Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1297

Before Mr. Lu came, he never expected the current result. He thought that the great God behind him could sweep everyone, even Yang Ping, who was famous, but the master rolled with one finger and came with full confidence. Unexpectedly, he was suppressed by other people\'s women.

His heart was very angry and roared. There were blue air currents in his body, circling over his head, trying to break free from the gold wire, but the gold wire could melt everything, and the power of blue was nothing.

Pearl looked at Mr. Lu coldly and said, "kneel down."

Mr. Lu stared and shouted, "you bitch, let me kneel down. Do you know who I am?"


Mingzhu raised her hand, and a terrible pressure appeared on Mr. Lu\'s shoulder. He snorted, his face turned red, and clenched his teeth and said, "don\'t think, I am..." unfortunately, the pressure was too great to bear, and his legs bent and knelt down.

Mr. Lu\'s face was twisted, and Tao Chengqi was even more shocked. He stared at the Pearl. He didn\'t expect that the Pearl was so terrible. When she became so powerful, he didn\'t know at all before.

Without time to think, Mr. Lu knelt on the ground and could not get up at the mercy of the Pearl.

Before Mr. Lu\'s words insulted, Mingzhu slapped back.

"Pearl, that\'s enough. The people behind him are very powerful and can\'t be provoked." Tao Chengqi didn\'t have much sympathy when he saw Mr. Lu\'s miserable appearance. The other party was favored in front of his master and didn\'t look at others. He deserved the pain this time. But Tao Chengqi won\'t let Mr. Lu die. After all, he came together. It\'s hard to make a job after returning, so he couldn\'t help persuading.

Pearl turned her head and looked at Tao Chengqi coldly.

Tao Chengqi was stunned and said awkwardly, "Pearl, you have to forgive people. Yang Ping\'s decisive battle with Taoist Zun is imminent. There is no need to increase strong enemies."

Pearl said indifferently, "in what capacity are you talking to me?"

Taocheng hesitated, his face was accosted, and he didn\'t know how to answer. If you are a friend, you will not bring the enemy. If you are an enemy, why does the Pearl give you face? The color of guilt flashed by. Tao Chengqi remembered that the great master was invincible. He gritted his teeth and said, "even if a friend is fighting, I\'m saving you." he looked at the top of the mountain and shouted, "Yang Ping, let the Pearl stop. Don\'t make a mistake."

There was a flash of gold on the top of the mountain.

Yang Ping appeared at the foot of the mountain and looked at Tao Chengqi calmly. Tao Chengqi\'s body was shocked and his face was changeable. When the other party looked at it, a terrible pressure exerted on his body, his legs couldn\'t help shaking, and his soul throbbed. His heart was shocked and showed an incredible color.

What a terrible look.

Tao Chengqi has only seen such a terrible look on his master. Obviously, there is no killing opportunity, but at random, you can feel death, just like the main peak high above, overlooking the mole ants at the foot of the mountain.

Tao Chengqi didn\'t know why Yang Ping suddenly became so strong, but he didn\'t think he was stronger than his master. The master is invincible and immortal in the dragon city. No one can kill him.

"You go."

Yang Ping waved and sighed, "the ancients didn\'t expect you to change your original heart. It\'s a pity. If you insist on yourself and surrender the Dragon God order, maybe you are in another realm now."

Tao Chengqi\'s face changed. He frowned and said, "Yang Ping, I\'m not here to listen to you. My master wants to see you."


Yang Ping took a deep look at Tao Chengqi and said, "I never thought that the disciple of tiancan19 sword had a master."

Tao Chengqi\'s old face is red and his heart is ashamed. He must not want to recognize the master, but Longcheng is too terrible. If he does not recognize the master, he may die miserably. He is a helpless choice, but he firmly believes that it is a choice to strive for.

"I don\'t need you to take care of my affairs. Moreover, my strength has long surpassed Tiancan 19 sword, and he is not qualified to say me." Tao Chengqi was unconvinced and hummed.

