Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1293

When Yang Fengshan saw the beautiful shadow, he suddenly stood up and looked at the door in surprise. He opened his mouth to speak, but he felt the strong pressure on his face and was too scared to speak. The other two elders in the office were startled and wanted to escape, but they saw the man from Chu and smiled coldly. The old God sat down again.

"Zhu Dong..." Yang Fengshan smiled reluctantly and said, "you come to inspect the real estate of China Airlines."

Zhu Xi ignored Yang Fengshan and looked at the two elders of the Dragon God sect. The two men looked at her without fear. One of them said, "it\'s really a beautiful woman. Lord Longshen chose you as his concubine. You can run here by yourself, so that we won\'t have to find you."

Another elder Hei hei said, "the Dragon God\'s eyes are really different. I advise you not to struggle and come with us, so as to save you the pain later. Anyone who dares to disobey the orders of the dragon city is worse than death."

The elders of the Dragon God sect don\'t taboo, but they suffer from Yang Fengshan. He originally wanted to get rid of the relationship and strive for relaxation. In case the Dragon God cult was useless, he said he didn\'t know if he had a way back. Now it seems difficult to explain clearly.

"Yang Fengshan, tell Zhu Xi who we are." they sat in high chairs and looked proudly at Zhu Xi. In their eyes, Zhu Xi was just a mortal and had little deterrent power.

Yang Fengshan scolded secretly. Two old foxes wanted to push him into the fire pit. If it hadn\'t been for the news that Yang Ping defeated Jianxin, as the strongest of the younger generation, the other party\'s reputation in the Jianghu was far from comparable to that of the Dragon God sect. He had tied Zhu Xi long ago. However, Yang Ping didn\'t die, but he became more and more powerful. Who dares to provoke.

Yang Fengshan hesitated.

The elder of the Dragon God sect looked gloomy and said in a cold voice, "why, do you want to betray the Dragon God?"

Yang Fengshan turned pale and hurriedly said, "No." looking at Zhu Xi with a cold face, he bowed his head and said, "well... Dong Zhu, they are elders of the Dragon God sect. They are powerful and cover the sky with one hand. I advise you to think about your own safety and don\'t delay your life."

Zhu Xi didn\'t answer.

Instead, the two elders laughed, stared at Yang Fengshan and disdained to say, "I don\'t have enough confidence to speak. The Yang family comes out, you waste. Let\'s wait until I tie Zhu Xi to the Dragon God and report to the sixth Dragon King."

Yang Fengshan\'s body trembled and showed a pleading color. But the two elders didn\'t answer. They looked at Zhu Xi directly and said, "yes, it\'s really good. If you\'re not old, I think you must be my woman."

"One of them," the other added.

The two elders looked at each other and were full of information about themselves. The office is shrouded in a Dharma array, and it is almost impossible to escape. They took it easy. They felt that Zhu Xi was in their hands and could not escape at all.

Yang Fengshan stood back and dared not speak.


Zhu Xi looked at Yang Fengshan. Without waiting for the two elders to answer, he said, "you are no longer the general manager of China Airlines real estate. Do you have any comments?"

Yang Fengshan turned pale and swallowed his saliva. He said, "in principle, as long as Zhu Dong speaks, my position as general manager is gone, but I don\'t know whether the other two elders agree."


An elder said with a sneer, "I think you are the concubine of Lord Dragon God. I don\'t care about you. But Yang Fengshan is still the general manager of China Airlines real estate. No, it should be the chairman tomorrow. You will announce your resignation immediately, okay?"

Zhu Xi smiled.

Smile like flowers, see three people like in a dream, infatuated.

It was a pity that such a beautiful girl was selected as a concubine. The outcome was miserable. The two elders blinked and thought about how to quickly tie Zhu Xi away.


Asked Zhu Xi.

Yang Fengshan was stunned and looked at the two elders. Can\'t you see that since Zhu Xi entered the office, she basically decided her fate. The elder\'s strength is unpredictable. She can come in silently or go in and out at will. Zhu Xi is just a mortal. How can she fight with the two elders. Discerning people know the result at a glance. Why emphasize it.

"Because our strength is beyond your imagination!" the elder said coldly.

The two breath dispersed, and the shadows of wronged souls emerged behind him, making a sad cry. Yang Fengshan was the first to kneel on the ground and plead. Those wronged souls who died miserably are very terrible and have a great impact on the spirit. Most people will be scared to death directly.

Zhu Xi did not move like a mountain. She looked coldly and was not affected.

With a surprised cry, an elder sneered, "I have some skills. No wonder I have so much courage. However, you don\'t know the strength of our Dragon God sect. Our influence in the dragon city can\'t be compared with that of your Zhu family."

"Stop talking nonsense and stun her first."

They are about to pounce.

"You are weaker than the person on the construction site. But the spiritual power is the same in essence. It seems to be connected." Zhu Xi nodded and said to herself, "I always think there is a problem with China Airlines Group after I came back. I didn\'t expect to appear on China Airlines real estate."

"Dragon God sect, very good."

With golden flame in her eyes, Zhu Xi looked at the two people who rushed up indifferently.


Zhu Xi waved her left hand and fanned towards the void. Her Qi echoed and formed a strong storm. The two elders fluttered in the air and directly slapped and screamed. Her chest ribs were broken and it was difficult to get up. They looked at Zhu Xi with incredible eyes. Yang Fengshan was scared to pee. I didn\'t expect Zhu Xi to be so fierce.

The two elders still had to talk, but they were black, all their limbs and meridians were broken, and they were lying on the ground.

Zhu Xi seemed to have done a trivial thing, turned to Yang Fengshan and asked, "what is dragon god religion? What is your purpose?"

Yang Fengshan saw that Zhu Xi slapped the two elders who were high in the sky on weekdays. His body trembled. How dare he hide it? He told the whole story of the conspiracy of the Dragon God sect. It turns out that the goal of dragon god religion is the land in the city village won by China Airlines Group. Because China Airlines Group has long refused to cooperate with any company for development, many companies want to pay attention to China Airlines Group. Before, because of the existence of Yang Ping, those people did not dare, but Yang Ping lost the shelter of Longcheng, and Zhu Xi disappeared for a long time, the companies that gave up their hearts were ready to move. Dragon god religion is one of the powerful local forces.

"Where is the stronghold of the Dragon God sect?" Zhu Xi asked again, her expression unchanged, as if what she did had nothing to do with her.

Yang Fengshan hesitated and didn\'t dare to say, but when he saw the miserable appearance of the two elders, he hurriedly said, "I said, I all said, please don\'t kill me..."

In half an hour.

The Dragon City shook.

In a villa on the outskirts of Longcheng, it used to be the branch of the Dragon God sect, which hides a large number of experts, including the sixth Dragon King. But in just a few minutes, it was razed to the ground.

Then, the strongholds of the Dragon God sect in Longcheng suffered heavy losses one after another. The Dragon God sect, which had been lurking for decades, was uprooted this time.

No one who did this thought that it was Zhu Xi of China Airlines Group.