Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1352

The wise men of the United States shot, and they were arrogant and unreasonable.

Mu Zihan finished the discharge procedures. On the way to the Yang\'s Hospital by taxi, a figure fell from the sky and directly landed on the car cover. The engine burst and the taxi driver was seriously injured. Mu Zihan was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The car stopped abruptly. Fortunately, Mu Zihan sat in the back seat and helped with his seat belt, otherwise he would be injured in the collision.

The figure\'s big hand pierced the glass and grabbed it at Mu Zihan.

Mu Zihan hurriedly left the car and ran to the side of the road. The taxi stopped, leading to a traffic jam. The car owners behind wanted to swear, but when they saw the ferocious expression of the figure falling from the sky, they screamed and hurried out of their seats and ran away.

The figure is a blonde man with strong physique and muscles like a Qiulong. He clings to his arms one by one, full of explosive energy. His eyes show his arrogance and show his teeth: "come with me and be honest."

Mu Zihan turned and ran away.

The blonde man smiled and released a bloody breath. His feet were like a shell at Mu Zihan. Others were stunned to see the blonde man jump beyond common sense. Mu Zihan felt the wind behind him and hurried to move aside. With a roar, the blonde man hit a Toyota and landed with his feet, smashing the Toyota into rags.

"Still running!"

The blonde smiled grimly and said, "if I catch it, I\'ll break your neck."

Mu Zihan was still worried about the taxi driver. He felt very uncomfortable because of the impeccable disaster he had brought, but he didn\'t have time to think too much. He had to bite his teeth and run away. I experienced Li Tianren last time. My psychological endurance is much stronger. I can deal with it rationally this time.

The blonde man chased a street and found that he couldn\'t catch up with an ordinary person. He was furious. He patted his chest and roared, "you have successfully angered me." then, the blonde man stimulated the energy in his body and became violent, twice as fast as before. It was like a gust of wind and fell in front of Mu Zihan.

Two deep footprints appeared on the ground. The blonde man pulled out his legs, walked to Mu Zihan and said, "if I were you, I wouldn\'t run away."

Mu Zihan hinted that she couldn\'t panic. She was used to many big scenes and barely kept calm. She looked at the blonde man with a dignified face. The blonde man was different from ordinary Caucasians. His pupils were very manic and gave off the gas of killing. She was full of a beast like breath, and their foreheads were branded with numbers.

The blonde man in front of him is branded with an a letter on his forehead. Every time he uses his strength, the letter on his forehead will flash, which is the source of energy.

The blonde man didn\'t see Mu Zihan at all. He reached out and felt sure to deal with ordinary people. He had used his power beyond the limit and would be laughed at by his peers.

But his arm just stretched out and his head was hit. Mu Zihan picked up the brick on the roadside and hit it hard. I don\'t know if it happened. Anyway, the brick just hit the letter on his forehead. The blonde man screamed, covered his forehead and trembled.

Mu Zihan took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and run away.

The blonde man put down his arm, looked ferocious and shouted, "you\'re dead. I\'ll kill you."

He stopped converging, decided to kill Mu Zihan, used all his strength, jumped to the top of his head, and then hit him hard. The United States is a country that worships force. Whoever has a big fist makes sense. The blonde man\'s fist is big and has a greater trend, and then hits Mu Zihan.

Whistling wind, rolling around.

Flowers and grass can\'t afford boxing and break one after another. Mu Zihan gritted his teeth and insisted, but he could only look at it in despair. At the moment of death, the golden flame in his pupil was ready to kill the enemy. A hazy voice emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Kill him, kill him."

A voice shouted, kill him and make the blood boil!

Facing the pressure of death, Mu Zihan had no choice but to accept it. So when she closed her eyes and waited for death, in fact, the blood power in her body opened, a terrible wave spread, and a hundred meters into her field.

Pop, pop, pop!

All the glass on the building with a radius of 100 meters was broken, and the glass of the car was even worse. There were alarms and curses around. With Mu Zihan as the center, a small storm formed and spread continuously.

The blonde man just came in front of him and saw that he was going to crush Mu Zihan. Suddenly, his pupils contracted violently. He felt a threat of death and was terrified. He quickly turned around and wanted to leave. But it\'s too late.

Ripples spread through the blonde man\'s body.

Bang bang!

The surrounding buildings and cars did not exist in good condition, and even those who scolded their mother and were excited were swept by ripples and passed out directly. The whole long street became extremely quiet. No, it should be dead.

Mu Zihan stood in the long street, feeling very tired and shaky, trying to support. The blonde man standing in front of him was like a stone, motionless and stiff.

Then a sound of broken glass sounded.

Mu Zihan looked up. The blonde man\'s body was fragmented and fell to the ground and turned into garbage.

"I killed someone?"

Mu Zihan looked ugly and knew that killing was a crime. Even if the other party wanted to arrest him, killing was an improper defense. For a time, Mu Zihan thought a lot and thought that Xuanxuan was not taken care of, so he couldn\'t help feeling sad.

With a slight sigh, Mu Zihan murmured, "go and turn yourself in."

She was a good person and never wanted to kill, but the blonde man did die in her hands. She was flustered and didn\'t know how to face it. She didn\'t even feel the opening of the blood force in her body.

"Sure enough, you are the man we are looking for."

A voice sounded, and a bald head in a white robe appeared in front of him, looking at her with a smile.

"You are the power with the source of emptiness in your blood. You are the one we are looking for. Come with me. On behalf of the God, I will forgive you for your innocence." bareheaded, with a compassionate smile, he waved to her with a kind look, just like the Savior.

Mu Zihan\'s delicate body trembled and his eyes were at a loss.

"Come, return to the arms of the gods."

The bald head and white robe are flying, and the whole body emits white light, just like an angel coming. When the world sees it, it will give birth to a heart of worship. His voice has a powerful hypnotic ability, which can virtually make people fall into it. And his mental power is extremely terrible, just like the essence.

Baldheaded is naturally a wise man from the United States. He doesn\'t trust the blonde man to make a move and quietly follows him. He is sure that Mu Zihan is the one he wants to catch. He is happy and wants to make a move even if he reveals his whereabouts.

Mu Zihan fell into hypnosis and walked towards the wise man step by step.

"Come on, if you kill someone, you have to make atonement, otherwise no one will forgive you. You can only come out of hell with me. Come on, child, return to the arms of the gods." the wise man looked at Mu Zihan coming with confused eyes and showed a happy smile.

A hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Mu Zihan\'s shoulder.

"A bunch of self righteous idiots think I dare not kill you."

Yang Ping appeared and looked coldly at the discolored wise man.