Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1296

early morning.

The sun is shining brightly.

A guest came to the treasure Pavilion, which was introduced by Tao Chengqi. Walking in front, it was like going home to the bamboo mountain.

the purple air comes from the east -- a propitious omen.

Yang Ping stood on the top of the mountain, breathing in front of the red sun, and his face was calm.

In the wing room.

Pearl frowned, felt a chilling smell and looked out of the window. Tao Chengqi happened to take a beautiful young man across the yard to the top of the mountain. Tao Chengqi enthusiastically introduced the situation of treasure Pavilion, and then looked at Zhushan.

The young man kept smiling, looked up at Yang Ping and said, "the master has the world in mind. As the master\'s striker, peach Dharma protector, if he can persuade him to surrender, he will take great credit."

Tao Chengqi smiled and said, "where, you are the red man around the master. Mr. Lu\'s strength is the first among us. How dare I take credit for it? I can only mention shoes to Mr. Lu at most."

The young man was modest. They refused and came to the foot of the mountain.


Pearl walked out of the door, frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

He came in with an outsider, and he was a man who exuded a disgusting smell. It goes without saying what the purpose of Tao Chengqi is. Treasure Pavilion is Yang Ping\'s territory. No one dares to disturb it. But Tao Chengqi brought people here today. Do you want to rebel?

Seeing the Pearl, Mr. Lu brightened his eyes and said, "this is his sister-in-law. Indeed, he deserves his reputation and is the best in the world. Mr. Yang is lucky to have you."

Pearl didn\'t eat this set and said in a deep voice, "what are you doing here?"

When Tao Chengqi saw the Pearl, he was a little embarrassed and hesitated. He was instinctively afraid of Yang Ping and respected Mingzhu because of Yang Ping\'s relationship. Unfortunately, after recognizing the master, his temperament has changed greatly.

Obviously, Tao Chengqi is a master of the great sage realm. In just a few days, he was promoted from the initial stage of the sage to the great sage realm, which is a very terrible promotion speed. But Tao Chengqi did it. Mingzhu thought of his uncontrollable appearance of the Dragon God order, and her heart burst.

"It seems to be controlled by the Dragon God order."

Mingzhu\'s eyes looked at Mr. Lu and felt that this person was not simple. Tao Chengqi had a strong smell of dragon city, as if it were a curtain on his head. She said, "boss Tao, Yang Ping has a rest today and doesn\'t want to be disturbed."

Tao Chengqi said with a smile, "I\'ll bring Yang Ping good news."

The Pearl said faintly, "you go."

She can decide to refuse Tao Chengqi\'s kindness. She wants to know with her toes that the so-called good news is definitely not good news. Tao Chengyi frowned and said with a gloomy face, "this is Mr. Lu, the red man around my master. He is very talkative. Please be polite. He wants to see Yang Ping."

Mr. Lu nodded and said with a smile, "sister-in-law, it\'s convenient."

Pearl is not allowed.

Tao Chengqi was embarrassed and didn\'t know what to do for a moment. The main purpose of this visit is not to fight, but to point out a way for Yang Ping to avoid his premature death. Tao Chengqi feels that he has done nothing wrong, but is helping him.

"Sister-in-law, it\'s not good."

Mr. Lu\'s tone was unhappy. He felt that he had made concessions several times, but he was not respected. The more the Pearl was distributed, the more it became. He laughs and is polite, which does not mean that he is easy to bully. You know, in his capacity, he is a cruel character walking sideways in Longcheng. Tao Chengqi is still respectful to him as a great saint. Can\'t you see his power?

"Get out."

Pearl shouted, domineering side leakage.

Mr. Lu turned pale and said coldly, "don\'t toast or punish me. I represent my master. Don\'t be arrogant with Yang Ping\'s support. If my master is angry, don\'t say you. Even Yang Ping should kneel down and apologize."

"What a big breath."

The Pearl looked at Tao Chengqi and hummed, "is this the man you brought after a few days?"

Tao Chengqi was embarrassed and bowed his head.

Mr. Lu shook his head and sighed, "since you are so impolite, I\'ll catch you first and teach you how to be a man for Yang Ping."


Mr. Lu disappeared from the original place and came to the Pearl in an instant. Then he pointed out that the power of the dragon city on his head converged in an instant, making his fingers crystal clear and emitting bursts of treasure light. His fingers did not come, the space fluctuated and cracks appeared, which shows Mr. Lu\'s power.

Tao Cheng was surprised and showed his fear.

