Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1295

The mysterious breath wanders around the dragon city. It is annoying everywhere all the time. Anyone with enough strength can feel this breath and show awe in his heart.

Because this breath is pervasive and awesome.

Night fell.

The red leaf club in the university town was suddenly listed for a rest and did not receive any guests. Hongye club is very famous in Longcheng. The girls in it are basically students of Longcheng University. They are highly educated and have a good figure, which is a fatal attraction to the rich. They think that although they have not gone to college, students who have gone to famous universities are also a good experience. Therefore, the consumption of Hongye club is very high, and the membership fee is $5 million. Many girls in the club drive luxury cars to work. It can be seen that the business of the club is very good. When the anti pornography campaign in Longcheng was the most serious, Hongye club was still as stable as Mount Tai and did not close down, which revealed that the backer behind the club was unusual. Compared with Haodu Hotel, Hongye club seemed low-key and luxurious, just like a noble beauty, which attracted the rich.

"Why don\'t you go in?" a childe stood at the door with an unhappy face, turned the Porsche key on his finger and hummed, "I\'m a regular here. Don\'t you know?"

The security guard was embarrassed and said, "young master an, today is very special. The boss temporarily explained that there are very important guests coming. Will you come tomorrow?"

Young master an is the youngest owner of an\'s group. An\'s group is one of the top 15 enterprises in Longcheng, paying more than 100 million taxes every year. The boss of an\'s group is a guest of the Longcheng government. Where young master an goes, he is not in front of and behind. He is used to it. I made an appointment with my friend tonight. I didn\'t expect the red leaf club to close. He was very upset and sneered, "why, money is not a guest? Are you afraid I can\'t afford money?"

The security guard said: "young master an, my young master, please be kind today and let little cherry serve you well another day."

Young master an disdained and said, "don\'t give me any money. Don\'t let me come in the future. But if I want to go in today, no one wants to stop me!" the security strength is not bad, but the bodyguards behind young master an are also the same level, and there are still two. Strength comparison, security is not the opponent of the two bodyguards.

The bodyguard got the young master\'s order and knew that there might be a big fight at night. His eyes were bleeding red and rushed to the security.

"Master an!"

The security guard was not an opponent. He was entangled by two bodyguards and couldn\'t be distracted. He had to shout. But young master an was determined to go in and hum, "I want to see who has so much face and needs to close the Hongye club today. I\'m afraid even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee doesn\'t have the qualification."

Young master an strode into the red leaf club. There was a helpless cry of security behind him.

The sound faded [email protected] ^^$

Young master an looks around. It\'s quiet and heinous. It\'s very dark around. It\'s like hiding this beast in the dark. He shrinks. He doesn\'t adapt. Something\'s wrong tonight. Once upon entering the door, a manager came up to flatter and say hello, but it was too quiet tonight. It was a little strange.

"Strange, it\'s a little cold. Is it getting cold? It\'s summer." it seems that the air conditioner is turned on around. Master an\'s environmental protection shoulders walk towards the villa in charge of little cherry. There are nine villas with two red lanterns on the door.

The red light means that the little cherry is receiving guests.

Young master an was furious and scolded, "little bitch, pick up the guest from me. I want to see who dares to rob my woman." he strode forward, kicked the door open and shouted, "cherry, you come out."

Young master an is jealous and feels cheated. The security guard says there are distinguished guests. It is estimated that he is deliberately spared and let little cherry pick up the guests. I think of spending so much money on her, say less millions, but I\'m not the most important guest.! $*!

Kick the door open and master an rushes into the villa.

I happened to see a melon face, a small waist and a tall beauty kneeling on the ground, feeding water to a man lying on a chair. The way he swayed and begged for mercy made young master an\'s eyes angry.

The beauty who serves a man is her own cherry. Burning with anger, young master an rushed up and shouted, "you deceived me!"

Cherry turned to see young master an. Qiao\'s face changed and hurriedly got up to stop him.

Young master an pushed away the cherry, glared at the man lying on the chair, and said, "I don\'t care who you are, disappear immediately. Cherry is my woman, and no one can move."

Cherry thousands, pull a way: "young master an, don\'t do this."

Young master an slapped the cherry and scolded, "you said you only loved me last night and served other men today. Do you think I\'m easy to bully when I don\'t exist?"

Cherry covered her cheek and looked at the man in the chair in panic, like an old man waiting for death.

Her fate is completely in the hands of the other party, and she dare not be disobedient at all. Young master an looked more angry in his eyes, glared at the man on the chair, and said in a cold voice, "it seems that you don\'t cry when you don\'t see the coffin."

The two bodyguards came to the villa with a security guard. Young master an was brave, straightened his chest and threatened, "get out yourself or I will do it."

The little cherry showed the color of pleading, and her delicate body trembled.

The man on the chair ignored young master an from beginning to end. After eating the grapes in his mouth, he stretched and stood up slowly. He is a head taller than young master an and looks very handsome, comparable to the beautiful man in the TV series. In contrast, young master an is a frustrated man. Little cherry looked at each other with admiration and admiration.

Sometimes, beauty is more important than money.

Young master an\'s face was gloomy. He felt that little cherry\'s heart was obviously on each other. He said angrily, "drag it out and throw it into Luoshui."

The little cherry turned pale, hugged master an and begged, "master an, don\'t be impulsive. Have something to say."

Young master an looked at little cherry coldly and condescended. He spent money and regarded each other as a treasure, but the other party just regarded himself as a tool to make money, not because he was cheated emotionally, but because he felt inferior.

As the minority owner of Andersen group, when was it despised.

And the other party looks really handsome.

"Are you going to kill me?"

The man in the chair stood up with a faint smile and asked.

Young master an winked, and the two bodyguards shouted with a ferocious smile. As the bodyguard of an\'s group, he is usually domineering. Anyway, if something happens, he has to settle down. Young master an had strong confidence in them and sneered, "look how you die."


Just as the two bodyguards were about to touch the young man\'s clothes, a terrible repulsion erupted from his body. Then they vomited blood and flew ten meters away. They were seriously injured and couldn\'t get up. Young master an has a dull expression.

The young man sighed, touched master an\'s head and said with a smile, "no one in the world dares to threaten me. Those who threaten me are dead."

Young master an finally knew that the other side was terrible. He didn\'t start. He could bounce two bodyguards just by virtue of his breath. This strength was unheard of, unheard of and very terrible. Such people must not be provoked.

He began to regret. Master an had a reluctant smile on his face and bowed his head and said, "misunderstanding, I\'m in the wrong place."

"Do you want to throw me into Luoshui?"

The young man glanced and asked with a smile.

Young master an quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "nothing."

The young man stretched out his hand, grabbed master an\'s neck and sighed, "it\'s disappointing. You affect my mood. I\'d better die."


The young man broke master an\'s neck, clapped his hands and sighed, "they should be here."

In the red leaf club, as the young and hot voice fell, people appeared at the door one after another, including Tao Chengqi of the treasure Pavilion. The party looked respectful and came to the young man, knelt on the ground and said, "master."