Mr. Lu still knelt on the ground and didn\'t get up. He stared at the Pearl and said angrily, "bitch, you insult me. You\'re dead. I\'ll make your life worse than death. No, I\'ll find a hundred men to serve you and make you miserable."

The towering resentment stirred the black clouds over the dragon city and disturbed the secret of heaven. Mr. Lu kept cursing.

Yang Ping glanced at the Pearl.

Pearl took back the gold wire and stood aside. Although the gold thread is terrible enough to trap Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu is immortal and the green power in his body is endless. That is not only the immortality given by Longcheng, but also the reason for his recklessness. You can\'t kill me. What if you beat me? When your strength dries up, it\'s time for me to take revenge.

Mingzhu was helpless and looked at Yang Ping innocently with big eyes.

Yang Ping chuckled and said, "it doesn\'t take much strength to deal with such a small loser."

Mr. Lu stared angrily and said, "you underestimate me. Do you know who I am?"

Yang Ping smiled at Mr. Lu and said, "you don\'t have to be arrogant. Maybe your master can make me look up. You\'re a slave and I\'ll kill you with my backhand."

Mr. Lu sneered repeatedly. The golden thread of the Pearl left his body and regained his freedom. He looked disdainful and said, "you mole ants don\'t know the horror of the master. He is the supreme existence and invincible in the world."

Yang Ping had never seen Mr. Lu and was not interested in asking. He said, "who can be invincible in the world? Go and get a dragon city will. It\'s thick skinned. Just because others can\'t kill me doesn\'t mean I have no choice. I\'m just too lazy to care."

Mr. Lu continued to sneer and sneered, "your ability to boast is stronger than your strength."

Yang Ping is not interested in arguing. He looks at Tao Chengqi.

Tao Chengqi subconsciously bowed his head, but remembering his identity, he quickly looked up, gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Ping, I don\'t care what you think. Anyway, my master\'s words have been brought. You\'d better consider it. The strength of my master is really unfathomable."

Pearl looked at Tao Chengyi with pity.

When did her former friend become so cowardly that she leaned on her master to beg for mercy. With a long sigh, Mingzhu felt Yang Ping\'s breath and gently took his hand and shook his head. Yang Ping smiled and gave up.

Tao Chengqi and Mr. Lu didn\'t know. Because Mingzhu shook his head, they both survived.

Unfortunately, Mr. Lu and Tao Chengqi are more certain that Yang Ping is afraid of the strength of his master and dare not act recklessly. "Yang Ping, you\'d better think twice, otherwise you can\'t afford the consequences."

Before leaving, Mr. Lu threatened.

When they left, Mingzhu bowed her head and whispered, "you won\'t blame me. Do it without authorization. I\'m just afraid he\'ll disturb you."

Yang Ping\'s face was serious and said, "when did you turn on the blood power?"

The bright pearl\'s pretty face changed dramatically, her eyes flashed a trace of panic, and she said in a trembling voice: "Yang Ping, I don\'t mean to hide, but I think it\'s an ominous force. I\'m afraid..."

Her mouth was blocked with a finger. Mingzhu\'s eyes twinkled with tears and looked at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "fool, how can I blame you? At my present state, I have no fear. Ominous is just a tonic for me. It\'s too late for me to be happy that you can awaken the power in my body."

Mingzhu was surprised and said, "seriously?" after being affirmed, she hugged Yang Ping tightly and showed a relaxed smile. For a while, I have been worried that Yang Ping is hostile to her power, because she doesn\'t like the golden flame, full of ominous smell.

"Do you blame me for letting Tao Chengqi go?" Mingzhu couldn\'t help asking. The other party is too arrogant, but when she is a friend, Mingzhu can\'t bear to fight, but she is afraid that Yang Ping is unhappy and doesn\'t conform to his way. Whoever is bullied can let the enemy leave, especially when she feels Yang Ping\'s care for herself and her heart is full of joy.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve given each other a big gift." Yang Ping smiled mysteriously and groped for the Pearl\'s ears.