Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1286

At the end of the battle, many eyes hidden in the stratus clouds took back, or marveled, or feared, or resented.

Peach Blossom Island.

The teacher didn\'t speak for a long time, as if he was remembering the charm of Yang Ping\'s invincible move of breaking the heart sword. The leader of the magic gate stood by without saying a word and waited quietly. After a long time, the teacher breathed a sigh of relief, clapped his hands and said, "sure enough, it\'s still a familiar taste. If you give Yang Ping another ten years, I\'m afraid there is no opponent among his peers. Maybe he can surpass you."

The demon leader was shocked and said, "surpass me in ten years?"

He didn\'t believe it. The leader of the demon sect was also the top genius in the world. He didn\'t know how many so-called demon bones he stepped on to today\'s position. The world could make him see few people, and he could overlook the world with his position.

But I didn\'t expect that the teacher\'s evaluation of Yang Ping was so high. Surpassing him within ten years, the demon king smiled and said, "the teacher seems to see the origin of this person. However, the disciple still doesn\'t believe it. It\'s too difficult to surpass me within ten years."

The demon king is a strong man in the realm of longevity. He holds the sword of the world artifact Pluto. The people who can defeat him in the world only exist in the possibility. The teacher has a high level, but only a high level. When it comes to combat effectiveness, the teacher may only slightly surpass him who holds the sword of Hades.

"You don\'t understand."

The teacher looked at his most proud student with deep meaning and sighed: "the invincible way has been too few since ancient times. Anyone can be invincible in his heart, but how much grace does he really do. It\'s so similar, it\'s so similar."

The devil couldn\'t help asking, "are those two?"

The teacher smiled but did not speak, but his eyes shone with deep light, looked into the depths of the starry sky and murmured, "they have left the earth for so many years. Theoretically, it is impossible to come back and teach an apprentice."

"What did the teacher say? I don\'t know." the demon king asked curiously.

The teacher shook his head and sighed, "your baby son has quit the competition for the heart of the dragon city. He is on his way home. The female apprentice of the vegetarian master really deserves his reputation. Every saint is the most outstanding genius before the universe."

When the demon king heard the vegetarian Lord, his eyes flashed, burning a burning sense of war, and said, "one day I will defeat the vegetarian Lord and become the real first person in the world."

"Flowers are matchmakers. He\'s conceited. It\'s good to suffer this time. But the sword heart of Jiange is really great. If he can get out of Yang Ping\'s shadow, his future achievements will be unlimited. He may be comparable to Xie Yu."

The teacher asserted that the devil turned pale again.

Before, he felt that the heart of the sword was no longer good. He was defeated in Yang Ping\'s invincible way and planted the seeds of failure. Even the heart sword that had been dusty for ten years was cut off and started again in what area. But the teacher thought he was great.

The devil frowned and fell into thinking.

The teacher suddenly said, "you can\'t make progress because you are too conceited to accommodate the world. When you really think about the world and the universe, you can feel a mysterious realm. You can\'t tell the truth. That\'s the real invincible."

The devil didn\'t understand what the teacher said, but he still bowed down and thanked him.

The teacher smiled and didn\'t point it out.

Every peerless strong man has his own way. If he identifies a way, he will not turn back. When he really comes to the end, he will wake up. In fact, it will be too late at that time. Everyone is walking, but is everyone on the right path?

So far, the teacher dare not answer this question.

He inadvertently looked at the Qingshan cemetery in the suburb of Longcheng. He said secretly, nantianwang, you have left a seed of power after all. Even Lei Feng can\'t see through your mind, but I know very well that you have never believed anyone but yourself.

Things are getting more and more complicated.

The teacher took back his eyes and didn\'t tell the devil that someone had secretly ambushed the chess pieces in the Castle Peak cemetery on the outskirts of Longcheng.

Zhu Xi is walking down the mountain. She thinks about the words of old Tianmu before she leaves. Her destiny is doomed and no one can change it. If she wants to really change her destiny and help Yang Ping, she must learn to sacrifice.

"That day may come soon or never."

No one knows that Castle Peak cemetery has experienced the battle of the strongest in the world. Although it is only separated, that is their level of power, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Zhu Xi didn\'t see the man in green shirt or the old man in Tianmu for the last time, but she felt the power duel hanging on all living beings.

After all, the master left.

Zhu Xi was dejected. During this time, Tianmu old man was not the legendary high above, nor the kind of cold and heartless person. On the contrary, he had a feeling of closeness. It seemed that he was very familiar with Tianmu old man in his last life, but he couldn\'t remember it for a while.

Why is it so strange that he looks at me?

Zhu Xi thought like this. He didn\'t know how strong the old man Tianmu was, but from the spirit that he could suppress the mysterious tomb in the Castle Peak cemetery, it was definitely more than expected.

"What I have to do now is to integrate the power of Longcheng and become the only one."

Zhu Xi was instructed by the old man of Tianmu not to mix with Yang Ping, otherwise it will affect the fish in the pond. Yang Ping is not strong enough. He is the most cursed person, and he believes it. What she has to do is to secretly assist Yang Ping, rather than stay with her. Although she is strong, like pearl, she wantonly speaks out her love in her heart, but she can\'t.

Every time I think of being far away from Yang Ping, I can only watch silently in the distance. Zhu Xi\'s heart is like a knife.

"He forgot me after all."

Zhu Xi secretly said in her heart that Yang Ping didn\'t look for it like crazy during her disappearance. She wondered if Yang Ping would do this if the Pearl disappeared. The answer is definitely not. Yang Ping can do anything for the Pearl, but he is silently lonely.

But Zhu Xi had no regrets.

At the gate of Longcheng University, Zhu Xi made a plan to sacrifice herself. She knew that she was an enemy with Yang Ping. Mingzhu, an exquisite girl, was really suitable for Yang Ping. Only when they were together would they be perfect.

Bless him.

Miss him.

Zhu Xi sighed softly and showed a bitter smile.

After going down the mountain, Zhu Xi took the professional Maybach to Longcheng.

The news of Zhu Xi\'s return home shocked Longcheng.

All the people who pay attention to Zhu Xi\'s disappearance madly flock to China Airlines building. When Wang learned the news, he came to China Airlines building for the first time. He almost kicked the door into the office, but he didn\'t see Zhu Xi except Ma Weiwei sorting out the documents.

"What about people? Didn\'t they go home?"

Wang shouted.

Ma Weiwei replied, "as soon as Zhu returned to the company to explain some things, he went home."

Wang scolded and hurriedly went downstairs to the villa. Zhu Xi\'s phone couldn\'t get through. Wang had to look for the garden villa, but he still couldn\'t find it. He looked for several places. Unexpectedly, he found it in villa 3 in the emerald Dragon Court.

"No, didn\'t Zhu Xi want to sell the villa long ago?"

Wang knows what villa 3 stands for, represents the past of the Zhu family, and represents the past of Zhu Xi and Yang Ping. Zhu Xi has always wanted to cut off the past, so she moved out of villa 3, but now she moves back.


Wang stood at the door and saw Zhu Xi sitting under the tree in the front yard of the villa reading, focusing on things.

She is still so beautiful.

But I always feel that something is missing.