Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1294

Jianghu people know Jianghu affairs.

Jianghu affairs are known to Jianghu people.

Zhu Xi was shocked when the news spread that she had defeated the Dragon God cult with a lightning speed. Those who used to use Zhu Xi as a target or bait reassessed Zhu Xi\'s ability. Although the Dragon God sect is not a very powerful Holy Land in the Jianghu, it also has the peak of saints. It is said that there is a great saint. Such a force can be compared with the third rate holy land. You know, the hanging temple has only one great saint, so it has become a third rate holy land.

However, the stronghold of the Dragon God sect in Longcheng was uprooted in less than two hours.

A good person went to the mountain villa stronghold of the Dragon God sect and found that the members of the sect were not dead, but were seriously injured and burned by an unknown flame. The sixth Dragon King was the worst. He was burned at Level 3. He was not like an adult. Moreover, his martial arts skills were abolished and he became a disabled person. The Dragon God cult is a cult. The military has long wanted to eradicate it, but can\'t find a chance. Unexpectedly, what the military did not do, Zhu Xi easily completed.

Everyone can\'t believe it. If someone hadn\'t seen Zhu Xi come out of the villa with their own eyes, I\'m afraid they wouldn\'t have thought that Zhu Xi, a weak woman in the past, had become a fierce monster and was no longer a random bait.

No one knows the power of his daughter better than Zhu Yan. He is the chosen one and the spokesman recommended by the dark depths of the dragon city. But in the face of Zhu Xi, he had no resistance at all and almost died in the Jade Dragon Court.

Ruins mountain.

Zhu Yan watched the rescuers carry the people of the Dragon God sect into the car. Each of them had done bad things and were handcuffed. After they were abandoned, it is estimated that they will spend the rest of their life in prison. Zhu Yan\'s eyes focused on the burned part and his pupils contracted. Indeed, it is the mysterious flame emitted by Zhu Xi, golden and full of the power of divine light, which just suppresses the gas of darkness.

Gritting his teeth, Zhu Yan clenched his fist and said, "bitch, don\'t blame me for being cruel. His eyes flickered and showed strong resentment. He made a decision, the only one that can solve Zhu Xi\'s decision.

Wait for the ambulance to leave.

Zhu Yan\'s face was ferocious, but at this time, a light smile came from the side: "you can\'t even handle your daughter. You still have the face to stay in Longcheng."


Zhu Yan turned pale and shouted, "are you looking for death?"

Wearing a white shirt, they were tall and looked like the devil\'s sect leader. They walked towards this side leisurely, with a smile on their face. Zhu Yan was furious and wanted to fight, but his face changed slightly when he saw a man honestly following the young man.

"It was him." Zhu Yan stopped and looked at the visitor, showing his fear. Young people can\'t see the power in their bodies. Like ordinary people, they don\'t have the smell of strong people, but it\'s because of this that they are terrible. Because he was not followed by others, but Tao Chengqi from the treasure Pavilion. Tao Chengqi, Zhu Yan once investigated, was a loyal and determined person to the treasure Pavilion, but now he followed someone.

It is said that Tao Chengqi was favored by Longcheng and got three tokens. His status is just a little weaker than Zhu Yan. Even he seems to be just a follower of someone. He can\'t help being shocked.

"Who are you?" Zhu Yan said warily, smearing oil on the soles of his feet and ready to leave at any time.

The young man smiled and said, "you can call me Longcheng."

"Dragon city?"

Zhu Yan smiled and hummed, "you actually named the dragon city. It seems that you have great ambition and want to occupy the dragon city."


The young man named Longcheng shook his head and said with a smile, "I\'m not interested in occupying Longcheng. Not enough, I\'m interested in killing Yang Ping. I don\'t know if you\'re interested."

Zhu Yan was surprised and uncertain. He looked at Longcheng and shook his head and said, "to tell you the truth, Yang Ping\'s strength is not something we can guess. If you want to deal with Yang Ping, you should first consider whether you have the ability to do it."

Tao Chengqi shouted, "presumptuous, you doubt the strength of your master."


Zhu Yan\'s face changed again and stared at Tao Chengqi. Seeing that his expression was not fake, and his expression came from his heart, he became more and more awe inspiring. Being able to turn a follower of the treasure Pavilion into a servant shows that the dragon city is very terrible.

"I know what you rely on." Longcheng suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "if in other places, I may not be Yang Ping\'s opponent, but in Longcheng, I am invincible and I am eternal life."

Zhu Yan seemed to think of something. Pointing to the Dragon City, he said in a trembling voice: "are you really..."

Longcheng said with a smile, "is it possible for us to cooperate now?"

Zhu Yan\'s face changed. Finally, he took a deep breath, suppressed his inner horror, and gasped: "it\'s my honor to obey your orders and be able to serve you."

Longcheng nodded and turned around and said, "let\'s go. We have to meet some people. They have good abilities."

"My Lord."

Zhu Yan changed his mouth and asked hurriedly, "with your strength, it\'s just a small thing to beat Yang Ping. Why..."

Seeing Zhu Yan\'s hesitation, Longcheng said with a smile, "you mean I have the ability to kill Yang Ping. Why don\'t I do it directly?"

Zhu Yan\'s mouth is dry and he dare not wear it. Since he guessed the identity of Longcheng, he is extremely afraid. You should know that the other party is at the same level as the big man behind him, which is far beyond others\' imagination.

"Don\'t worry, play slowly. I\'ll wait until he and Taoist Zun decide the outcome. Their duel is a very important part of the plan for me."

Longcheng\'s eyes flickered, which seemed to trigger a vision of Longcheng. The stars in the distant starry sky jumped and complemented each other. His body is full of precious light, extremely holy light.

Zhu Yan was more sure of each other\'s identity this time, and his heart was very excited.

"Yang Ping, let\'s see how you can escape this time. Even if the Taoist priest didn\'t kill you, the adult can suppress you with one finger."

With great longing and longing, Zhu Yan was convinced by adults.

After Zhu Xi defeated the branch of the Dragon God sect, no one knew that a new force was slowly forming and becoming more and more terrible. No one knew who the leader of the force was.

same day.

China Airlines Group held a shareholders\' meeting. Zhu Xi showed unprecedented strength and dismissed all senior executives from the outside world. None of the shareholders present objected. Anyone who knows the Jianghu affairs knows how terrible the current chairman and the largest shareholder of China Airlines Group are.

There was no objection, and the proposal was passed quickly.

Ma Weiwei was silly and couldn\'t believe it. Unexpectedly, Dong Zhu easily changed the blood of China Airlines Group. She thought she would be strongly resisted, but the result was the opposite. She felt that she couldn\'t see through Zhu Dong more and more.

When Zhu Yan was taken over by the Dragon City, Zhu Xi stopped her speech and looked at the direction of the Dragon God sect rudder villa. The shareholders in the meeting room were afraid to breathe.

"A nasty smell."

Zhu Xi frowned.

At the same time, in the treasure Pavilion, Yang Ping felt a faint breath, a breath that could threaten himself. It was very powerful. But his complexion remained the same, and his decision to be invincible in the world remained the same.

No matter who, no matter how powerful.

I blew myself up.