Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1287


Wang went under the tree and looked at Zhu Xi\'s bright and clean eyes. Many things he wanted to say could not be said for a time, because Zhu Xi\'s breath was too quiet and directly pressed Wang\'s spleen down.

Zhu Xi looked up and said with a smile, "what\'s up?"

The king sat beside him angrily and hummed, "I have something to do? I think you have something to do. I\'m ready to save you after missing for so many days. I didn\'t expect you to go home so soon without telling me."

Zhu Xi said, "sorry, I\'m just playing outside for a few days. It\'s all right."


Wang\'s eyes jumped out and shouted, "you were kidnapped, but you said to play for a few days." suddenly he thought of something, covered his mouth and said in a trembling voice, "Zhu Xi, you won\'t be kidnapped by the kidnappers..."

Zhu Xi blushed and said angrily, "Wang, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Zhu Xi returned to her original appearance. Wang was relieved. Before, she was almost scared to death. She thought it was Zhu Xi who was reading under the tree. Now she is sure that the peerless beauty in front of her is Zhu Xi.

"It\'s not good. Do you know that Longcheng was in a mess during your disappearance. Also, I know you\'re missing, but Yang Ping didn\'t take the initiative to save you. My God, I really can\'t watch it and scold him."

The king said proudly.

Zhu Xi showed a helpless expression.

"What\'s your look? Did I do something wrong? Your disappearance must have something to do with Yang Ping, or you won\'t be kidnapped for no reason." Wang sneered, as if he saw through everything and said, "forget it, since you\'re all right. As for Yang Ping, if you want to get close to you in the future, you must first ask whether the gun agrees or not."

He made up his mind to do everything possible to prevent them from getting along. Wang has determined that Yang Ping has a problem with his character and is not worthy of Zhu [email protected] ^^$

"Thank you, Wang. You are the best to me."

Zhu Xi took Wang\'s hand and said with a smile.

Wang raised his head and revealed his slender neck. Hehe said, "just know."

"OK, since you\'re all right, I\'ll go and have dinner together in the evening." Wang got up and waved his hand. "Remember, don\'t date any heartless Yang Ping, or I\'ll be angry."

Zhu Xi smiled, neither promised nor refused.! $*!

Out of the door, the smile on the king\'s face disappeared, replaced by dignified, unprecedented dignified. Others can\'t see it, but Wang and Zhu Xi have been best friends for many years. How can they not see the change of Zhu Xi.

"If Zhu Xi has three advantages and two disadvantages, Yang Ping, I won\'t let you go."

Wang left villa 3.

Zhu Xi looked up at the leaving car, shook her head, her eyes were quiet, her innocent smile disappeared, got up and walked into the villa. She was sitting in the hall alone, holding a cup of new tea.

"My good daughter didn\'t tell her father when she came home to let her father meet you."

Zhu Yan appeared in the living room silently. At the moment, he was completely different from before. Although he was laughing before, he could still feel the dark breath in his heart. But now Zhu Yan is very different, just like a wisp of summer wind in the dragon city. It gives people a deep and unpredictable feeling. He transformed his inner darkness into light, reaching an appalling level.

In terms of the power of darkness, Zhu Yan has reached a very high level. Maybe some magic sect elders can\'t compare with Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan\'s expression was calm, his face was calm, and he was obviously very confident, but there was a wisp of black flame in his pupils, as if it could burn all over the sky.

Zhu Xi looked at Zhu Yan quietly.

Zhu Yan was still smiling, but he was smiling. Affected by the quiet breath of Zhu Xi, the smile on his face gradually disappeared. Instead, he was surprised and looked at his daughter. He always felt that her daughter\'s home was different from before. I don\'t know the difference.

"We have broken our friendship."

The cold voice echoed in the living room, and Zhu Xi said calmly.

Zhu Yan lost his smile and shook his head and said, "daughter, blood dissolves in water. Have you forgotten the grace of raising for 20 years? At least I\'m your father. Some relationships are not broken casually."

Zhu Xi stared at Zhu Yan.

This once wanted to kill his father. Carrying Yang Ping to Longcheng University for help, he encountered too many experts ambush along the way, of which the man in front of him was the most resistant.

Zhu Yan\'s killer hates more than anyone and is almost successful.

But Zhu Xi exhausted all her potential and finally sent Yang Ping to the gate of Longcheng University. If it wasn\'t for Zhu Yan\'s obstruction, the result might be completely different. She doesn\'t need to sacrifice, and Mingzhu won\'t expose her identity

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Zhu Yan designed Yang Ping again and again and used his identity to obtain benefits. Now he shamelessly came to Villa 3 to discuss his father daughter relationship, so as to soften Zhu Xi\'s heart.

Zhu Xi had no expression on her face. She didn\'t even bother to show her disgust. She said faintly, "I said I didn\'t want to see you."

Zhu Yan said with a smile, "but I still came. Zhu Xi, don\'t you forget that I held you when you were a child? No matter what happens, I will always be your father. There may be a misunderstanding between us, but after the explanation is clear, we can start over. It\'s difficult. Do you want Judy to know that her sister and father are enemies?"

Zhu Xi frowned.

Zhu Yan smiled in his heart. No one knows Judy\'s position in Zhu Xi\'s heart better than him. He can only use Judy to threaten. He is not afraid of Zhu Xi\'s disobedience. The next step is to design Yang Ping. He defeated Jianxin and challenged daozun three days later. These are not important.

The key is that Zhu Yan has confidence in himself.

He gained great strength from the darkness and was recognized by the will of the dragon city. His cultivation achievement is more than ten times that of the past. He feels that even if he can get the blessing of the power of the Dragon City in the face of Yang Ping, he can surpass the level and challenge. He even felt that his strength might be on a par with daozun.

"Zhu Xi, let\'s start over."

Zhu Yan sighed and began to play emotion cards. He said helplessly, "in the past, my father was very weak and had to do a lot of things. But now my father has become strong. I don\'t need to look at other people\'s faces anymore. Go back to my father\'s arms. No one can bully you anymore. My father will cherish you. Everything in the past has disappeared."

"How\'s it going?"

Zhu Xi smiled confidently.

"I said I didn\'t want to see you. When I see you again, I\'ll kill you."

Zhu Xi said coldly.

Zhu Yan was stunned and looked at Zhu Xi in surprise.

Today is different from the past.

He Zhu Yan\'s current level of strength can not be compared at that time. He can walk sideways in the Jianghu without revealing his background. Now is his strongest time.

"Zhu Xi, you may not know my strength now. Let\'s say so," Zhu Yan got up, smiled comfortably, pointed to the sky and said, "as long as I am in the Dragon City, I am immortal."


Zhu Xi said coldly.

Zhu Yan nodded heavily and said excitedly, "you don\'t understand my current power. It\'s so strong that I tremble."


The voice just fell.

The golden flame suddenly appeared around and wrapped around Zhuyan.

Zhu Yan suddenly turned pale when he saw the golden flame.

"I really don\'t understand your power now."

Zhu Xi sighed.