Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1288

Zhu Yan looked at the golden flame around him like a ghost, and wireless fear emerged in his heart. As a dark power, invading the dark energy into the bone marrow can play the power of terror, but in front of the golden flame, it is like a piece of paper touching the fire, and his body may be burned to the end at any time.

"What power is this?"

His head was instantly blinded. Zhu Yan looked at his daughter in horror and had an impulse to escape, but his legs trembled and he could hardly stand stably under the golden flame.

The golden flame, like golden eyes overlooking Zhuyan, may devour him at any time. Zhu Yan\'s face was hot. Before, he was proud of his invincible strength. Zhu Xi could not understand it. Now he was beaten to death. Facing the golden flame, he couldn\'t help but fear.

"Break it for me!"

The strong dark breath emerged from the body madly to form a Taoist barrier. He wanted to annihilate the flame. Seeing the dark breath covering the flame, Zhu Yan was secretly happy and thought it was so powerful. It turned out to be just an ordinary flame. I was afraid in vain. It turned out to be frightening. I really thought Zhu Xi could be raised to the point where he looked up in a short time.

With a smile in his heart, Zhu Yan looked at Zhu Xi again and couldn\'t hide his pride.

Zhu Xi looked at him indifferently.


The golden flame erupts and turns into golden lotus flowers. The number and power are several levels higher than before. The vermilion turned pale, and the dark smell felt that all the fatal threats disappeared, leaving only the empty shell.

Zhu Yan sat on the ground, stared at the flame and muttered, "how could this happen?"

At a glance, Zhu Xi saw that a golden lotus disappeared into Zhu Yan\'s body and said faintly, "I said I didn\'t want to see you. If I see you do bad things next time, the power in your body will burn you without hesitation. Take care of yourself."

Zhu Yan\'s face was pale, hesitated for a moment, left in a gray way, turned around and showed resentment in his pupils.


The idea of resentment came out, and the flame broke out in his body. Zhu Yan only felt that he was in the 18th floor of hell and rolled on the ground. He didn\'t get up until a long time later. His face was earthy and his pupils were full of panic. He didn\'t even dare to turn back for fear of experiencing the pain of hell again.

At the moment, the door of the villa was closed, and Zhu Xi was too lazy to look at him again.

Zhu Yan\'s face changed and dragged his tired body away. Up to now, he can\'t see through the source of his daughter\'s power. It is the flame above the darkness. Any darkness facing the golden flame originates from the fear of the soul, and can\'t rise to the desire for challenge at all. He couldn\'t believe where his daughter got such power.

In the villa.

Zhu Xi\'s brow as like as two peas and a mark on the palate, and it is a palace. If you look closely at the tomb of heaven, the real Tomb of the tomb is the same as the tomb of heaven, but the mark of Zhu Xi\'s eyebrow is vague and weak.

Tianmu old man could have stayed for a long time, but he still left. It seems that he is divided into death, but he inherits all his strength to Zhu Xi.

This is not only the inheritance of power, but also the inheritance of Tianmu.

Zhu Xi didn\'t know what kind of care she had received. She just felt that since she came out of the hut and couldn\'t see the old man of Tianmu, there was an extremely powerful energy in her body. This energy gave her invincible confidence, as if the world was dark in front of her, like a local chicken and a dog.

She is completely sublimated, different from the past.

It means a new beginning to live in feicuilongting villa No. 3 again.

Zhu Xi\'s return didn\'t have much impact on the situation of Longcheng. It was like a small stone thrown into the lake. Although it rippled, it didn\'t cause a storm after all. Longcheng was still immersed in the duel between Yang Ping and the heart of the sword. The shock rushed into the sky, and Yang Ping\'s fame climbed to the peak again. If Lei Wanjun had been killed with a punch before, it would still be paid attention to by the holy land, The defeat of Jianxin basically made Yang Ping the strongest young team in the world.

