Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1279

Zhuge didn\'t think about daozun\'s defense means. The most powerful opponent is daoshu. A word reveals the secret of heaven, but Zhuge still takes a strong self-confidence. After operating Mengshan for many years, Zhuge concentrated the power of local channels into one move to kill Tianzun. This is also the reason why Zhuge Ming knew that Mengshan was the place of decisive battle and still didn\'t leave, but daozun waved his hand and broke his strongest and unique move, Unable to avoid losing his mind, he stared at his opponent.

"It\'s impossible..."

Still in shock, Zhuge could not accept the gap between the two, and Taoist Zun shot again.

His pupils twinkled with mountains and rivers, illuminating the whole Mengshan mountain, and said softly, "the Qi of the earth vein, let me show you what is the Qi of the earth vein. Wanli mountains and rivers, give me a start!"


Outside Mengshan mountain, with a radius of ten kilometers, the underground forces were restless and gathered madly at the top of Mengshan mountain. Daozun waved and said, seal!

Zhuge\'s rise is eternity.

His limbs were stiff, his eyes stopped turning and looked at Taoist Zun.

Taoist Zun turned around and stepped on the clouds, exuding invincible spirit. It is said that daozun is very strong, but no one has seen him try his best to solve Zhuge in the same realm.

Several eyes in the clouds saw Taoist Zun raise his hand to defeat Zhuge.

Taoist Zun closed his eyes and waited for the decisive battle.

An island full of peach blossoms.

The leader of the magic gate took back his eyes and looked cold. In less than a minute from Taoist Zun\'s hand to sealing Zhuge, he saw through the true meaning of Taoist Zun\'s hand, couldn\'t help looking at Longcheng and whispered, "I don\'t know what else to watch this game."

"He is a genius who was never born. When he joined wujialing, he just wanted to be recognized. Unfortunately, wujialing was full of talents. I don\'t know why he didn\'t reuse them. Now one of the reasons why he accepted Yang Ping\'s challenge is to prove that he killed Yang Ping, but the most important thing is to prove that Wu Jialing\'s vision is wrong."@^^$

The old man walked out from the depths of the peach blossom forest and sighed: "the heavenly way he built, the heavenly heart is my heart. Even if it is not as good as you, it is not far away."

The demon leader smiled and said, "teacher, this is your highest evaluation of him."

The old man was eager to see through his eyes and said, "this decisive battle is becoming more and more interesting. I hope to see how the heirs selected by the master will deal with it. It\'s a leapfrog challenge. Although Wu Jialing is best at leapfrog challenges, the mountain in front of Yang Pingping is too high. I\'m afraid it\'s impossible to climb."

The leader of the demon gate said strangely, "doesn\'t it mean that Yang Ping has no possibility of defeating the Taoist priest?"

The teacher smiled but didn\'t speak.! $*!


The old man sighed faintly, remembering that he once said, "they like to create miracles, but they don\'t know whether they can cross the way of heaven."

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

A peerless beauty collects herbs in the mountains and miracles in the chaotic place. There are Millennium miracles here. Any old medicine can cause competition among countless people outside. The chaotic place is known as the most mysterious and ancient place in the world, which hides many mysteries. So far, Cihang Jingzhai can\'t detect all of them.

The Taoist priest sealed Zhuge. The Zhai Lord felt it for the first time, but she didn\'t pay as much attention as the demon gate. Instead, she continued to collect medicine. She walked in a cloud with perfect bare feet, Lingbo and lotus step by step. The herb senses the arrival of the vegetarian Lord and releases the medicine fragrance. Just smelling the medicine fragrance can prolong the life of a seriously ill old man.

The vegetarian master had no foreign objects in his heart. After collecting the medicine, he came to a pavilion and lived on the hillside. At this time, the sun was bright and the birds and cicadas around him were singing. What a fairy land on earth. The vegetarian came to the pavilion, shook the bamboo basket, looked up at the sky, and remembered the rainy night and dusk.

