Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1278

The sun rises in the East.

Yang Ping hugged the Pearl and stared at the rising sun in the East. His eyes were clear and gentle. He no longer had the sharpness and edge to face the enemy. He was like a peerless sword in its scabbard and relaxed slightly. Pearl nestled in her arms, changed a comfortable posture and showed a satisfied smile. The light shines on her pretty face and appears extremely holy. It seems that all the hardships she faces have disappeared. She feels that with Yang Ping, she has the world.

Dragon city is peaceful again.

Those hidden forces, big and small, no longer pay attention to the trend of the treasure Pavilion all the time. They want to know when the person challenging Taoist Zun can\'t bear the pressure to escape from the chaotic dragon city. Most people feel that Yang Ping is looking for death. A meat once on the chopping block suddenly becomes superior to everyone. When he doesn\'t adapt, he has an ironic smile.

In today\'s Jianghu, you can\'t help but know the origin of the immortal medicine sect, but you can\'t help but know the terrible of the Taoist priest. Taoist reverence is like a high mountain in front of Jianghu people, which makes people look up to it.

Everyone who knows the name of the Taoist priest is in awe.

Tao Zun\'s name is always named after the leaders of the first-class holy places. Even the leaders of the first-class holy places should honor the younger generation when they see Tao Zun. As for Yang Ping, the young people who have only risen in the past six months, even if they are demons, can\'t defeat a famous giant for many years.

Taoist priest vs. Yang Ping.

Needless to think, this directly announced the fall of a demon genius.

As the leader of the Jianghu, daozun will never let a young man tarnish the dignity of the super strong.

When the news of the duel was scattered all over China like snowflakes, at the top of Mengshan mountain, a Taoist in yellow robe stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the endless floating clouds. His figure floated in the thick clouds. His existence seemed to be the center of heaven and earth.

When he was angry, the situation changed.

It was sunny when he was happy.

When he was worried, the dark clouds covered the sky.

When he mourned, the world was gloomy.

He stood quietly on the top of the mountain and watched the sunset and sunrise. His body emitted hazy light. One extremely mysterious seal script floated out of his body, and then rotated around his body, absorbing the avenue between heaven and earth.

Bang bang!

A huge heart beats and controls heaven and earth.

Take a breath.

Countless mysterious forces, such as the long river, tore open space and entered the body from another distant dimensional space. He closed his eyes, just like the emperor between heaven and earth, devoured infinite power and became more and more unfathomable. At this time, a looming world was formed in his body. When the dust world evolved into a small world, it meant that he was about to enter the realm of longevity, a supreme level beyond the realm of heaven.

In the realm of longevity, there are few people in the world today. Taoist Zun will rely on his own strength to break through the confinement of the world and achieve a small world.

The heavenly heart is my heart.

The way of heaven is my way.

The Taoist priest opened his eyes. In an instant, the Star River vibrated, and the depths of the endless sky were shaking, responding to his power. As soon as he thought of life, he attracted the stars, and the strength of Taoist Zun reached an extremely terrible level.

All the breath converged. The Taoist priest did not leave, but continued to wait silently. The eyes projected the vicissitudes of life, like a wild beast, including indifference, tyranny, ruthlessness and hegemony.

Mengshan is Zhuge\'s territory. It has been operating here for decades and is as solid as gold soup. Generally, Tianzun realm is not Zhuge\'s opponent here, but daozun\'s arrival here makes Zhuge afraid to show up.

Taoist Zun\'s eyes were cold and said faintly, "do you have any opinion if I want to be here?"

A sigh.

The dense fog on the top of the mountain dispersed, and a figure came out. He looked at Taoist Zun with complex eyes. As soon as he appeared, the whole mountain resonated. The power of the earth vein hidden in Mengshan gathered and came crazy towards him, and his strength was rising.

Taoist Zunming knew that Zhuge was improving his strength, but he didn\'t. He still turned his back to Zhuge and silently looked at clouds, as if he didn\'t think Zhuge was an opponent in his eyes.

Zhuge narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, "you kill my people and occupy my territory. When I sublimate to the utmost, aren\'t you afraid that I\'ll kill you before you duel?" the power of earth vessels in his body is full. It is estimated that he can blow up the void with one punch and be full of infinite self-confidence.

Even if there was a legendary Taoist statue in front of him, Zhuge was not afraid at all.

The power of the earth vein is a means he has prepared for decades. He didn\'t use it in front of the Taoist priest before. Now he is angry when he sees that the Taoist priest is too overbearing. He is at least the realm of heaven. He is a figure who even the Lord of Cihang Jingzhai looks at differently. Taoist Zun despises him, which is unforgivable.

Taoist Zun turned and stared at Zhuge.

At that moment, Zhuge turned pale and looked at each other as if he saw a wild beast. The momentum of the other party was terrible. It was like returning to the weak hour and facing the strong, he couldn\'t help but panic.

How is that possible?

Tao Zun was in the same state as himself. He couldn\'t see through it.

In his heart, Zhuge said in a deep voice, "are you sure you want to fight me?"

Tao Zun smiled and nodded seriously, "I want to borrow something from you."

Zhuge sneered, "you are not qualified to command me."

Taoist Zun sighed and said helplessly, "in that case, I have to do it. Zhuge, you are the best diviner in the world. Have you ever thought about your end?"

Zhuge squinted and said coldly, "you are too confident."

Taoist Zun said with a smile, "it seems that there is no need to talk about it. Zhuge, you now have two ways to choose, one is to surrender to me, the other is to be killed by me and draw souls. Choose yourself."


Zhuge laughed wildly and disdained to say, "who do you think you are? The leader of the vegetarian sect, the leader of the demon sect, or the immortal of the heaven. The three of them control the three artifacts in the world. Naturally, I am not an opponent, but you are just an abandoned son of the immortal medical sect. Don\'t give yourself money."

Tao Zun regretted: "you are so stupid."

Earth fist!

Zhuge didn\'t talk nonsense. He directly hit the earth divine fist. When he hit it, the power of the whole earth vein of Mengshan emerged and the fist power increased ten times. He used the power of the earth vein to refine and understand a set of earth divine fist, which is the Kung Fu to press the bottom of the box. These moves are the strongest and unique skills used to deal with the leader of the demon sect. Now they are used to deal with the Taoist priest. If you want to strike, you will be killed.

Tao Zun gave him a mysterious feeling. He didn\'t want to waste time.

The earth\'s divine fist shook the whole Mengshan mountain, and the mountains and rivers moved with it.

Taoist Zun quietly looked at Zhuge\'s hand and didn\'t avoid it. Instead, he showed a trace of appreciation. He said: "combined with the power of the earth vein, you created this move. You\'re more powerful than I thought. I thought you were just a waste of divination."


When Zhuge heard that Taoist Zun despised himself so much, he roared, and the earth divine fist broke out in an instant.

At the top of Mengshan mountain, there are countless imperial dragons suddenly changing in the rich. Each imperial dragon emits a high breath. The cold eyes lock the Taoist statue, like a soul in the heart, and bite the Taoist statue at the thought. The imperial dragon was like a real dragon, and its scales glittered with cold light on the top of Mengshan mountain. A mouth, showing sharp teeth.

Taoist Zun Leng hummed, "it\'s just mole ants."

Wave your hand.

The stratus clouds dispersed.

The fog disappeared.

The whole earth vein of Mengshan mountain was like a huge stone smashing on the ridge of the field, which was extremely hegemonic and blocked. Zhuge turned pale. The Emperor Dragon whimpered with the power of the earth vein, which dissipated with the wave of Taoist priest.

Zhuge stared at Taoist Zun.