Countless information flowed into her mind from all directions. Zhu Xi sat in her study and worked. After her return, she had endless power to deal with a thing in the past five minutes. Now her efficiency has increased more than ten times. The company plans accumulated for half a month are all processed in one night.

Six in the morning.

Zhu Xi came to the villa yard, breathed fresh air and felt the gifts of nature. The breath visible to the naked eye came out of the mysterious dimension, entered the body, and then refined into his own strength through cycle after cycle.

One cycle, one power.

At the center of the eyebrow, the mark of the heavenly tomb constantly absorbs strength and expands itself. Zhu Xi becomes stronger and more cold, and doesn\'t eat human fireworks. After training, she drove to the company and held a group working meeting in the morning.

Hall on the first floor of China Airlines building.

The employees who clocked in at work talked and laughed, and they were obviously very happy. The beauty at the front desk is being molested by a young and promising middle-level. They are talking and laughing. Some people hurried into the elevator with their bags, thinking about how to explain to their superiors when they didn\'t work overtime last night. Some people were holding a cup of coffee and thinking about other things.

numerous living beings.

A breeze blew.

The whole hall seemed to fall into a different morning, because the breeze woke the faint people and alerted the greedy people. Whether secular or cold, or high above, they felt the power of the breeze and fell into a strange illusion.

Life can be better again.

This is the positive energy that everyone feels, positive and dynamic.

They couldn\'t help looking at the door.

A stunning figure started from stepping into the hall. Everyone\'s eyes involuntarily focused on her, not only because she is gorgeous, but also because her temperament can tightly lock anyone\'s eyes.

Zhu Xi entered the building, making the first floor into a brief silence.

"Hello, chairman."

I don\'t know who said hello to Zhu Xi first. Others woke up and greeted one after another, with heartfelt worship and admiration. Zhu Xi nodded, then entered the special passage elevator and went straight to the sky.

After Zhu Xi left, the first floor returned to its original state, and the special feeling of gentle breeze was no longer.

The others looked at each other. They didn\'t know what was going on just now.

Walk into the office.

Zhu Xi said to Ma Weiwei, "have you written the meeting materials?"

Ma Weiwei learned that Zhu Xi was coming to work. She was so excited that she couldn\'t sleep all night. After a busy night, she finally sorted out the materials the chairman wanted. It involves many core secrets. It is reasonable to say that Ma Weiwei has only come for a short time and is difficult to shoulder the important task, but Zhu Xi\'s decentralization has greatly improved Ma Weiwei\'s prestige and won the attention of many senior executives. In the days without Zhu Xi, Ma Weiwei was under great pressure alone, but things didn\'t go headless because of Zhu Xi\'s departure. On the contrary, the company operated normally because of the mature group constitution.

Glancing at the materials, Zhu Xi nodded and said, "well done."

Ma Weiwei was overjoyed and was very happy to be affirmed by her idol.

Suddenly, Zhu Xi saw a page and asked, "hasn\'t the land in the north of the city been solved yet?"

Ma Weiwei was embarrassed and said, "Dong Zhu, President Ma has been coordinating this matter. There is no problem with the capital, but the construction party dare not do it. Because the land in the north of the city often has problems, a Taoist said that the land..."

Realizing that she shouldn\'t talk about strange forces and chaos, Ma Weiwei quickly shut up and looked at Zhu Xi. She secretly said that Zhu Dong had just come to work. I shouldn\'t let her worry too much.

Who knows, Zhu Xi knew it all and said, "let the meeting wait first and go to the north of the city to solve the problem."


Ma Weiwei was stunned and didn\'t know what Zhu Xi meant.

Zhu Xi has left the office.

Ma Weiwei reacted and hurried to catch up. She didn\'t really believe that Zhu Dong came for that until China Airlines bought the land in the north of the city. But what can Zhu Dong do when he comes? It\'s not a problem that can be solved by individuals.