Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1290

The elder constantly exerted the intensity of spiritual bewitchment and entered a selfless state. It seemed that he saw a large-scale conflict in China Airlines real estate, and the whole construction site was stained red by blood donation. At that time, China Airlines real estate was bound to close down, and even the aircraft carrier of China Airlines Group would capsize.

"Kill, kill hard!"

The elder didn\'t see the Maybach coming at the gate of the construction site. Things went according to the plan, and no one came to play any role.

Seeing the conflict, the workers were hysterically rushing to the owners\' representatives and ringing their fists, and many people were going to rush up with shovel and hammer. The technician and the project supervisor sat on the ground, looking at these crazy workers in front of them in fear and despair, muttering, "how can this happen? It\'s over. We\'re dead."

Not long after the owner\'s representative graduated, he had seen such a big scene, which was as good as the supervisor. The bald head looked at the reaction of the three people, showed a ferocious smile, thought about the millions to be obtained, and made a Jie voice in his throat, which was extremely excited. The other two subordinates looked at each other and couldn\'t help getting excited.

Things are going well.

Unexpectedly smooth.

At this time, Zhu Xi had got off the bus and frowned when she saw the strong resentment in the sky. Ma Weiwei came down first and saw the conflict not far away. She turned pale and said, "Dong Zhu, there\'s a problem there. You get on the bus first."

Zhu Xi remained motionless like a mountain and quietly looked at the movable plank house. The source of resentment came from the plank house. Someone was making trouble in it. You can clearly feel the strong resentment and spiritual bewitchment.

Ma Weiwei was worried and said, "Zhu Dong has a noble identity. Please get on the bus for the time being. I\'ll call the police immediately."

The security guard at the construction site had long found that the situation was serious, but in view of the abnormal emotional changes of the workers, he was too frightened to move. He just stood in the security booth, flustered, pressed the wrong number several times, and finally got through to the phone of China Airlines real estate.

"Zhu Dong..." Ma Weiwei turned pale and cried. Zhu Xi walked towards the conflict center, "don\'t be impulsive."

Zhu Xi\'s face was calm. When she appeared in front of her, someone found her. After seeing Zhu Xi with a bald head, her eyes flashed and showed the color of greed. However, she was soon swallowed up by the desire for money and said to her subordinates: "that\'s the chairman of China Airlines group."

The subordinates looked obsessed.

Zhu Xi is really too beautiful and perfect. Any man will love her when he sees her, especially her temperament has changed greatly. Her high and cold temperament is enough to devour men\'s eyes and walk like a snow lotus. The subordinate woke up after a long time. He was slapped by his bald head and scolded: "let the workers support her. There must be unexpected gains."

Bald didn\'t expect such good luck. He wanted to make things big. Unexpectedly, Zhu Xi came. Isn\'t this the best opportunity?

The media reporter is coming. At that time, he will film the conflict between Zhu Xi\'s men and migrant workers and send it to the Internet. Is China Airlines Group still in bankruptcy? People\'s saliva can drown China Airlines Group.

"This..." the subordinate couldn\'t bear to see Zhu Xi\'s beautiful appearance. He didn\'t want to hurt her.

The bald man said in a cold voice, "idiot, if she doesn\'t die, we won\'t get money. If she has money, what woman can\'t find it." hehe smiled and hummed, "let those idiot migrant workers attack her, maybe they can get the chance to save the beauty. If she likes you two, maybe it\'s a good thing."

The eyes of the two subordinates were bright, as if they saw the marriage of Bai Fumei to the peak of life.

"Look back, everyone, she is the culprit. If you catch her, you can get compensation!" a subordinate suddenly pointed to Zhu Xi\'s direction and roared, which made the workmates look at it one after another, and their eyes turned red. The compensation is the source of their madness.

If you can get a large amount of compensation if you catch Zhu Xi, even the king of heaven will rush up.

Dozens of workers rushed up with weapons.

The resentment in the sky is becoming stronger and stronger, affecting the mood of the workers and completely mobilizing the darkness in their hearts. Their greedy expression and evil eyes seem to be evil spirits climbing out of hell.

Ma Weiwei was so frightened that she almost fell down. She hurried in front of Zhu Xi and said in a trembling voice, "Dong Zhu, you go first, I\'ll stop them." but she trembled when she saw the workers\' red eyes and the almost cannibal expression on her face.

"No need."

Zhu Xi opened Ma Weiwei and continued to walk forward. There was no crazy workers in her eyes, but looked at the movable plank house. The bald man was overjoyed and secretly said, since you want to die yourself, don\'t blame me for not being merciful!

No matter how beautiful a woman is, where is money important.

With a cold smile, the workers were about to start. The three representatives of the owner thought they would die. They closed their eyes in despair and waited for death, but the roar around them suddenly disappeared. When they opened their eyes, they saw Zhu Xi not far away and stood up.

The owner\'s representative has not seen the chairman with his own eyes, but he has seen the great beauty Zhu Xi in the website news of China Airlines Group. Zhu Xi is a peerless beauty who will not be forgotten at a glance. How can he not know her.

If something happens to the chairman, it\'s not bad. I don\'t know where the power came from. The owner\'s representative got up and shouted. He startled the supervisor and technical research, rushed up, violently pushed aside the excited crowd and shouted, "don\'t mess around. You have the ability to rush at me."

Strangely, the conflict took place for a few minutes, but the important people never appeared. There was no response from China Airlines real estate, which seemed to be waiting for the police to deal with the conflict. In fact, they are not wrong, but they didn\'t expect Zhu Xi to be on the construction site. Otherwise, the general manager may come to the scene on his knees.

The owner\'s representative also yelled. He got a blow on his head and fell unconscious on the ground.

The workers surrounded Zhu Xi and shouted angrily.

The bald three watched without performing, showing a cold smile. The other two couldn\'t bear it, but they still reluctantly gave up their love for five million and didn\'t dare to look at Zhu Xi\'s tragic scene for a while. Bald head looked at the movable plank house and said in the dark that there are elders here. Don\'t be afraid even if the police arrive. I\'m afraid the police won\'t come. At that time, it will confuse the workers and conflict with the police, and things will be more serious.


Seeing that the situation exceeded expectations, Zhu Xi felt the resentment in the sky becoming stronger and stronger. He stepped on the ground with his left foot and exerted a little force. Then there was a thump in everyone\'s heart and he was shocked all over.


There came a sad cry from the movable plank house. With the thump landing, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the spiritual bewitchment disappeared, the red eyes of the workers turned black, the ferocious expression on their faces eased up, stood in place, and didn\'t know what had happened for a while.


Zhu Xi took another step forward, her right foot fell to the ground, and the black clouds in the sky condensed again. Those resentments that could not be vented suddenly turned around and directly disappeared into the bodies of the bald three.


Another sad cry.

The bald three covered their heads and knelt on the ground in pain. When all the resentment entered the body, the three lost their reason and went crazy directly.

From beginning to end, Zhu Xi walked forward and maintained a forward attitude. Because the time was too short, Ma Weiwei just took out the phone and directly dialed a high-level telephone of the Public Security Bureau. She couldn\'t help using her family relationship to call the subordinate of the vice governor\'s father.

It\'s moving quickly over there.

But things have come to an end.

Ma Weiwei stared at Zhu Xi\'s shadow and said secretly, how is it possible?