Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1354

One word revealed his identity and appeared quietly, indicating that the strength of the visitor was not weaker than him. The red sun Dharma king was not only the senior brother of the Golden Wheel Dharma king, but also the eldest disciple of the leader of Esoteric Buddhism. He had a supreme position in the Tibetan area. He usually walked barefoot on the grassland to temper his will, temper his body to integrate with the chakra, turn into a red sun and cover the sky.

Hong appeared in front of the red sun Dharma king and said, "the Dharma king has been like the Central Plains for 20 years. He must have come to revenge."

The red sun Dharma King joined hands and said, "it\'s Mr. Hong."

Hong was awe inspiring. The other party seemed to be outside the world of mortals, but he was very well informed about the Chinese military government. Not long after he was born, the red sun Dharma King recognized him. It can be seen that the Tantra kept staring at the inside of China, and the wolf\'s ambition was immortal.

The red sun Dharma King\'s face was not sad or happy. He said, "Mr. Hong is the mainstay of China. I don\'t know why I stopped my way?"

Hong said: "of course, it is to provide information."

The red sun Dharma King shook his head and said, "everything goes with fate. Hatred will deceive the mind. There is an amazing hatred in Mr. Hong\'s body, which is the only thing I\'ve seen in my life. I hope Mr. Hong can give up hatred, which is the gospel of China."

Hong was unmoved. These bullshit theories were OK to others, but he was Hong, representing a new era. He said faintly: "I wanted to cooperate with the king of France, but the king of France was not interested. I\'m leaving here."

With that, Hong turned and left.

The red sun Dharma king didn\'t stay and went straight into the crowd. Not long after he left, Hong reappeared and looked at the crowd as if thinking. The realm of the red sun Dharma king was unfathomable. He was much stronger than the Golden Wheel Dharma king. Hong thought he could stably suppress each other, but the other Party pointed out the secrets in Hong\'s body and had to be vigilant. The spiritual realm of the red sun Dharma king has reached to see through the world of mortals and reach the essence.

"But I always believe you will fight with Yang Ping."

Hong sneered and disappeared slowly. Strangely, when the two appeared and talked, others didn\'t seem to find it at all. Some even passed through their bodies directly, indicating that what they met was not the real body, but an illusion.

The real bodies of Hong and the red sun Dharma king are not under the Nancheng wall.

Sanyuan building.

Hong opened his eyes and thought deeply. The red sun Dharma king really deserves his reputation. His greatest strength is telepathy. He can predict the crisis and avoid it in advance. Such immortal experts are rare in the Jianghu. Even the heavenly realm is afraid of the red sun Dharma king.

"Mr. Hong, do you still need to continue designing to increase their hatred?"

The eighth couldn\'t help asking.

Hong shook his head and said with a smile, "they are sure to fight. Even without the death of the Golden Wheel Dharma king, the red sun Dharma king will not let Yang Ping go. Many people don\'t know that Yang Ping has returned to the Dragon City, but the real experts can sense it in an instant. Their cause and effect is very deep. They can\'t avoid it."

Number eight doesn\'t seem to understand.

Hong youyou said, "the day I look forward to is coming. Yang Ping, I keep your life. I hope you don\'t disappoint me."

Everyone is watching and waiting.

Including American wise men, Hong of the military, experts of other super holy places, and hidden dignitaries at home and abroad, they came out of the mountain to Longcheng this time. They have only one goal, that is to enter the heavenly tomb.

When Hong discussed the red sun Dharma king, his real body had already entered the dragon city.

The people\'s Park.

A barefoot Lama came to houshanbieyuan and stood at the gate of the yard where old Zhou once lived. Two stone lions were broken and no one cleaned them up. They were free for a long time. Because there have been fierce battles here and Zhou Lao\'s identity is very special, he has kept it all the time.

"Who are you?" a guard saw the Lama appear, showed vigilance and stopped, "tourists stop, please leave."

The red sun Dharma king looked at the guard and walked inside. The guard was looked at, his eyes confused and staggered, then fell to the ground and fell into a coma. The red sun Dharma king came to the room where Zhou Lao lived and rubbed the traces of the fight. Traces represent the fierce battle at that time. Of course, in his opinion, this kind of battle is just pediatrics. Real experts can tear down other hospitals when waving.

But the red sun Dharma king still came to other courts and speculated along the trace area of the battle.

Scenes appear in the pupil.

The red sun Dharma King seemed to come to that time and saw Yang Ping fighting with other experts. Taoist Zun was the supreme existence and controlled everything. From here, we can know the cause and effect and find a way to kill Yang Ping.

No one is perfect.

People have shortcomings.

The red sun Dharma King closed his eyes, analyzed it, and finally showed a relieved smile and said, "no wonder younger martial brother will die. He has superior talent and is a first-class talent in the world. It\'s a pity that he went the wrong way. Since he went the wrong way, I will correct him."

"Death is the best proof."

The red sun Dharma King left other courts and appeared in all parts of Longcheng, where Yang Ping appeared, fought and even bled. Standing at the falling flower bridge, he saw the scene of Yang Ping killing the young master of the Li family. He came to Villa 3 and saw that Zhu Xi was controlled by the old prince. Yang Ping showed Shura posture in anger

Scenes appear, analyze, and finally summarize.

The red sun Dharma king knew it well, so he quietly left and no longer revealed his breath. One hit is not far away. The said red sun Dharma king will not despise any opponent. He will have a comprehensive strategy for every thing.

I can\'t hit, but I can live. That\'s terrible.

All the way.

The red sun Dharma king felt the daily life of the people in Longcheng and saw the life, old age, death, joy, anger, sadness and joy. He was deeply touched by the living conditions of these ordinary people. Longcheng and grassland are two extremes.

police office.

The red sun Dharma King visited all parts of the Dragon City, analyzed Yang Ping\'s weakness, and improved his spiritual cultivation to a higher level.

"The predestined person is here."

The red sun Dharma king stood waiting at the door with a calm face. When Wang came out of the police station, he looked angry and wanted to find something to vent. Wang changed completely. The dormant dark power in his body broke out. After quarreling with Yang Ping, he became moody. The police officers of Chengbei Branch were shocked to see her.

The red sun Dharma king is waiting for the king.

"Benefactor, please stay."

The red sun Dharma King smiled at Wang.

The king stopped and saw the clothes on the red sun Dharma king. He was awe inspiring. I don\'t know why. The eyes of the red sun Dharma king can make people feel depressed.

"What\'s up?"

Wang Lengleng said.

The red sun Dharma King smiled and said, "of course. The donor\'s Yintang is black. Isn\'t it a lot of disasters recently?"

Wang Xin sneered. It seems that liars now have no technical content.


The red sun Dharma king put his palm on the king\'s head and whispered: let\'s spend your time.

Wang ha ha smiled, patted his pistol and said, "I want to cheat people to go to other places. I\'m very busy now. I don\'t have time to chat with you."

Then the king will leave.

But the surrounding space solidifies.

The red sun Dharma king showed mercy.