Mr. Lu is a great master around his master. He is much stronger than himself. He messes up the situation. Tao Chengqi knows that neither of them may be Mr. Lu\'s opponent. He even felt that Yang Ping could not be Mr. Lu\'s opponent.

Pearl looked coldly.

Mr. Lu looked at the main points with a mocking smile. He doesn\'t need to do his best to deal with Mingzhu, but he is incredibly strong. Tao Chengqi shook his head and secretly regretted that Mingzhu must have been seriously injured. In the face of Mr. Lu\'s attack, he couldn\'t find a way to escape.


The Pearl pupil flashed and the gold filled the air. Then Mr. Lu\'s fingers burned. With a dull hum, the power of the Dragon City gathered all over the sky and hung out a waterfall to extinguish the golden flame on his fingers. Unfortunately, the golden flame entangled his body and could burn all heaven and earth.

Mr. Lu thought it was easy to get rid of it. Unexpectedly, the fire was so fierce. He screamed and shouted, "you want to die."

Mingzhu said with a cold smile, "is that all you have?"

Mr. Lu was despised. He was furious and shouted, "in that case, I\'m not polite. Let you know that in Longcheng, I\'m invincible except the master."

"Dragon city brand!"

With Mr. Lu\'s roar, the sky over the treasure pavilion was unpredictable, and a face appeared, cold and ruthless, filled with Tianwei. The huge face overlooks all the creatures, draws the dragon\'s life, then drops a black liquid from the mouth and falls on the fingers. Strange things happen. The black liquid is the essence of the negative emotions of all beings. It can stain everything and fall on the fingers, and the golden flame will die out.

Mr. Lu looked at his blackened fingers. If he didn\'t summon the dragon city brand, I\'m afraid the whole arm didn\'t have it. He looked at the Pearl with resentment. The woman just gave him the illusion of death, said a good word, and hummed: "you successfully angered me. Next, you\'ll regret it all your life. I\'ll scrap you and throw you into the club for all men to ride."

Mingzhu\'s face was cold and hummed, "look for death."

Mr. Lu stared at the Pearl, showing a dignified color, and then recited words, one syllable and one symbol, rising into the sky to intercept the power of the dragon city for his own use. Tao Chengqi looked at it, showing envy and murmured, "this is Mr. Lu\'s strength. Being able to borrow the strength of his master is invincible."

Looking at Mingzhu, Tao Chengqi advised, "Mingzhu, forget it. Don\'t resist. You\'re not Mr. Lu\'s opponent at all. He has the power of the dragon city. How can you resist the whole dragon city alone."

Pearl did not answer, but closed her eyes and brewing strength. The golden blood in the body is boiling, and the whole body emits a holy smell. The golden light shone and she was reborn.


After Mr. Lu\'s call, with the help of the Dragon City, the whole person\'s temperament changed greatly. It was like a God General overlooking all sentient beings. He said a sword. A sword appeared in the sky, glittering and translucent, and appeared in his hand. He stabbed at the Pearl, and the wind and cloud at the foot of the bamboo mountain of the treasure Pavilion changed. It seemed as if he was carrying the whole dragon city and gathered into a sharp and incomparable will. This is not an ordinary sword, but the will of all living beings in the dragon city.

It\'s too strong to fight.

Tao Chengqi immediately knew that he was not an opponent. He sighed that Mr. Lu used the power of Longcheng to be a higher level than him.


Life and death.

Tao Chengqi shows his regret and looks at the top of the mountain. Can you calm down at this time?

Mr. Lu has a will to kill heart and is merciless.

Seeing the sword coming to kill, the pearl is in danger.

Mr. Lu sneered and said in secret that since he didn\'t know what to do, he would die. He didn\'t have any pressure to kill Mingzhu. There was a master behind him. Was he afraid of Yang Ping. This time to persuade Yang Ping, the other party not only did not go down the mountain, but turned his back on them, which is the greatest disrespect to them.

Mr. Lu was very angry, so he decided to make Yang Ping regret all his life.

Losing a beloved woman makes him realize the dignity of Mr. Lu.


Pearl opened her eyes, a golden flame was burning in the center of her eyebrows, her hands released the seal, and the void crack appeared. The golden power was derived from unknown dimensions and turned into gold threads. It wrapped around the sword of Longcheng summoned by Mr. Lu and gently strangled it. The next thing made Tao Chengyi\'s eyes almost stand out.


The powerful sword was broken by the gold thread. Not only that, the gold thread wound up and trapped Mr. Lu.