Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1289

"This time things must not go wrong. The above has explained that if there is a problem, it is not only you, but also your family..." in a simple movable board room, there are three people sitting in the middle. A bald head, wearing a white vest, with a wolf tattooed on his chest, is ferocious and terrible, and exudes a strong evil spirit. It is not easy to provoke at first sight. The next two are also wandering in the Jianghu, but they are weaker in momentum.

"Don\'t let me explain the next thing."

The bald head glanced at the two people next to him. The threat was very obvious. He said, "after everything is done, each of you can get $5 million, and then take your family away from China to Southeast Asia." after a pause, he felt that the threat was not enough. He said in a deep voice, "there have been death orders from above. No matter what method, we must destroy the construction of China Airlines Group."

"I see." the other two looked at each other and nodded.

One of them kept a very spiritual inch and couldn\'t help saying, "brother, recently, China Airlines Group has called the police. I\'m afraid the Longcheng police will intervene. If the exposed things want to disturb the construction site of China Airlines Group within the specified time, the effect may be poor."

Baldheaded grinned and disdained: "don\'t worry, the police station said hello. There will be no problem if there is no human life."

The cuntou man smiled bitterly.

The other one doesn\'t look good. The plan for China Airlines Group is very difficult this time. The three of them used to be specialized in demolition and have done a lot of unreasonable things. They have done any paint threat or even cripple the head of household. There are human life cases in bald hands. But this time the gold owner did not let them demolish, but let them set up a construction site to help Huahang group carry out construction.

The three are good at sabotage. It\'s really difficult for them to suddenly engage in construction, but they don\'t need to worry about these things. As long as they take action at a critical time, it will be a big problem for China Airlines Group to take this land in the north of the city.

"Remember, we\'ll deliberately create an engineering accident later. As long as no one dies, we\'ll still have no problem breaking two legs. If you instigate workers to make trouble, you\'ll say that the project quality is a problem. The journalists will arrive soon. By then, we\'ll poke the matter out. Our task is finished, okay?"

Bald cold channel.

"I see."

"Go down and prepare, and then confirm your design mechanism to ensure that everything is safe." he waved his head and let them leave. When the plank house was quiet, he took a long breath and looked at the hot housing construction project with a strange smile.

"Are these two people trustworthy?"

A cold voice sounded in the plank room. His bald face changed dramatically. He hurriedly got up and said, "welcome the Dharma protector elder."

The door is open.

A man in a Zhongshan suit strode in. He was very thin, but the momentum was much more terrible than bald. After entering the door, a cold and gloomy bald man who had been doing dark things all year round couldn\'t help shivering and his face was frightened. He didn\'t dare to look at the person entering the door.

"I won\'t let the elder down," baldheaded vowed.

Looking down at the respectful bald head, the Dharma protector flashed a killing opportunity in his eyes. After the success, these people could not live to avoid divulging the secret. He said, "the supreme elder asked me to come in person. I hope you don\'t lose my face."

"We will complete the task successfully."

Feeling the deterrence in the tone of the Dharma protector elder, he thought of the torture in the organization. His bald head trembled and shouted quickly.

Report your work with a bald head and leave quickly.

The Dharma protector looked at the back of the bald man and smiled coldly.


An accident occurred on the construction site. A worker fell from a place ten meters high because the steel scaffold was not stable enough and was seriously injured. The owner\'s representative dispatched by China Airlines Group was just supervising the project progress. Unexpectedly, something big happened. The engineering supervisor and project technician in charge of accompanying rushed over and wanted to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. But it was blocked.

It could have been a big deal, but similar problems have occurred before, and they are very experienced in handling them. The project supervisor and the project technician first call the leaders to report their work, and then want to send the workers to the hospital, but this time they encounter great resistance.

As if they had agreed, the workers rushed out at the first time, bypassed the supervisor and technician, and rushed to the owner\'s representative to ask for compensation.

The owner\'s representative is a college student who has just graduated and has poor handling experience. Another experienced colleague happened to have something to leave, leaving him a half hanging owner\'s representative for a time.

"Send people to the hospital for treatment first." the owner\'s representative said with concern.

"No, I can\'t go without a clear explanation. This is because of your responsibility, which hurt my brother. You should admit it first. Don\'t think we don\'t know. We want to get rid of the relationship by paying some medical expenses after we are sent to the hospital."

"The cost of medicine entering the hospital is astronomical. You are not allowed to send it to the hospital if you do not promise compensation."

"Black heart builders, the safety measures are not done well. It\'s too unconscionable for us to work."

"China Airlines Group that eats people and doesn\'t spit bones!"

"We want to sue China Airlines Group!"


Then the crowd was excited, but strange things, from the initial siege of the construction party to the attack on China Airlines Group, no one found that there was a layer of black cloud over the construction site, and with the excitement of the crowd, it echoed with the black cloud, producing a darker atmosphere.

Dark words, dark expressions, dark hearts.

It seems that there is a force to confuse people and want things to go beyond the more serious direction. Someone has picked up tools to kill the owner\'s representative. The supervisor and the project leader have long been scared to hide nearby.

The owner\'s representative was stunned to see such a scene.

Not far away.

Looking at the development of the matter towards the plan and estimating the time, he said in secret: "the owner\'s representative will be killed, and then several more people will die. The reporter will soon come and truthfully report the matter. This time I see how Huahang group will deal with it."

Time is urgent.

It is impossible for China Airlines Group to block the report in time. More than three deaths are major accidents, even the dragon city government. Last time, China Airlines Group was under great pressure because of the foundation pit collapse. Although Zhu Xi came forward to solve it later, there was still an adverse situation. If three people die this time, China Airlines Group will not be passive. It is estimated that it will go bankrupt directly.

Bald head fantasizes that after completing the task, he will be valued by the organization and go to the peak of life. He can\'t help but show a proud smile.

Two of his subordinates are inciting migrant workers to make trouble.

The elder in the plank house looked on coldly, recited for the first time, and constantly issued strange notes to confuse the migrant workers. No one knew that this person was good at spiritual bewitchment. The darkness in the hearts of the bewitched migrant workers would erupt, and the violence factor would be more boiling. Like drunken people, some people with poor wine quality will do the exact opposite of what they usually do.

The eyes of the migrant workers were red and saw that a large-scale conflict would break out.

On the contrary, it was the foolish eye of the seriously injured migrant worker. He lay on the ground and suffered. These ordinary friends not only didn\'t go to the hospital, but went to seek justice. It seems that things have been reversed. But no matter what he said, the workmates couldn\'t hear him.

"Go crazy, kill."

In the plank house, the elder continued to strengthen his mental bewitchment, as if he saw a sea of blood and said excitedly, "do it!"

A Maybach just came to the construction site.