That rainy evening, I watched the cold rain all night.

"The falling flower man is independent and the micro swift flies together."

The Zhai Lord stood in the pavilion and read about the past. His eyes were as bright as stars.

Lingnan peak towered into the clouds.

The Lord of heaven, leaning on a crutch, saw through the battle on the top of Mengshan mountain, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "interesting."

Taoist Zun seemed to see the attention from the three super holy places, smiled and burst out with confidence. Today, he constantly adjusts his state, improves his energy and spirit to the extreme, and deals with the next duel.

He is not a person who belittles the enemy. He considers everything carefully, so he seals Zhuge, borrows the treasure land, and wants to kill Yang Ping in front of the strong in the world. Even if he loses his reputation of bullying the small, he must prove himself.

"I will prove to you who is the real successor."

Taoist Zun said in his heart, "a wise man must have a mistake if he worries a lot. Elder martial brother, you never thought about it. He made a fatal mistake when his apprentice was in the critical moment and was sealed in the wormhole in the South China Sea. In those years, you and I had different ways. Now I want to prove who is the real successor of the immortal medical school."

"Yang Ping must die."

Taoist Zun\'s belief is invincible. With the heart of killing, a green spirit rushes into the sky.

"In your state, I hope to fight with you." a burst of laughter came from Peach Blossom Island. The leader of the magic gate was eager to try and exclaimed, "this should be your peak state and qualified to challenge me."

Taoist Zun laughed and responded: "don\'t worry, when I kill Yang Ping, I will challenge you."

"Waiting for you."

The demon leader took back his mind, and his words were tantamount to admitting the power of the Taoist priest.

"Lord of heaven, do you want to fight me, too?"

Tao Zun looked at the Lingnan peak and said with a smile, "when I read the Tao of heaven and become the master, I will naturally find you."

"Tao Zun, you are arrogant."

The Lord of heaven responded indifferently and said, "you don\'t know who you are facing. You are a blood that is good at creating miracles. I hope you don\'t become the withered bone at the foot of the legend."


Taoist Zun disdained and said, "just rely on Yang Ping?"

"It\'s too weak. I can suppress it by turning my hand."

After a short exchange of ideas, the top of Mengshan Mountain returned to quiet. Taoist Zun looked at Zhuge fiercely. The power of mountains and rivers on the other side dissolved, and a mysterious chaotic light came out of the body, then broke through the seal and soared into the sky.

Zhuge broke through the air and left no trace. Even the powerful divine thought of Taoist Zun had no time to stop it. Zhuge used the blood burning technique to increase his speed to a hundred times to escape from Mengshan and disappear. However, the representative of the blood burning technique is that Zhuge needs to rest for three years before he can recover.

Zhuge doesn\'t think so. A defeated general is nothing but dust under his feet.

"Fast Lord, you are against me."

Taoist Zun stared at Yunshen and said with a sneer, "when I go further, even if it\'s the first holy land in the world, I\'ll go and ask for an explanation. I\'ll meet your Cihang sword code and see if it\'s really the first in the world."

"Benefactor, you can\'t help your heart. If you\'re not afraid, why should you flaunt it? The strong are certainly strong. I hope benefactor can see through his heart, gain the road and give up hatred for the common people." the vegetarian Lord sighed.

Tao Zun was cold and silent.

No one knows that daozun has communicated with the leaders of the three super holy places, but that is why it proves that daozun is terrible. He is a strong man at the leader level and reads the power of mountains and rivers.

But the other person in the showdown, Yang Ping, came out of the cinema with the Pearl and enjoyed peace and happiness.

By the Luoshui river.

Yang Ping hugged the Pearl from behind and looked at the quiet water together.

"This is Yang Ping? He doesn\'t know what to do."

A sneer came from a distance, and a young man with a long sword came out, his face full of defiance and disdain.