the air rises sharply.

The red sun Dharma King sneered and said, "teach others to play with fire in front of me."

The so-called red sun represents the extreme of fire. For the attribute of fire, the red sun Dharma King understands the origin. The flame of the red figure\'s attack suddenly lost control, separated from his fist, and then appeared in front of the red sun Dharma king. He stretched out his hand, grabbed it, pinched it, and then smashed it at the red figure.

The temperature of the flame rises instantly and turns blue.

The fiery red figure wanted to avoid, but the flame went hand in hand and hit the body in an instant. Before he could shout, all his organs burned to ashes and lay on the ground, dying.

The red sun Dharma King walked into the elevator and showed a cold light.

top floor.

Hong is absorbing his original strength. He feels the arrival of the red sun Dharma king, frowns and whispers. What is this guy doing in my territory.

"Hong, get out of here!"

The red sun Dharma King kicked the door of the office, stared at Hong, and said in a cold voice, "you broke my good deed, and I\'m not finished with you this time." when he was so angry, he didn\'t say Zen language, so he just opened it!

Hong asked, "I don\'t know what I have done to offend you. Red sun Dharma king, why should I be angry when you come to my realm. You can sit down and talk about anything."

The red sun Dharma King laughed angrily and shouted, "talk about your paralysis!"

The square downstairs of Sanyuan building.

Yang Ping glanced at the top floor, smiled, threw away his cigarette butts and disappeared into the darkness.

The stars are shining, but they are out of control.